Chapter 1693

“…Look at the world with kindness?”

Repeating this sentence again, a wave of waves flashed in the eyes of the Seven Sins. But immediately, it turned into disdain and mockery: “Do you think I would believe this kind of nonsense?”

“Huh? Kindness? Treat other people with kindness, will others return you with kindness? They only tweeted,’Wow, this person is so stupid~’ Hahahaha, there is such a thing in the world Idiot!”Go ahead and lie to her tomorrow~’Come to laugh at you!”

“Then when they get bored, they will bully and play with you as much as they want, and finally trick you into making money for them! This is the world, this is the world!”

“…Yes, indeed.”

“I want to use some hypocritical words to deceive me… hey?”

“No, I am not going to deny it.”

Xie Ming smiled: “To treat the world with good intentions does not mean that others should be bullied, and it does not mean that we should lose our vigilance.”

“What I want to tell you is that when you encounter something, don’t speculate with malicious intent, but treat it with vigilance and kindness. This way of looking at things, whether it is to others or to yourself, It’s good.”

“It’s like I just want to entertain you for a meal normally. This is just a casual thing for me. But the seven sins, what did you think at the time?”

“‘What is he thinking?” Is he trying to poison me? Is he trying to laugh at my embarrassed appearance when I eat?… This kind of negative thought is the same in your own heart for the seven sins. Kind of killing.”

“I think what I teach the elves is to live independently in this society and have a very happy way. To live in this society, it is not enough to just see the light side.”

“You don’t need to touch the’dark’ side. But you must also admit and accept that’darkness’ is also part of the world.”

“Oh, what’s the point of saying so much?”

Seven Sins sneered: “Anyway, you still hold half of my power in your hands. You are the sword and I am the fish. No matter what you say, I can only agree.”

“If you want to prove that what you said is right, then give me your strength first.”

“I can return my strength to you, but not now.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “I just said that holding kindness does not mean losing vigilance. If I return my strength to you now, you will do what?”

“Nothing will be done.”



Seven sins were full of sincerity: “Didn’t you just say that you should treat people with kindness first? So believe me once, I will definitely be honest.”

“All right.”


Feeling the full recovery of the power, the Seven Sins were first taken aback, followed by irresistible ecstasy.

Unexpectedly, the man in front of him was so stupid! He believes what he says? Hahahahaha, so naive! Do you really think I won’t retaliate? think too much!

All the people who saw my original appearance are going to die! I want to wipe you all out of this society!

First of all, it’s you guy!


Without hesitation, he summoned his own angel, and pointed the lantern and mirror on the front of the broom at Xie Ming. Seven Sins laughed and said, “Hahahaha! Idiot! Pay the price for your stupidity……. .Bar?”

“Huh? Huh?”

The spiritual power in the body disappeared again, and the body returned to its original appearance again. The angel naturally disappeared with the disappearance of spiritual power.

“Important things are usually said three times, so after I say this time, I won’t say it again.”

Xie Ming looked at the seven sins with a smile: “Treat others with kindness does not mean you have to lose your vigilance. When you can protect yourself, do the best you can.”

“I hope this lesson will help you, Seven Sins.””you you!!!!”

Seven Guilts shouted angrily: “You lied to me!”

“Where did I lie to you?”

“You said you want to return the power to me!”

“Yes, I did return my strength to you.” Xie Ming stood up and looked at the seven sins condescendingly: “In fact, if you do what you promised, the strength will always be in your body. .”

“But you didn’t do what you said.”

Kneeling down, looking directly into the eyes of Seven Sins, the smile on Xie Ming’s face slowly disappeared.

“What are you doing!?”

Seven Sins took a few steps back, although they were still holding on, but the trembling body couldn’t be faked.

Seeing this scene, Xie Ming sighed slightly in his heart.

“Seven sins, you deceived me. It’s as if I deceived you in your imagination.” Xie Ming said calmly: “You should hate that kind of maliciousness without any reason, right?”

“But what is the difference between your current behavior and the person you hate the most? Do you want to be that kind of person?”

“The kind of hypocritical person who has one face to face and another set on the back?”

“Well-winded! What qualifications do you have to teach me!? Who do you think you are!?”

Seven Sins blushed, and yelled hysterically: “Everyone does that, no one is willing to pay attention to this ugly appearance of me! So, is it wrong for me to do this!?”

“I’m so bad! I’m a bad person! I know it in my heart! I am such an ugly woman who is so inferior and bad! You just want me to tell you this, right! Now you are satisfied!? ”

“No, not satisfied.”

Faced with the girl’s already slightly crazy state, Xie Ming still remained unmoved: “Because you understand where you are wrong, but you are not willing to change it.”

“Because you think everyone is doing something wrong, you should also do something wrong. You are attaching the mistakes you encountered and seen to everyone. This is not right.”

“I have said who you are!? What qualifications do you have to comment on my right or wrong!?”

“A right or wrong comment does not require qualifications. As for who I am, I have introduced you to it before.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “My name is Xie Ming. I am a teacher who came to Zen High School. I am also a teacher who cares for and guides the elves.”

“I want the elves to live happily in this world independently even if they lose their spiritual power. Among the elves, there is a place for you, the seven sins.”

“You are called nosy!!”

“Well, put aside these things. Let’s talk about the problem between the two of us now.”

Sitting on the ground casually, Xie Ming looked at the Seven Sins who hugged knees and squatted in the corner: “Before, the two of us agreed that I will give you spiritual power, and you will be honest.”

“And I completed what I promised you, but you didn’t.”

“If you look at this from the perspective of an adult, it is that I signed a contract with you. I fulfilled it, but you didn’t. So as the price of your breach of contract, I took away the spiritual power from you.”

“Now, I want to re-sign a new contract with you. But in view of your previous breach of contract, you have to fulfill your responsibilities in this contract.”

Xie Ming said lightly: “You need to live with us honestly for a week under my arrangement. After a week, I will return all my strength to you.”

“…A week?”

The Seven Sins raised his head: “As long as you listen to you, you will return it to me in a week?”

“Yes.” Xie Ming said calmly: “Of course, you can choose not to believe this contract.”

“Heh…” Seven Sins sneered: “If I don’t agree, what are you going to do?”

“Don’t do anything, just entrust you to relevant agencies.” Xie Ming said blankly: “After all, no matter what, you are still a child.”

“You need corresponding learning and training to be independent. However, you don’t want to regain this spiritual power anymore.”

“…Do I still want to thank you for your forgiveness?”


Xie Ming said indifferently: “Because this is not my forgiveness for you, but a punishment for you.”

“The evil consequences of your own actions are naturally to be eaten by yourself. Okay, now you can make your choice.”

“Do I have any other options?”

The Seven Sins stared at Xie Ming fiercely, grinding their teeth, as if they wanted to pounce on a bite: “I agree.”

“Very good, then the contract is established.”

Nodded, Xie Ming stood up: “Kuangsan, you take this girl to wash up first, I will clean up the house where she lives.”

“Yes~ teacher.”

Kuangsan opened the door with a smile: “Then Miss Seven Sins, please come with me.”

Dangerous and annoying woman, this is the first impression of the Seven Sins when he sees Kuangsanshi.

Slender willow waist, smooth skin, perfect figure with front and back curls, grace with a little dangerous temperament, combined with the face that can’t pick out any flaws…

Let alone Kuangsan, the women in this family are all the types she hates.

Naturally beautiful but not complacent, kind and straightforward. Shishino is cowardly and cute, who easily arouses men’s protective desires. Twins with a slim body and a sexy body…

The only thing that made the Seven Sins feel good about it was the lazy Erya.

But the messy but very supple silver hair and smooth skin brought this goodwill infinitely closer to 0 points.

However, it is Kuangsan who pulls the hatred of the seven sins the most.

“Oh, this kind of woman must have become that man’s plaything! Every night sure…”

Uncontrollable, the relationship between Imagination Kuangsan and Xie Ming began to be vicious in Qigui’s heart.

This is not a strange thing, no matter who it is, he will have ugly and vicious thoughts towards others. But the scary thing is that some people will act in accordance with these ideas.

Because in their hearts, there is no regulation called ‘morality’, nor do they regard the restriction of ‘law’ as the same thing.

Or, they themselves have the power to ignore the law of society.

The current seven sins, it is obvious that they have initially entered this stage.

At first she was still young, but she had seen too much at this age…or had been exposed to too many things and darkness that she shouldn’t be exposed to at her age.

Once this ingredient is combined with power, it will be an extremely terrifying chemical reaction.

She knew very well what the consequences would be, but she didn’t care. Because she thought so, she did it.

So although the seven sins were in the hysteria just now, Xie Ming felt that one of her most important problems was her inferiority towards herself. But just solving this problem is not enough.

Ideological darkness and self-centered individualism are all knots that need to be untied.

However, you have to eat one bite at a time, so the problem will naturally be solved one by one.

Because of low self-esteem, it caused darkness in the way of thinking about the Seven Sins, which in turn triggered her individualistic style of doing things. In other words, low self-esteem is the root cause, and the other two are the root causes.

If the root cause of the disease is not eradicated, but only the problem is solved, it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

But if you want to get rid of the root of the disease directly, the disease will become your biggest hindrance.

If the situation is extremely critical and even threatens the lives of the Seven Sins, then the obstacle of the disease will naturally be overcome. But now, where is the danger?

There is no other way, Xie Ming can only take a cameo by himself and it is dangerous. He hasn’t done it before.”Ah, Sister Kuangsan…”

Shiito walked out of the bathroom after wiping his hair with a towel. First glanced at his seven sins vigilantly, and seemed to understand something: “Sister Kuangsan wants to take this child to take a bath?”


Kuangsan smiled and said, “Can Shishino pick out some clothes? After all, there is no clothes for this child at home.”


Shitono said softly, “My place…There are still some newly bought ones that haven’t been worn…”

“Ahhhhhh, okay?” Shishina looked at Shishino suspiciously, “Isn’t that the last time I went shopping and bought it with Xie Ming’s brother?”

“It’s ok….”

Shishino smiled shyly: “I can help Brother Xie Ming… is the most important thing…”

“Sister Kuangsan, I’ll get it later…”

“Please.” Kuangsan touched Shinono’s head lightly, then turned to look at Seven Sins: “Then let’s go in.”

“Although there is another person who is more suitable to help you organize your image, it is really dangerous to let her enter this home. So wait for tomorrow and let the teacher take you there.”

“I will take care of it for you today.”

“What to take care of?”

Seven Sins took a few steps back and looked at Kuang San with a vigilant expression.

“Of course it’s hair, skin and face.”

“do not want!”

Without thinking about it, the Seven Sins turned around and ran away. But as soon as he turned his head, his face bumped into a pair of softness. Looking up, it was another mad three with a smile.

“Ahhhhhh, what a naughty child.”

The third Kuangsan emerged from the shadows and set up the seven sins from under his arm: “The disobedient child, but needs to be tuned….Lesson~”

“Hey! You woman!! I definitely wanted to talk about training! Let go of me! Let go of me soon!!!”

“That won’t work~”

The second Kuangsan grabbed the struggling legs of the Seven Sins: “This little thing can’t be done well, it will disappoint the teacher.”

“I don’t want it! Anyway, you must laugh at me, right! You laugh at me with a wrong look at that time, and appreciate my despair, right! Tell you, I will never be fooled!”


The three Kuangsan glanced at each other and looked at the Seven Sins together: “How did Miss Seven Sins promise the teacher just now?”


“Be honest~”

“… Damn it, that man is so sinister with his heart!”

Like a cat whose neck was pinched, the Seven Sins gave up struggling, with a generous expression on his face: “Come on! I’m mentally prepared!”

“Really good~”


Shiono blinked as he watched the three mad three entering the bathroom with the Seven Sins.

“What a troublesome kid has come.”

Shishina sighed, “Brother Xie Ming has to work hard again.”

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