Chapter 1694 I beg you to be a man

“Have you taken a shower?”

“is teacher.”

Kuang San in pajamas helped Qi Sin wipe his hair and said with a smile: “This time, a naughty child has come.”

“Bear boy, just take care of it.”

“Hey! Who do you say is a bear kid!”

“Please don’t check in.” Xie Ming flipped Byakugan and patted the chair in front of him: “Come on, sit on it. Ye Juya! Please cut your hair for the Seven Sins.”

“Hmm~ It’s finally time for me to appear on the stage.”

Holding the scissors and comb, Ye Juya walked over with a smug look: “Let me take care of your nest of weeds!”

“…You are going to cut my head into a bald head, and then laugh at me fiercely!”


Xie Ming was too lazy to explain to this persecuted delusion: “But you still have to sit up obediently.”

“… Damn it!”

After weighing his strength and hair on the scales in his heart, the Seven Sins chose strength in the end. After all, as long as the power returns, isn’t it a matter of a few seconds to grow your hair?

This kind of contradictory psychological activity is actually the current problem of the Seven Sins.

Obviously, she has no doubts about the important issue of returning power. But when it comes to the trivial matter of cutting his hair, he is extremely distrustful of Xie Ming.

Or in other words, the seven sins are actually lying flat now?

But no matter what, what Xie Ming needs to do is to initially establish the self-confidence of the seven sins within this week. Let her have a certain degree of recognition for herself.

As the old saying goes, the last thing Xie Ming wants to see is that people have given up on themselves and are unwilling to grasp the helping hand of others.

He doesn’t want to save himself and gives up going forward, so what if he pulls the opponent forward? It’s impossible, let others take it for a lifetime, right?

Although the Seven Sins had a lot of psychological problems, but fortunately, she still had the idea of ​​‘change’ deep in her heart.

If she had given up on change and completely abandoned herself, it would be impossible for her to transform herself into the mature big sister she had longed for.

The main reason for becoming that appearance is that he wants to be recognized by others.

From this perspective, the Seven Sins is still an extroverted character.

The characteristic of an extroverted personality is that he likes to stay in the crowd, is eager to get the attention and approval of others, and is very curious. Introverted personality likes to be alone and doesn’t care much about others’ evaluations.

But at this point, the seven sins are very contradictory. She obviously hopes to be recognized by others, but she is withdrawn and hates collective action and noise.

The reason is still low self-esteem.

I want to get the attention and approval of others, but I feel that I can’t do it, I can’t do it myself. Even if others gave positive comments, she would only speculate maliciously.

Therefore, in order to solve the problems of the Seven Sins, the first thing she needs is to remove her disgust with her original appearance and build up her self-confidence in appearance.

In other words, we must first take care of the image of the seven sins.

In fact, improving your appearance is not as difficult as you think. Regardless of men and women, if you want to change and improve your own image, the first step you need to do is to take care of your appearance.

A situation like the Seven Sins is especially simple. Because her own foundation is not bad, if she dresses up a little, her cuteness is not inferior to Shiiono at all.

There are two main reasons that make her look bad.

One is that she herself did not take care of the naturally curly long hair, which caused this beautiful green hair that should have been beautiful to give people a sense of unkempt sloppy.

One is mental state. The extreme low self-esteem and dark psychological activities made her temperament a little gloomy. This mental state indirectly affected the first impression of others when they saw her.

So within this week, the problems Xie Ming needs to solve are these two things.

What he has to do now is to clean up the seven sins first.Earlier, I asked Kuangsan to take the seven sins to take a bath first, just to let her deal with the messy hair of the seven sins, and straighten it out, so that she can deal with the split ends in her hair by herself.

In this regard, I really have to thank the elves for their physique. Even if the Seven Sins hadn’t taken care of his hair at all, and allowed it to grow wildly, its hair quality was not bad.

Xie Ming seems to be in this situation, but to Ye Juzhi it seems to be a different matter.

“Hahahaha, what a difficult enemy! However, under my gorgeous technology, even the most powerful enemy will eventually be defeated by my “God’s Double Cut”!”

“Look at the trick! Double-edged Gale Cinder Killing Array!!”

Hearing this extremely two name and exaggerated way of speaking, only two words remained in the heart of the seven sins: it’s over.

In her mind, “Bald Head” is actually a good ending. After all, although bald head is comparable to a devastating blow to women, no one sees it as long as they stay at home.

By the way, it can be sold badly, maybe Xie Ming can give her back some strength in advance. Don’t ask for too much, as long as she can be transformed.

As long as she becomes the perfect woman, it doesn’t really matter what she is now.

Yes… Anyway, it has become so ugly, where can it go.

But in fact, after hearing the ‘cracking’ sound of the scissors, Qi Sin felt regretful in his heart.

After more than ten minutes, Yakiya gently blew the end of the scissors: “It’s over.”

“Now, you can fully admire my skills that are comparable to ghosts and gods!”


Looking at the seven sins that were already completely different from the previous ones, Xie Ming nodded seriously: “It is indeed Ye Jushi.”

“Yes, it’s impressive.”

“Hahahaha, praise me more!”

Looking at Ye Juya who was laughing akimbo, Xie Ming smiled and shook his head, then patted Qigui’s shoulder lightly: “It’s been cut, you can open your eyes.”

“…You man, you are so vicious!”

A few tears overflowed from the corners of the seven sins’ eyes: “It’s not enough to laugh at you, but should I let me see what I am now!?”

“Okay! I’m just as you wish…Huh?”

The disheveled hair now becomes smooth and tidy. The side hair and back hair are tied up by a cute ribbon, tied into a neat low ponytail and placed on the right shoulder.

The temples also slightly blocked his face under the design of Ye Juya, making the face of the seven sins like a melon seed face.

And it seems that because the emotions have just been excited, the originally slightly pale face has also become ruddy.

The Seven Sins now looks like a healthy athletic girl.

“How is it? Satisfied?”


this is me?

Looking at himself in the floor-to-ceiling mirror, the seven sins were a little unbelievable.

Although the skin is still not as smooth as other girls, so it can be broken by blowing, but under the treatment of Kuangsan, it is not as bad as before.

Strictly speaking, the appearance of the Seven Sins has not undergone a qualitative change. But with the addition of the hairstyle, it is indeed much cleaner than before.

“All right.”

Clapping his hands, Xie Ming said lightly: “Starting tomorrow, I will ask you to get up and go to morning exercises with me and Shixiang.”

“So today you go to bed early and keep your spirits up.”


Seven Sins blinked: “Hey, hey, isn’t it Xie Ming? Although I am now dressed a bit like a sports girl, I am strictly speaking of the weak and autistic category!”

“With the addition of spiritual power, there is no sickness or weakness.”

Xie Ming turned Byakugan and dismissed the seven sins protest: “I said, you will listen to me this week. Do you want to breach the contract now?”

“……… Damn it!”


If you want to improve your energy, what is the most effective way?

Eat well, sleep well and exercise well.

Simply put into four words, it is ‘healthy life’.

When it comes to meals, Xie Ming actually doesn’t pay much attention to nutrition and calories. After all, Chinese people only pay attention to one problem when it comes to eating.

Is it delicious?

Although this is the case, it is still relatively healthy to eat in a normal Chinese family. After all, no matter what, there will be a healthy vegetable.

In countries other than China, it is almost impossible for this kind of vegetable dishes to appear on the dinner table. In other words, most people have an extremely resistant attitude towards vegetables.


Because they don’t know how to make vegetables delicious.

Take the one thing we are most familiar with, why don’t Japanese people like to eat green peppers? Because the way they handle green peppers is to boil them in boiling water.

You can’t stand it if you change to a person from any country. The bitterness of the green peppers cooked in boiling water is even comparable to bitter gourd.

Families with conditions can take vitamin tablets directly in order to supplement the vitamins in the body to replace the role of vegetables.

Which of the two diets is better is not discussed here. But Xie Ming’s family, headed by Xie Ming, has three meals basically typical Chinese dishes.

Therefore, thanks to Xie Ming’s efforts, Shixiang and others gradually accepted that a dish such as single-fried vegetables appeared on the dinner table.

After all, the taste is good.

But at this price, the other elves except Shixiang started to control their body weight through aerobic exercise.

No way, if you eat too much and don’t exercise, don’t you have to get fat?

So after finishing their homework, the girls will practice yoga or do aerobics in their rooms. Shitono has enough exercise during the day, so it is usually the first one to take a bath in the house.

Shixiang insisted on getting up early every day and going to train on unknown islands with Xie Ming.

For her, this is a rare time to be alone with Xie Ming.



Seeing the seven sins with sleepy eyes but having changed his clothes, Shixiang puffed up his face: “Xie Ming, do the seven sins also come?”


“That’s it…”

“That…” Seven Sins raised his hand cautiously: “I don’t need to go.”

“”no. “”


Xie Ming’s reaction was expected by the seven sins, but why did this woman object to it? Doesn’t she want to follow by herself, she wants to be alone with this man?

“Since Xie Ming asked you to come and exercise, it shows that Xie Ming has his reasons.”

Seeing the doubts of the seven sins, Shixiang said seriously: “Since Xie Ming is helping you, then I have no reason to object.”

Ah… this woman is really…

Forget it, anyway, I didn’t have too much hope in the first place. I hope that after a week, I will still be alive.

After a deep sigh, the seven sins confessed his fate and put on sneakers. Then, a breeze with a little damp breeze blew her bangs and made her raise her head.

“…Where is this?””The unknown island that Shixiang and I used to exercise.”

“No, I didn’t mean that, I mean why we were still in the house the moment before, and we came to this island in the next second?”

“Because I have spatial ability.”

Xie Ming beckoned: “Come here, I will take you to do warm-up exercises.”

“After the warm-up exercise, you can just run three laps around this island. It’s not difficult for you.”

“Three…Three laps!?”

“Yes. Also, you put on this.” Taking out a vest from the shadow space, Xie Ming handed it to Seven Sins: “This is the vest to cure your hunchback.”

“Except for bathing and sleeping, you will have to wear it all the time.”

“Please be a man!”

The Seven Sins cried out without tears: “You want to kill you want to kill you, why are you tossing me so much!? What are you doing!? Do you want to eat my healthy and healthy after exercise?”

“Yes.” Xie Ming said blankly: “So you have to exercise, otherwise the loose and woody meat will not taste good.”

“You!!! I know! I just do it!”


Xie Ming said lightly: “It’s best to get rid of the lazy thoughts in my heart. You must finish running before I finish training with Shixiang. Otherwise, you will stay on this island this day.”

“I will send you lunch at noon, and I will pick you up after get off work, so don’t worry.”


To be honest, the Seven Sins really want to kill this man now. Even if he can’t die, it’s a good thing to die with him.

But the problem is that she is just a fish on the cutting board. How do they want to do it, just do it like that.

So the thousands of words in my heart are all reduced to two words.


The Seven Sins shouted with tears: “You are definitely a demon!”

“Yes.” Xie Ming raised his eyebrows: “So, now we are going to warm up, do you want to be together?”

“Remind, if you don’t warm up, you will definitely feel pain all over after three laps.”


Clenching his fist, biting his lip, the seven sins humiliatedly spit out a word: “Hot!”

Shixiang looked at Xie Ming’s seven sins blankly, wiped away his tears, and honestly walked up to Xie Ming’s seven sins: “Xie Ming, is this…”

“rest assured.”

Xie Ming smiled and said, “What should I do with the kid’s skin? Clean it up twice and be honest.”

“I can’t have more experience in dealing with stinging heads.”


Inexplicably, Shixiang shuddered. Even if it was her usually unpleasant mind, she suddenly wanted to understand one thing at this time.

If you…no, if everyone didn’t speak well at the time, wouldn’t they…will end up with the seven sins?

“What’s wrong? Shixiang?”

Xie Ming stretched his arms: “Go ahead, otherwise time will be a little tight.”

“Ah, oh, let’s get started.”

Hurrying to erase the more terrifying thoughts in his head, Shixiang glanced at Qigui with some pity.

Go back and talk to everyone, let everyone be nice to this child.

It’s so pitiful.

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