Chapter 1695 This Child Is So Cute

Eat, can’t eat!

Staring closely at the food before his eyes, the corners of Qi Sin’s eyes twitched, and the hand holding the chopsticks was trembling.

I am hungry. Yes, I am hungry!

There is no doubt about this!

Seven sins swears, this is the first time in my life that I feel so hungry and want to swallow a cow alive.

But I can’t eat it!

Reason tells her that she now needs to eat more to replenish energy. But the body was saying no to her.

“What’s wrong, seven sins?”

Shixiang looked at her worriedly: “Is it unwell? Why don’t you eat it?”


Looking at the three bowls of ten incense, Qi Sin’s throat rolled a few times: “I…I’m fine.”

“Don’t worry, Shixiang.”

Xie Ming on the side said lightly: “She is typically too tired to eat. The reason is that her blood is insufficient and her body is too weak. It’s not a big problem.”

“With spiritual power, it will be restored in the past today.”

“Really? The Seven Sins, that’s great.”

Although I don’t understand what the reasons Xie Ming said earlier, Shixiang still understands the last sentence. Since Xie Ming said it was okay, it must be okay.

For the seven sins, this is obviously not the case.

Okay, where is it good?

Do you know what is the concept of three laps around the island? I’m almost exhausted just walking, and I actually let myself run! ?

“Hmm… That’s great…”

Qiang smiled and responded, Qi Sin picked up the fried egg with grief and indignation, and took a big bite. She can only use her emotions to drive her body now.

But in fact, the amount of exercise Xie Ming arranged for her was not that big.

The island is only a few thousand square meters in total, and one lap is about 1200 meters at most. Three circles, 3,600 meters. In general, he and Shixiang will train for 30 to 50 minutes.

In other words, the average time for the seven sins is more than enough. You don’t need to run for 1200 meters in 10 minutes, and you can almost finish it with brisk walking.

Although Seven Sins is a child with short legs and weak body, she has spiritual power in her body. After warming up, it is definitely not a difficult thing to run 3,600 meters in half an hour.

It can only be said that this child is too lack of exercise. But this kind of thing can’t be rushed, just take it slow.

“seven sins.”


“In the morning, you will rest at home first.” Xie Ming said lightly: “If you want to read comics or surf the Internet, you can directly use the computer in the study. If you have any questions, you can ask Shinono and Erya.”

“I have class this morning. After lunch at school, I called another person to take you out to prepare your daily necessities.”


The Seven Sins were sulking, and replied unwillingly. However, some words in Xie Ming’s words aroused other people’s attention.

“Xie Ming, is the other person… Meijiu?”


Xie Ming didn’t even think about concealing: “The Seven Sins are also girls anyway. I must have neglected to take her shopping as a man, and it is not suitable.”

“You are all in school, Erya is unreliable. Shishino seems to have a TV series to be chased this afternoon.”

“So Meijiu is the most suitable candidate.”

“Hey, brother.”

Er Ya stared at him and said, “Can you suddenly diss me without talking? This makes me look like a negative textbook.”

“Be confident and remove the image.” Xie Ming smiled and stabbed the knife into Erya’s chest: “You are our negative teaching material.”

“Uh… Brother, you really have no heart!”Turning over Byakugan, Er Ya was crying: “Xiao Qi, how about we two form a common front against Xie Ming! Let’s fight against my brother’s tyranny!”

“Little Seven…”

This nickname made Seven Sins a little bit wrong, but there was indeed a sign in his heart.

Yes, maybe you can’t deal with Xie Ming just by yourself. But, I can win over partners. As long as the other elves are united, it will be difficult for him to clean up.

and many more…..

Years of persecution delusion made the Seven Sins vigilantly aware of the trap in Erya dialect.

First, how can it be said in front of others to form a resistance front?

Second, how can you resist based on your current situation? After the resistance, will it be a more tragic situation waiting for yourself?

Third, where does my confidence think I can win over these elves who have become Xie Ming’s minions?

The weather has cleared and the rain has stopped. Why do you think you can do it again?

“Horrible woman!!”

At this moment, the slightest feeling in Seven Sins’ heart towards Er Ya yesterday instantly doubled several times. Yes, if you turn good impressions into vigilance, it is indeed the case.

But there is one thing, seven sins to thank Erya. Because what Erya said indeed gave her a hint.

Being so isolated and helpless, I can’t hold on for a week! You must have a partner to intercede for yourself!

Running three laps a day is really going to die!

So who should you choose?

In truth, the seven sins are not to choose one. Because everyone in this room is the type she hates. But if it is divided into levels, Xie Ming must be the top of the pyramid.

Next are Erya and Kuangsan, and further down are Yejuya and Xixian. The last ones are Toka and Shiitono.

The former is destined to be impossible to ally with oneself. After all, she hid in the corner and heard the last words of Shixiang and Origami. Then the only ally he can win now is only one!

Lowering his head, his eyes quietly looked at Shitono who was eating breakfast with a small bite, and the Seven Sins began to figure out the plan.

On the other side, after thinking for a while, Toka touched Shinono who was sitting next to him with his elbow.

“Huh? What’s wrong? Shixiang.”

“Shhh, keep it quiet.”

Toka lowered her voice, and pressed close to Shiito’s ear: “Um, Shiito. I want to ask you to take care of the seven sins in the morning.”


Shishino slowly widened his eyes, and looked at the seven sins unconsciously. This time, the Seven Sins were taken aback, and he quickly lowered his head to eat.

“Why?” Shishina also lowered his voice: “Isn’t the seven sins being taken care of by Brother Xie Ming?”

“That’s it.”

Shixiang and Shishino in a low voice explained the situation during the next morning exercise: “Although I understand that Xie Ming has his intentions, I am a little worried about the seven sins. After all…”

No one wanted to see it again, the reversal sprites like origami appeared again.

Although Shixiang also understood that Xie Ming must have their own plans, this did not prevent them from helping out and making the Seven Sins as happy as possible.

“I see….”

Shishino nodded thoughtfully: “I understand…Although some…not confident…but I will work hard!”

“Oh! Please, Shiitono!”

After understanding something in mind, Shixiang also put a smile on his face, feeling that breakfast is more fragrant.


“I’m out~~”

“Everyone should study hard~”

Watching everyone leave at the door, Shishino and Shishina looked at the seven sins that were sneaky on the side.

“Then what should be done…”

Shiina lowered her head and hugged her chest, and said with some distress, “Although Toka said that, how should we take care of her?”

“It’s really nerve-wracking.”


After thinking about it for a while, Shishino mustered up the courage and went straight to the Seven Sins.

“Huh? Shiitono?”

“That… hello.”


The seven sins looked at Shiiono, and the alertness in his heart was full. One negative thought after another, jumped into his head uncontrollably.

That’s it! Where did I come from to believe that this guy is a harmless little animal? Generally speaking, this kind of person who pretends to be weak and cowardly is the most dangerous when there is no one! ?


Taking a deep breath, Shitono said softly, “Yesterday, I didn’t talk to you well. My name is Hyogegawa Shitono. This is my friend, Hyogegawa Shiina.”

“Yo hello~ hello~”

“…Hello, I am the Seven Sins.”

Introduce yourself? But I will not be deceived! Then you will tear off the present disguise and show your ugly nature! I will not be fooled by you!


Shishino cautiously stretched out his hand: “Seven sins…can you be friends with me?”


The action of the seven sins that was just about to take place paused, blinked, and looked at Shinono in a daze, “What did you say?”

“Shishino said that I want to be friends with you.”

Shishina said with her teeth and dancing claws: “She has plucked up the courage so much, don’t you hurt her heart!”

“Huh? Huh?”

“That…. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to…”

Shishino quickly waved his hand, but the sadness in his eyes could not be concealed at all: “It’s just that…everyone usually goes to school…Erya has been drawing comics in the room…so…look. Until there is a peer of the same age…so think…”


This kid is so cute!

No, no no, no, you can’t be deceived! She must be in front of you, and she doesn’t know how to laugh at you in her heart! Don’t be deceived by the seven sins!

But… if that’s the case, it’s better to count?

The eyeballs rolled around, and the little seven sins in the heart of the seven sins clapped their hands.

Isn’t this just what she wants?

She just needs an ally to improve her situation, regardless of the other’s sinister intentions. Since she said she wants to make friends with herself, she must help her friends, right?

If you don’t help, you can expose her ugly face to everyone. Secondly, you can also shift the man’s sight from yourself to her.

Although that man is simply a demon, the Seven Sins still believes him very much in this regard.

“Hmm…Anyway, you want to use me as an ugly girl to contrast your cuteness, right. You can, as you wish. But good friends, you have to be blessed and enjoy the same.”

But despite that, you still have to pretend to be a little bit like.

If you expose your mind too early, there will be no way to complete your plan.

“Can I….”

Seven Sins lowered their heads and stammered a bit, “I’m so ugly…I don’t have any spiritual power yet…I was targeted by Xie Ming…”


Hearing this, Shitono was also stunned. ugly? No spiritual power? Targeted? What are these?

“I think the Seven Sins…not ugly…and I want to make friends with the Seven Sins…make friends and spiritual power…it doesn’t matter. Brother Xie Ming…nor is it… you….”



Shitono nodded very seriously: “I think the seven sins…very cute.”

“…… I’m lying.”

The dislike of Shiitono in her heart slightly increased, and Qigui Qiang smiled and said, “Thank you…”

“No…you’re welcome.”The seven sins were laughing and laughing, and Shitono saw this. But she didn’t understand why she was praising the seven sins, but the other party would show such a reluctant expression.

Do you think you are lying? Still don’t want to talk about this matter?

“Other people’s hearts are really hard to understand, Brother Xie Ming…”

However, as long as the relationship between himself and the Seven Sins becomes better, he should be able to understand her better.

I’m not as good as Xie Ming’s brother, but Xie Ming’s brother has said that as long as he takes steps step by step, he will definitely be able to achieve results.

“The Seven Sins…what do you usually like to do?”


Use angel power to forge coins, and then go to Internet cafes to read posts and check information…..

“Playing on the computer… right?”


This is really a new word for Shitono. Although Xie Ming and all the elves said, you can get in touch with the Internet more and get more familiar with the computer.

But seeing that keyboard full of letters and strange…should it be called a mouse? Shitono just lost self-confidence a bit.

But… is now a good time?

“So… can the seven sins… teach me how to use a computer?”


“Actually, I… don’t know how to use a computer.” Shishino whispered, “Seven sins…can you teach me?”


What’s the matter with this kid? It’s too cute!

No, no, no, you have to be sober seven sins! You have to stay awake! Don’t be fooled!


Seven Sins whispered: “But… although Xie Ming said I can use his computer, is it really… okay?”

“no problem.”

“Of course there is no problem.” Shishina waved his hands and said, “With us, we can’t find out those H items in Xie Ming’s computer.”


Two blushes appeared on Shitono’s face instantly: “Brother Xie Ming… can’t see… that kind of thing…”

“It’s hard to say, Shiitono.”

Shishina waved her hand, suddenly lowered her voice, and said in a very mysterious manner: “Sishino, if you think about it, Xie Ming is also a man after all.”

“I live with so many beautiful girls every day, do you think there will be no fluctuations in him?”


“So even if Brother Xie Ming has those things, we have to be considerate of him. Or…” Shishina patted her hands: “Or Shishino, you can help Brother Xie Ming?”


A puff of blue smoke emerged from the top of Shiitono’s head, and he squatted down slowly, burying his face.

“Ahhhhhhhh…this aspect still needs to be strengthened a lot.”

Shiina stretched out her hands: “If you don’t work hard, you will really get ahead of others.”


Seven Sins watched this scene dumbfounded. It was the first time she saw someone who could be molested by her hand puppet to break the defense. The question is, didn’t you say this hand puppet yourself?

Defeat yourself?

What kind of advanced gameplay is this?

“That…” Seven Sins opened his mouth: “Also…study…computer?”


Lifting his face slightly, Shishino looked at the Seven Sins with watery water: “I’m sorry to trouble you…”


Seven sins felt that he was about to fall.

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