Chapter 1696 Four and Seven

“I am back.”

“Brother is back.”

Er Yan’s lazy voice in the living room made Xie Ming shook his head helplessly.

Unsurprisingly, when he changed his shoes and walked in, the guy was lying on the sofa scratching his butt. With potato chips next to me, juice on the table, yawning and watching TV series.

“You guy…” Xie Ming was too lazy to say her: “Has the draft been finished?”

“Oh, I know it, don’t worry, brother.”

“You have a ghost count in your heart.”

The corner of Xie Ming’s eyes twitched: “Where is the anti-regularity? I weigh it in my heart. What about the Seven Sins and Shimino?”

“Playing on the computer in the study.”

Er Ya sat upright, slumped on the backrest like an invertebrate and looked up at Xie Ming: “Speaking of which, the child’s problem is no less than origami.”

“Brother, is your current practice useful?”


Xie Ming also leaned on the sofa and sighed: “It is very simple to destroy a person’s self-confidence, but it is even harder to build up confidence after destroying it.”

“This kind of problem can only come slowly.”

“Would you like me to use the commentary to see the reason?” Erya asked: “Although it can’t work on the wizard itself, it’s okay to inquire about some problems.”

“no need.”

Xie Ming waved his hand: “I know her most critical questions in my heart, but it’s useless to know what I know in this respect.”

“If she can’t see herself or doesn’t want to believe it, then no matter how much we do, it will be in vain.”

“The one who can save yourself… is only yourself?”


Rubbing Erya’s head casually, Xie Ming picked up his briefcase: “Okay, I’ll see their condition. What do you want to eat at noon?”

“Soup Noodles~”


Replied with a smile, Xie Ming first went back to his room and changed into comfortable clothes, and then knocked on the door of the study.

“Shishino? Seven sins? I’m here.”


“Brother Xie Ming…”

“Oh~ Brother Xie Ming is back.”


Glancing at the web page on the computer screen, Xie Ming smiled and said, “Come and see you guys, are you hungry?”

“No, I’m not hungry.”

“What about the seven sins?”

“…I’m a little hungry.” Seven Sins said very honestly: “What do you eat for lunch?”

“A delicious soup noodle in southern China.”

As he said, Xie Ming closed the door and left a sentence: “Eating in about half an hour, don’t just forget the time by playing.”


Shiina deliberately lengthened her voice, and shook her head and replied for the other two.


What is the most important thing for a bowl of delicious noodle soup? I believe that anyone who has eaten it, or has a little bit of research on it, will answer a word without hesitation.


So far, what Xie Ming still remembers is the bowl of soup noodles for 3 yuan that he ate next to the school every day in elementary school.Sprinkle crushed peanuts on the shahe noodles made in advance, grab a handful of sauerkraut and a small handful of shredded pork, pour all these things into a large colander, and heat them in the old soup in a large iron pot.

Then throw in a few fresh shrimps that I bought in the morning, pour everything into a bowl with the shrimps cooked as a sign, pour the old soup, and sprinkle with a handful of green onions.

Even Xie Ming tried his best to restore the taste in his memory, but he couldn’t find it anymore.

Whether it’s the old soup or the mood of eating soup noodles with friends who went to school together.

But now, he has become a soup maker.



“good to eat!”

Seeing Erya, Sishino, and Seven Sins were sweating profusely, the corners of Xie Ming’s mouth could not help but cocked slightly. Maybe… when the proprietress of that soup noodle shop looked at her group of little ghosts, she felt like this.

Of course, it is also possible that you are too busy to take care of it at all. After all, that shop is cheap and affordable, and the number of visitors is naturally indispensable.

“Ding Dong~”

“I’m going to drive, you guys continue to eat.”

Leaving a word, Xie Ming went to open the door. After a while, a girl with long purple and silver hair wearing sunglasses followed Xie Ming.

“As soon as I came in, I smelled this good smell! Teacher, you are partial!”

“Why am I eccentric?” Xie Ming walked into the kitchen and brought out a new bowl of soup noodles: “I know you are coming for lunch, didn’t you prepare it for you?”

“It’s not the same thing!”

Meijiu took off her sunglasses, pouted and sat next to Seven Sins: “I still want to eat with everyone!”

“So I’m waiting for you.”

“That’s it.”

Seeing that Xie Ming’s bowl hadn’t moved much, it had already soaked some swollen powder, Mei Jiu instantly became happy, and rushed towards Xie Ming: “Teacher, love you~~”


Two fingers pressed Meijiu’s head and slowly pressed her to her position, and the other hand put the soup noodles in front of her: “Hurry up and eat.”

“Yes~ I started~”


Because a stranger sat next to him, Qi Sin’s body was slightly stiff. But after taking a peek, the body of the seven sins no longer stiffened, but began to tremble.

The one sitting next to him, even if he hates idols, which is almost a double-faced symbol of the seven sins of career, has heard, and can even hum the song she sings that has become popular.

“Huh? What’s wrong?”

Perceiving the abnormality of the cute little girl next to her, Mei Jiu flashed a light in her eyes, and gently approached the ear of Seven Sins: “Don’t be afraid.”

“Sister, I’m not a bad person~”


Shaking all over, the chair made a harsh sound on the floor, and the seven sins almost jumped from his seat to Xie Ming’s back: “You, you, you, you, you, what are you doing!?”


Meijiu covered her mouth and chuckled, “Is it too much stimulation for children?”

As he said, he licked his lower lip quite charmingly.



Xie Ming turned Byakugan: “Please control your desires. Please maintain your image as an idol singer. Don’t be like a hungry wolf.”

“Really, it’s not the teacher’s fault?”

Meijiu said bitterly: “If it’s a teacher…”

“Stop.” Xie Ming stopped the woman in advance before making a more violent speech: “Please note that there are two young girls who have not yet gone to high school.”

“Also, this matter has nothing to do with me.”

“The teacher is really unfeeling.”

Mumbled, Mei Jiu picked up the spoon that had been placed on the table in advance, and took a sip of soup first. In an instant, his eyes lit up and he started to talk about the lady’s image.


The Seven Sins hiding behind stabbed Xie Ming’s back secretly, and whispered: “She really is the one… Lure Xiao Meijiu? The one who sang “Future”?”

“Ah, yes.”

Xie Ming was also a little helpless: “She is the temptation Xiao Meijiu, and she is also an elf. And her character… just as you can see.”

“Do you want to be with us this afternoon…”

“Yes, it’s her too.”


After a long silence, the Seven Sins said with tears: “Are you trying to sell me?”


When asked by the Seven Sins, Xie Ming didn’t know how to answer for a moment. After all… He Meijiu went out with seven sins, and it really felt like letting the other party inspect the goods.



“Really not.” Xie Ming said helplessly: “I will take you to buy some suitable clothing and daily necessities this afternoon. No one is more suitable than her.”

No, no, no, she is not suitable, right?

Qi Sin’s eyes widened, she really didn’t know what this man thought.

Let’s not mention the pervert character of enticing Xiao Meijiu, to walk with big stars and national idols like her, that’s how eye-catching is.

Yes! This man definitely wants this effect!

Let the prosperous celebrities walk with you, contrast with yourself, and let everyone laugh at yourself!

This man is really a demon!

“Although I don’t know what you are thinking, it is definitely different from what you think.”

Xie Ming vomited: “Meijiu’s ability can make others ignore her, so don’t worry about too many people watching when you go out together.”

In this regard, the seven sins expressed doubts.

“That…” At this moment, Shishino suddenly said: “Brother Xie Ming… the seven sins should be… I feel a little uneasy. So in the afternoon… I’ll go with you…”

“is it okay?”


Shitono smiled softly: “Because in the morning… the seven sins taught me to watch… TV series…so, miss an afternoon… it doesn’t matter.”


Seven Sins showed a touch of emotion.

“Then go together.”

In Xie Ming’s plan, he wanted Shiiono to go with him. After all, they are about the same age and can always talk together, and Shishino’s soft, fluttering voice is really easy for people to relax.

It’s just that the delusion of the seven sins of persecution is too serious. If he shouts directly, she will definitely have a bunch of outrageous delusions in her heart.

It will only be more vigilant to Shishito.

That being the case, it might as well go with the flow. Based on his understanding of Shiiono, she would never leave the seven sins alone.

Let Shishito come into contact with the seven sins spontaneously, and be ‘commanded’ contact by oneself, the former will certainly make the seven sins feel at ease.

The current seven sins are really the same as a stray dog ​​who has just been brought home. Poor, but everyone will show their little canine teeth and stare at you tightly.

I’m afraid you will do anything to hurt her.

What you need to do in this situation is to familiarize her with the environment first, and let her find an existence that she likes and can make her feel at ease.

With a great devil like himself, the Seven Sins should be in a state of peace and anxiety back and forth.

Because she is the big devil, so she can handle her as she wants. In a sense, this is a kind of peace of mind.

But because I don’t know how I will be handled, I am also very disturbed.

In this erratic state, the Seven Sins will be more eager to find an existence that can put one’s mind at ease. And no one is more suitable than Shishino.

It happened that I was away at home, and Erya wanted to make up for it, and only Shishino and Qisin were left. Coupled with Shishino’s gentle character, it is destined for the seven sins and Shishino to become friends.And this change is a subconscious change, a change that the Seven Sins are hard to perceive.

So even if the Seven Sins kept working hard to increase the vigilance against Shitono in her heart, once there were ‘dangerous people’ like Xie Ming or Meijiu, she naturally couldn’t help relying on Shitono.

Especially in the current situation that is almost equal to desperation for the seven sins, Shishinono’s initiative to stand up will greatly improve her status in the hearts of the seven sins.

This is the purpose of Xie Ming.

To treat the serious psychological problems of the Seven Sins, it is not enough to change the body and appearance. The important thing is to enable her to trust others.

In a sense, the Seven Sins can be considered to believe in Xie Ming, but this is not enough. She needs a friend who can be trusted and will not deceive her.

What such a person said would greatly shake the thick barrier in her heart.

She will start to doubt herself, and then use her own methods to verify.

If you want to verify, it means that there is a crack in her barrier. At that time, it will be time to solve the root cause of the disease in one fell swoop.

Although the plan is like this, it still depends on the seven sins.

However, when the Seven Sins heard Shitono say that he would go too, his vigilant and uneasy expressions did diminish a bit. From this point of view, the effect is still there.

“Ha~ Thank you for the hospitality.”

After drinking all the soup in the bowl, Mei Jiu showed a satisfied expression: “Teacher, thank you for the hospitality, it’s so delicious.”

“Rough tea and light rice, just satisfied.”

With a casual politeness, Xie Ming began to clean up the dishes with the help of everyone: “Meijiu, you should get acquainted with the Seven Sins first, and I’ll be ready to go when I finish cleaning up.”



Meijiu quickly approached the Seven Sins: “Seven Sins~Shall we get familiar with them?”

“Wait… don’t come over!”

“Oh~? Why? Everyone is a girl, just get along well~”


“What?” Meijiu looked back at Shitono, and a flash of light flashed in her eyes: “Does Shitono want to be together too? Okay~ Sister Meijiu won’t favor one another!”

“Let’s get along well together!”


“Shishino run!” Shishina said nervously, “This woman is very bad!”

“Come on, come on, come on together~”

In the eyes of Shishino and Qigui who hugged each other, Meijiu’s figure was slowly getting bigger, her eyes seemed to be shining red, and her hair went without wind.

“Mei Nine.”

Xie Ming’s voice made Mei Jiu stop, and it also gave Shino and Qigui a glimmer of hope.

“Brother Xie Ming…”

“This demon is still good…”

“Just enough.”


Five words cruelly shattered the hope of the two little girls. It also made Meijiu, who had obtained the official permission, smiled brighter.

“Yes~ teacher.”


Listening to the noise outside, Xie Ming smiled and shook his head: “It’s nice to be young.”

“Yes, it’s nice to be young.”

Er Ya, who took out a can of beer from the refrigerator, nodded in agreement.

“Don’t steal the chicken in a mess.”


Smacking his lips, Erya obediently put the beer back into the refrigerator.

After all, it was a bit too much to start drinking from noon anyway.

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