Chapter 1697 What Can I Do In One Week

“I’m back~~Ah? Shishino! Seven sins! What happened!?”


“Tuka…. This is a bit hard to say.” Shishina straightened up with difficulty, her voice full of exhaustion: “In short, we went out with Mijiu in the afternoon.”


Shixiang tilted his head, a little wondering what was the relationship between the two.

But seeing these two people lying side by side on the big sofa, I think something very tiring has happened.

It’s not enough to say that the body is very tired. After all, Meijiu took the two to relax in the afternoon, and Xie Ming carried all the shopping bags.

Besides, there is spiritual power in the body.

It’s just that there is beauty nine, seven sins and Shishino two must be tossed by desperation. I visited four children’s clothing stores in the afternoon, and almost all the clothes in them were asked to try them out.

Is Mei Jiu very interested in this matter? This is also true. But her main purpose is definitely not this.

To put it simply, the two little girls were tossed by the old hooligan Meijiu all afternoon.

Shishina was in better condition. After all, she was exercising normally, and Xie Ming didn’t specifically seal her spiritual power, so she almost recovered after lying down for a while.

The seven sins were miserable, and there was no spiritual power in the body originally, and he was taken to morning exercises in the morning, and was tossed for another afternoon.

“seven sins?”


Pushing the friends around him, he found that the other party was silent. After a moment of silence, Shishino dragged his tired body back to his room.

Originally Shishito is a habit of loving cleanliness, so I definitely have to take a bath before going to bed. But now, forget it.

I have to get up early tomorrow, so let’s take a rest today.

As for the seven sins, with Xie Ming, it is impossible for her to sleep on the sofa all the time, right?

This is indeed the case. Xie Ming, who had prepared the materials in the kitchen, came out and saw the Seven Sins sleeping on the sofa. He shook his head amusedly, picked her up gently, and sent her back to her own room.


Late at night, the Seven Sins opened his eyes in a daze, and the memory began to look back.


For a person who is not good at speech and a little withdrawn, the afternoon is really a trip to hell. On the way home, her consciousness had actually begun to blur.

But because there is a person who shares the joys and sorrows with him, there is not much imbalance in my heart.

“here it is….”

Sitting up from the bed, looking around, Seven Sins recognized that this was his room. It seems that someone sent himself back to the room.

As for who it is, the seven sins are naturally counted.

But remembering that she would have to get up early for a run tomorrow morning, she couldn’t say anything about him.


No wonder, the amount of exercise today is almost equivalent to the seven sins in the past month. I didn’t eat much in the morning. Although I ate a bowl of noodles at noon, I was tired again in the afternoon.

“I don’t know if there is anything to eat in the refrigerator.”

Muttered, Seven Sins opened the closet and found that the clothes bought in the afternoon had all been unlabeled and stacked neatly inside. Pick up one casually, the clothes still smell of washing powder.


He pursed his mouth, put on his pajamas, Qi Sin went out and found that the light in the living room was on.

I’m afraid that the only one who stayed in the living room so late and didn’t sleep is…

“Sure enough, it’s you.”

“Oh? Awake?”Stopping the work at hand, Xie Ming raised his head: “Are you hungry? I’ll give you hot porridge.”


He responded gently, and the Seven Sins sat down at the dining table honestly, turning away the screen of the laptop on the table, as well as the textbooks and small post-it notes next to the computer.

“What are you writing?”

“Prepare lessons.”

Xie Ming in the kitchen replied casually: “In the next half a year, there may be some unease. In order to free up time to deal with troubles, please be prepared first.”

“That’s it…”

Regarding Xie Ming’s “not peaceful”, he didn’t think too much about the seven sins, just as Xie Ming’s precautions.

This seemed very normal to her, after all, she did it too.

Since being semi-forced to live here, the seven sins have been thinking about how to solve them all the time. It’s just that until now, she hasn’t thought of what to do.

“Come, eat.”

“This black thing is…”

“preserved egg.”

“…” The corners of Qi Sin’s eyes twitched, and he looked at Xie Ming in disbelief: “Is this an egg?”

“It’s a preserved egg made from eggs.”

Xie Ming explained: “The name of this porridge is preserved egg and lean meat porridge. Because you are still young, I reduced the amount of preserved eggs and added some scallops, minced ginger, chopped green onions and chopped vegetables. The nutrition is quite high.”

“Try it.”

“Ginger and green onions…”

“Don’t be picky eaters. Also, after eating and taking a break, go to sleep. Don’t forget that there will be morning exercises tomorrow.”

“Know it….”

Muttered, the Seven Sins tried to drink the first mouthful of porridge.

Pepper and ginger bring a bit of spiciness, combined with the salty marinated lean meat, which stimulates the secretion of salivary glands. Coupled with the porridge at just the right temperature, Qi Sin’s body warmed up from the inside to the outside.

Listening to the keyboard tapping, eating late-night delicacies. The heart of the seven sins unknowingly calmed down, and even felt a little erratic.

She didn’t know how it felt, but she didn’t hate it.

Although the guy who gave her this feeling was a devil.


Originally, the Seven Sins thought that this week was very difficult. But on the third day, she realized that she seemed to be used to this kind of life.

She herself felt some changes in herself, such as seldom thinking about those dark things, becoming more energetic than before, and feeling more relaxed than before.

It was like finally taking off the heavy armor that had been worn on her body.

Seven Sins knew what the reason was, because he was gradually letting go of his vigilance towards this group of people. She wanted to be vigilant again, she told herself over and over again that these were disguise.

But she herself didn’t believe these words.

It’s okay, when the seven days are over, it won’t be like this after the spiritual power returns. Now I just have to rely on them because I don’t have power.

Yes, there can be no second reason besides this. Myself…just using them.

Another big change is the appearance of the seven sins.

With the help of Shishino, the seven sins learned how to match clothes. And because of daily exercise and the help of some skin care products, the seven sins have become more and more lovely.

Several times on the streets with Shitono, they have attracted the attention of many people.

At the beginning, the Seven Sins felt that everyone was watching Shiiono. But after hearing a few words, she was silent.

“Whose child is this? So cute~”

“Yes, the child with the hand puppet is very cute, but the other child is not lost to her at all.”

“I want to take them home~”

“Add me. You left and me right.”

“Please stop your dangerous thoughts.”


I’m very cute? Am i cute?

Looking at himself in the floor-to-ceiling mirror, the Seven Sins’ head was in chaos.

Because of the mess at the beginning, she didn’t look in the mirror at all during this time. Although she didn’t like to look in the mirror very much.

Looking in the mirror means that she wants to see her ugly self.

Thin and barren body, messy and hard curly hair, gloomy eyes, pale face and dry skin.

It’s the ugly girl among the ugly girls.

But now?

The hair tied into a ponytail looked very supple, his complexion became rosy, and his skin became supple. Even those gloomy dead fish eyes seemed full of energy now.

She has to admit that she is really cute now. but….

What I yearn for is feminine and cute, but now she has become an energetic athletic girl?

Wrong! Hey! No matter how you think about yourself, you are completely opposite to that cheerful athletic girl, right?

Through this incident, the Seven Sins realized a fact, a fact that she did not want to admit.


Sunday, the amusement park.

Tenxiang pulled the origami and ran around in full spirit, and Yuxian and Yakiya started a duel with each other again. Even Erya was invited by Kuangsan and Meijiu to try some projects.

Xie Ming is responsible for bringing the children.

You can’t leave Shishino and the Seven Sins, let them run around on their own.

Besides… these two children should also be very eager to play with them in the amusement park by themselves.

Carousel, pirate ship, stage play, throwing circle, target shooting…

Xie Ming always thinks that there are not many entertainment items suitable for children in the amusement park, but after playing around like this, he found that there are actually not many.

After all, for amusement parks, the main customers are children and families with children.

In a blink of an eye, the sun that was originally high in the sky was about to sink to sea level. As a fixed project of the amusement park, people who had been separated for a day gathered in front of the Ferris wheel.

Under the care of others, Xie Ming and Qi Sin got into a cabin as a group.


“Have a good day?”


Seven Sins nodded, and whispered, “Very happy.”

“Really? That’s good.” Xie Ming smiled, returning all the spiritual power that belonged to the seven sins in the catalogue: “This is an agreement.”


Ming Ming has felt this abundant power for a long time, and he has been liberated from this moment. But I don’t know why, but the seven sins are not happy.

Not only was he not happy, but the eyes of the Seven Sins gradually turned red. Large drops of tears fell on the floor of the cabin.

“What’s wrong?”

Xie Ming was stunned for a moment, and squatted down hurriedly: “No? Shouldn’t the return of spiritual power be abnormal?”

“…You, are you going to drive me away?”


“I know….. You should be bored with me this week…” Seven Sins kept wiping tears: “Thinking that I am a troublesome child, and giving you trouble all day long. I don’t know how to be grateful, but Whispering to you in my heart all day long.”

“Really…”Hearing Xie Ming’s sobbing sound, Xie Ming was a little bit dumbfounded. He took out a hand towel from Kabuto and began to gently wipe the tears of the Seven Sins.

“When did I say that I am going to drive you away?”

“Our agreement, isn’t that if you live with us for a week, I will return the spiritual power to you? But after returning the spiritual power to you, you can continue to live with us.”

“Could it be that until now, you still suspect that we have ulterior motives for you?”

“Do not….”

Seven Sins shook his head vigorously: “Everyone treats me very well. No one has ever treated me so well.”

“Shixiang will bring delicious food back to share with me every day, Kuangsan taught me makeup, Meijiu taught me to take care of my skin, Yuxian and Yajuya will play with me when they are free, and Erya will give me comics. Books and even drew short comics for me…”

“Shiitono, it helped me so much…”

“I’m very happy, I’m really very happy… You are all idiots, all idiots. I obviously scolded you so much in my heart, and I was so wary of you, thinking about using you… after getting spiritual power Get revenge on you…”

“Why…. Why do you want to be so good to me, a bad boy?”

Speaking of this, the seven sins began to cry.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah…does that still need to be said?” Xie Ming smiled and rubbed the head of Seven Sins: “We are family members.”


“Yes, it’s family.”

Xie Ming said softly: “Everyone is an elves, they are all special existences, and they are all existences that are likely to be unable to gain a foothold in the world after being discovered.”

“It is precisely because everyone has experienced pain, so everyone attaches great importance to everyone around them, every fate.”

“As for thinking something bad in your heart, doing some pranks, it’s not a problem at all.”

“No one can guarantee that he will never make a mistake. Although we are special, we are still human. But what if we make a mistake?”

“If you make a mistake, then you can correct it. If you cause trouble, you can apologize. If you cause trouble to others, you can make up for it.”

Xie Ming smiled and said, “Is there anyone who doesn’t make mistakes?”

“Perhaps others will not tolerate and will not forgive. But family members will tolerate your mistakes, and then after severely teaching you, they will pull you to apologize.”

“The main reason for giving you spiritual power is to give you more choices. Perhaps you think there is a better way of life that is more suitable for you. With this power, you can achieve it by yourself.”

“Even if we can’t be family, we can still be friends, can we?”


Sucked his nose vigorously, the Seven Sins reached out and hugged Xie Ming: “I’m sorry…thank you…”


Xie Ming gently stroked the back of the seven sins, and stopped speaking.

Judging whether a person’s nature is good or evil is not based on his current behavior, but on his reaction.

When others treat her with kindness, what will she use in return?

The delusion of being persecuted is, in the final analysis, a manifestation of lack of love. Because life lacks love and kindness, it judges everything as malicious and rejects it.

If the seven sins grow up in this way, then this malice planted in her heart by others will produce evil results that endanger the world.

Malice will not disappear, but will be hidden in the shadow of goodwill, wriggling silently.

When the goodwill disappears, then it will come out again to act recklessly. At that time, it will be especially difficult to light up goodwill again.

The seven sins did not let the goodness in the heart disappear because of malice. This is what Xie Ming is most gratified about.

The cabin slowly fell, and Xie Ming walked out with the seven sins with tears on his face.

At the exit, Shixiang was waving at them, and everyone was waiting for them happily.

“Let’s go.”

Xie Ming looked at the seven sins: “Let’s go home.”


Nodding vigorously, Qi Sin showed an extremely cute smile, and pulled Xie Ming towards the exit.

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