Chapter 1698 Eliot Baldwin Woodman

Fraxinas, round table.

“So, Stardust has successfully subdued the eighth elf?”


Qin Li said solemnly: “The location of the Ninth Elf should be determined quickly based on DEM data. However, Siyuan Elf has not found any trace of her so far.”

If there is anything that can immediately make this group of high-level brows frown, it is only the originator of all the Siyuan Elves.

As for the three sinners who summoned the Siyuan elves, Westcott and Ellen have been missing since that day, and the identity of the remaining one is still unknown.

Or, some people have guessed it, but just pretended to be deaf and dumb.

Moreover, even to find out these three sinners, it doesn’t make much sense. Because it was obvious that the Origin Elf they had summoned was out of control and was acting in this world with their own will.

The account can be calculated slowly later, but the problem is already before us.

How powerful is Siyuan Elf? No one knows. What is the purpose of Siwon Elf? No one knows. How many elves can Siwon elves make? No one knows.

All the information about Siyuan Wizard is blank. Even what the Siwon Elf looked like was in a state of question mark.

Therefore, Latatosk has no way to find out. But as the only elven response organization still in operation, they had to check again.

Then there is no other way. The so-called civilian officials move their mouths and the military attaches run off their legs. Even if everyone knows in their hearts that it is impossible to find something, but if the person above has spoken, there is only one way to execute the following.

“Let’s put the Siwon spirit aside for now.”

The doll sitting at the main seat of the round table made a gentle laugh: “From a realistic point of view, what we can do is very limited.”

“But from another point of view, we can focus on doing what we can do and strive to do our best.”

“Furthermore, we should be more concerned about the other Elf than the Siyuan Elf who hasn’t shown up yet.”

“The code name is the existence of star dust, Xie Ming.”

“Hey, that man…”

One of the members of the round table slapped his tongue: “Until now, I have not been able to determine whether it is the right thing to hand over the elf to him.”

“Why?” Another person asked: “After he took the initiative to show up, the disaster in Tiangong City has indeed reduced. And the elves are also living in a stable state. Isn’t this a good result?”

“The disaster has been reduced?”

One person sneered: “Then how to explain the damage caused by the’devil’?”

“So, do you have a better way to deal with it?”

“It has nothing to do with whether I have it, but the conditions stated by the stardust itself at the time. He is responsible for dealing with the problems of the elves and recovering the power of the elves, so that we can turn a blind eye to the behavior of those elves. ”

“Huh? So? Stardust is really dealing with the problem of the elves, and I think the way he handles it is better than ours. I don’t know how many times.”

“Is it impossible, you still want the stardust to solve the problem of the elves without causing damage to the surroundings forever.”

“Isn’t this supposed to be!? Since he decided…”


The doll on the theme calmly said a word, and immediately suppressed the somewhat impetuous meeting.

“Please remember that the purpose of our Latatosk is to make all the elves happy. Therefore, we plan to use the physique of his brother, Commander of the Five Rivers, to seal the power of the elves.”

“The appearance of stardust is an accident for us, but it is an accident of unexpected joy. Because of him, we don’t need to force a second-year child to appear on the battlefield.”

“And all the actions of the stardust so far are in our eyes. I believe everyone who has read the information should be able to see that the stardust is truly educating the elves so that they can still live in this society after losing their power. .”

“He is a qualified teacher. This, no matter which one of us, is not qualified to deny it.”

“The reason I just mentioned him is not to discuss his behavior. I want to ask about his state.”

“Commander of the Five Rivers, after gaining so many elves’ spiritual power, is there any abnormality in the stardust?”

Yes, this is what Latatosk is most worried about.There is no doubt about Xie Ming’s abilities, and judging from the battle between him and the devil, his personal combat power is not inferior to that of the elves at all. Because of this, they are worried.

Every elf possesses the power to destroy the world. But now Xie Ming’s body already possesses a full eight of these powers.

If this power runs away… If this power is maliciously used by Xie Ming…

Regarding Xie Ming’s character, they no longer doubted it. But whether Xie Ming can control this huge power, they always have concerns.

This is a very normal thing. Anyone who knows that there is a mobile nuclear warhead wandering around will feel uneasy.

Cao Cao’s ‘I would rather let the world’s people, not let the world take me” is one of the extreme types, but all individuals are afraid of powerful, unreasonable forces.

Especially when this kind of power appears on someone other than yourself.

“Commander of the Five Rivers.”


Qin Li replied solemnly.

“If there are abnormalities in the stardust, I believe you should understand what to do.”

“Yes, Speaker.” Qinli said calmly, “I will take care of it.”

“That’s good.”

Although it is not offline, it can be heard from the sound that the speaker is very satisfied with Qinli’s answer: “Then, this meeting will end here.”

Seeing the communication cut off one by one, the middle-aged uncle in the wheelchair sighed.

His name is Elliott Baldwin Woodman, the founder of Latatosk and the president of the Round Table Council. A man who looks like a kind old grandpa.

“Anything upsetting? Eliot.”

“…It’s a little bit.”

Eliot did not look back, but took off his glasses and rubbed his eyebrows with some distress: “Actually, I have always wanted to see with my own eyes how those children are doing.”

“Also, I want to talk to Stardust directly to see what kind of man he is.”

“Then do it.”

Leaning on the table, the woman who looked very similar to Ellen was a little puzzled: “Is it possible, Eliot, are you scared?”


Eliot smiled bitterly: “I am really scared.”

“Afraid that the other party will kill you with a single knife because of the sins you have hidden until now?”

“Your mouth is as unsparing as ever, Karen.”

“Because I can’t understand your cowering look.”

Karen said blankly: “Don’t you have the courage to face the mistakes you made?”

“Or do you think you can’t keep running without Latatosk? Don’t worry, if you are really hacked to death, I will sweep your grave every year.”

“Thanks a lot…”

Eliot let out a laugh, and Karen’s words did make him cross the hurdle.

Yes, indeed, the sins he committed cannot be forgiven. He thinks he has made a good sense of consciousness, but from now on, it doesn’t seem to be the case.

Is there a way to hide here? impossible.

It is because of something that I feel that I want to go to see that man, don’t I?

“Then Karen.”


“Please take a walk with me.”

“Extremely happy.”


“The universe…”


Erya, who was leaning on the armrest of the seat, circled the picture of the universe displayed on the screen with his fingers: “It seems that the child has been floating in the universe with the low-Earth orbit a long time ago. ”

“Brother, didn’t you meet it when you came to the earth?”

“how could it be possible.”

Xie Ming couldn’t help turning over Byakugan: “You don’t want to think about how big the universe is, how big is me and her? I’m afraid the probability of encountering it is not even a thousandth.”

“But in the universe, it’s really a bit troublesome.”

Although a single body has penetrated into the universe or something, it is not too unusual in this world with a manifestation device. But the level of trouble for this ninth elf is slightly better than the seven sins.

The seven sins can still communicate, and even though she will be persecuted in delusion, it is also a proof of her own thinking and judgment.

But the Ninth Elf right now is obviously not like this.

After all, even the ultimate life form, yes, the one who lifted his Kabuto crotch with his back to the morning sun was caught in a trap before coming to the universe to give up thinking.

But this one is amazing. She voluntarily gave up thinking about becoming a drifter in low-Earth orbit.

If the level of lying flat is divided into three or five levels, then there is no doubt that the ninth spirit is at the top of the pyramid.

The most important thing is that her ability is still very tricky.

Xie Ming thought that he could change the seven sins. The main reason was that the unlucky boy came to the door with confidence and gave himself a chance to start.

If you don’t take spiritual power as the condition, let the seven sins try to accept it first, things can’t go so smoothly.

But the Ninth Elf is different. Even if Xie Ming and her establish a spiritual power channel to extract her spiritual power, she might be able to untie it directly.

Can communicate normally, but it is difficult to achieve results.

Because she didn’t bother people, nor was she dissatisfied with her status quo. Like a pure-hearted ascetic, following the crowd is her most satisfying lifestyle.

Even the reason why she was floating near low-Earth orbit was random.

If she is disturbed too much, she will take action to eliminate the factors that disturb her. If you can’t beat it, just run.

To run into the endless galaxy and enjoy the peace quietly is nothing more than a change of environment for her.

So Xie Ming is a little worried now.

The relationship between him and the elves is ruthless, it can be seen as a transaction.

They want to change, they want to change their way of life, they want to be happy. Therefore, Xie Ming as a teacher guides them and helps them.

And the reward they paid was their spiritual power.

You have a deal only if you are willing.

But the Ninth Elf was different. She didn’t want anything from Xie Ming. In other words, she is not in that state.

But the spiritual power in her body was one of Xie Ming’s indispensable things, so he lost the initiative. From an equal relationship to a begging relationship.

The initiative is in the hands of the other party.

If you want to gain the initiative in this transaction, then you must show what the other party cares about.

So, is there anything in Xie Ming’s hands that the Ninth Elf cares about?

“How about a risk theory?”

Touching his chin, Xie Ming leaned back on the chair, looking through the window to the blue sky.

If you don’t deal with it, it definitely won’t work. If he couldn’t do this, Siwon Elf would definitely not want to. If a worker wants to go on strike, he must go and kick as a contractor.

Or, get fired directly.

But once the problem of the ninth spirit is solved, then the project you are responsible for as a worker is over. Then…why is the boss still keeping you?

So what method should be used to solve the problem of the ninth spirit, really need to be more careful.With the current hand, optimistically, it is a three-seven draw.

Xie Mingsan, Siyuan Spirit Seven.

This is still based on the premise that the two guys, Westcott and Elaine, act according to his anticipated plan.

In case…. In case the two guys suddenly look away and lie flat, then he can really play GG.


Sitting up, his fingers slowly tapped the table top unconsciously, Xie Ming’s gaze deflected slightly.

“Speaking of…Latatosk’s side…”

“Xie Ming~”


Xie Ming turned his head: “What’s wrong? Seven sins?”

“Outside, there are guests. They said they came to you,” Seven Sins whispered, “He said his name is Eliot Baldwin Woodman.”


Said Cao Cao arrived?


“Please use tea.”

“Thank you, Miss Kuangsan.”

“No, you are welcome.” Kuangsan narrowed his eyes and smiled: “After all, you are able to come over, it is really beyond my imagination.”

“Mr. Eliot, one of the three sinners.”


Hearing Kuang San calling himself that, Eliot smiled bitterly and held up his tea: “Yes, from your point of view, I am indeed a sinner.”


Kuangsan blinked: “Do you want to say, do you have any difficulties? Because of these difficulties, you did this kind of thing?”

“Teacher taught me not to involve hatred on innocent people.”

“Hahahaha, this is really the correct sentence.”

Eliot smiled and shook his head: “But, there is no reason for people who are caught in hatred.”

“On this point, Miss Kuangsan, you should understand me a little bit.”


Kuang San said a little surprised: “Why do you think so? I have always had revenge, but sometimes the methods are a little bit heavier.”


“Well, crazy three.”

Xie Ming, who came out of the study, gently patted Kuangsan on the shoulder: “Leave it to me here. Your murderous aura can’t be controlled.”

“Well, leave it to you, teacher.”

Kuang San smiled slightly and walked to his room.

“Stardust, Xie Ming, Uranus Temple Houtaro…what should I call you?”

“Just call me Xie Ming, Mr. Eliot.”

Glancing at Karen, who was expressionless, Xie Ming sat opposite Eliot: “To be honest, your arrival is really beyond my expectations.”

“But it’s just right.”

“If you don’t come here, I might take the initiative to come and look for you.”

“After all, I also have a lot of things I want to talk to you.”

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