Chapter 1699

Xie Ming and Eliot talked for a total of three hours. The first hour was the mutual understanding between the two people, confirming each other’s thoughts. In the next two hours, the talk was about cooperation.

From Xie Ming’s perspective, Eliot is not a big villain.

Although he summoned the Siyuan spirit with the other two, causing countless deaths and injuries. But if you start from their point of view, there is nothing wrong with it.

He’s almost annihilated, who would sit down and have a good talk with you, he must be the one who fucked you with a knife.

Eliot must be in this state at the time.

But this guy is a love type. After having someone he likes, he forgot all his enemies hated.

Don’t be surprised, this kind of thing is very normal. Because in the final analysis, human nature is selfish, and they just want to make their lives easier.

Because of the violent genocide, Eliot chose revenge. Why revenge? Because it can make yourself feel better.

So, why do many people who have a lot of bitter feuds often give up revenge after they have a love?

Because love can make yourself better and happy than revenge.

The reason is that simple.

After all, who likes revenge? Depressed all day long, to do things that are only temporary. Revenge is just the only sustenance of the dead.

Without revenge, they don’t know why they are still living in this world, and they don’t know what else they can do in this world.

But love is different. It is happy and joyful, and it can satisfy many people’s needs.

Compared with revenge, love is naturally better.

It’s just that there is something called responsibility in the revenge, and it’s hard to get rid of this thing when you carry it on your back. Origami is a typical example.

And Elliott? In a sense, he has been relieved, or seen through.

He has seen the casualties caused by several super-large space earthquakes. Maybe the first time I feel happy, then the second time, the third time, the fourth time…

So many family sorrows, so many life wailings, he saw in his eyes and heard in his ears, isn’t there any fluctuation in his heart?


He is a lover, so he is obsessed with revenge.

But was their behavior in revenge at the time? No, it’s just killing innocent people indiscriminately, killing indiscriminately.

In the name of ‘God’ and ‘natural disaster’ as a means.

He saw it through and fell in love with Siwon Elf, so he didn’t want to make the person he likes a tool, and didn’t want to continue such behavior.

However, the other two did not think so.

Wescott is a natural villain, and revenge is only his reason. Ailian is even more completely individualistic, as long as she is comfortable with other people, it doesn’t matter to her.

Therefore, Elliott and the other two parted ways, and only took away Ellen’s sister Karen.

What Eliot did was madness under the control of anger. Although he woke up later, this does not mean that the sins he committed can be forgiven.

Therefore, Kuang San, one of the victims, was frantically looking for faults, and he could only bear it, and had no temper.

But Xie Ming doesn’t need to do this anymore. Firstly, it’s not necessary. Secondly, why is he doing this nosy as a foreigner?

It didn’t matter to him at first, the other party was also working hard to make up for it and atone for it. At this time, we still have to stand on the commanding heights of morality.

In this regard, Xie Ming can still handle it clearly.

Moreover, Eliot’s initiative to come to the door did save Xie Ming a lot of things. But if you say you trust him and give him all your plans, that would be too silly and sweet.Therefore, the cooperation between Xie Ming and Eliot was mainly divided into two aspects.

One is Westcott and Ellen, the two slippery fishes of DEM. He hoped that Eliot could act on his side and search instead for him who could not act at will.

The other is about the Ninth Elf. He greeted Eliot in advance, a little metaphorical that many things might happen next, and I hope Latatosk’s side will be prepared.

As for the rest, they don’t need to worry about them here. For one thing, even if they worry about it, it’s useless. Secondly, Xie Ming doesn’t trust them.

Although Xie Ming didn’t say much about this kind of distrust, he felt it when he wanted to come to Elliott.

In Elliott’s opinion, it is very normal. Who can tell him to be in vain?

After talking about the cooperation, and then chatting a little bit about the trivial things that happened in the daily life of the elves, Eliot and Karen left Xie Ming’s house.

At this time, the elves at home came out of the room one after another.

Xie Ming said about Latatosk, Siyuan elves, and their true identities, but most elves didn’t care that much.

After all, they don’t have this memory. Listening to Xie Ming’s words is the same as listening to a storybook, and there is no real feeling at all.

And there are some things, it is better to forget to know.

It was precisely because of this that Xie Ming hesitated about the Ninth Elf.


Kuang San frowned: “That man, is the organization created by that man worthy of trust?”

“It’s not worth it, but it can be used.” Xie Ming said faintly: “Now our goals have been determined, and Siyuan Elf is the last enemy.”

“He also understands this, but he can’t help it. Therefore, it is impossible for him to make a decision to fight the Siwon elves. Maybe when the Siwon elves appear, he will become our enemy.”

“But at least for now, now that the Siwon spirit hasn’t appeared, we can still cooperate.”

“Okay, it’s almost time for lunch. In the afternoon…I have to go to the universe.”


The universe has always been the pursuit of mankind. Because there is full of unknowns, full of dreams.

Even if it is actually a dead zone where the living is stopped, in order to survive and continue, for the sake of their own curiosity, sooner or later, human beings will set off toward the unknown world.

The low-Earth orbit is the first step for mankind towards the universe.

In terms of the level of science and technology, there is such a black technology in the random field, in fact, people in this world can already set out to the deeper part of the universe.

But the eyes of mankind are still limited to the earth.


Because DEM and Latatosk, who control the arbitrary realm, did not put their minds on the exploration of the universe or the welfare of human beings, it was as simple as that.

However, even though the humans in this world did not continue to explore the universe, the protection of the earth, such as hanging weapons in the sky, is really enjoyable.

So if Xie Ming wants to go to the universe, he really can’t go casually, he has to say hello first.

Therefore, Eliot’s arrival is just in time.

After he, the highest speaker of Latatosk, greeted him, Xie Ming naturally would not have any further obstacles.

As for what method should be used to communicate with the ninth elf after going up, the answer is naturally those two words: spiritual power.

Yes, spiritual power is the first energy Xie Ming discovered that can be described by the word ‘omnipotent’. Only you can, then spiritual power is omnipotent.

And like Shixiang and their bodies, they are all specialized spiritual powers. What Xie Ming uses his own energy to transform is the most common but also the most versatile spiritual power.

If he wants to, he can expand his random realm around him at any time.

This time, Xie Ming’s way of going to the universe was by relying on his arbitrary domain and spatial ability to rush up all at once.

Because he knew the coordinates in advance through the announcement, he found the blond girl floating freely in low-Earth orbit without much effort.

The soft hair that resembles the Rapunzel in a fairy tale spreads out like blooming golden chrysanthemums. If you untie the ‘bun’ on both sides of her head, perhaps this hair can be used as a quilt to cover.

On the hip-length purple-pink cheongsam, various constellation patterns are constantly switching and flashing.

His face is immature, and he looks like a junior high school student who is only about 14 years old. But that figure that can be called an ‘explosive’, even Xie Ming, who is well-informed, can only find a person in his memory who can compare with her.

School City: Bee-eater exercises and prays.

“…..let’s start.”

The arbitrary domain expands, enshrouding the girl not far away. Feeling the changes in the outside world, the girl slowly opened her eyes. In his hand, a tin rod like a key also appeared.

“Comer, who?”

“Xie Ming.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “A human from the outside world, you should have felt it five years ago.”

“five years ago….”

With that said, the girl seemed to think of something. Five years ago, there was indeed a Great Fireball that broke into the planet beside him, but because it didn’t affect him, he didn’t react.

“That Great Fireball turned out to be you.” The girl said faintly: “Then, is there anything you came to see me?”

“Prior to this, don’t you tell me your name first?”


“This is the most basic etiquette.”

Xie Ming said lightly: “If you don’t tell me your name, how should I call you?”

“Yes, I’m rude about this matter.” The girl nodded and said blankly: “My name is Xinggong Liugong. You can call me Liugong directly.”

“Then I will respect my fate, Liughou. Then go back to the subject, Liughe. There are two purposes for me to come to you.”

“The first one is to talk to you about spiritual power, about elves, and about you.”

Seeing that Liu Xie didn’t respond, Xie Ming continued down and said: “You should understand that your own power is something given by others, right?”

“There is no free lunch in the world. The other party has given you such a powerful power, so there must be a plan. I believe that soon, the Origin Spirit who gave you this power will take it back.”

“By then, what should you do?”

“very simple.”

Liu Xie replied indifferently: “You just need to escape to the depths of the universe. Even if it is the giver, it is impossible to find my place in the vast universe.”

“It would be great if it was that simple.” Xie Mingshi smiled and said, “Just as your angel can allow you to survive in the universe, and it can allow you to escape to the depths of the universe.”

“Other fairy angels naturally also have the ability to lock your position.”

“At that time, what should you do?”

“……. Is this why you came to me?”

“One of the purposes.”

Xie Ming said: “I am a foreigner, and my purpose in coming to this world is to collect the power of the elves and to improve myself.”

“Siyuan elves give you power in order to take it away someday. And the elves who lose the source of power, that is, the crystallization of the spirit, will inevitably die.”

“And my collection will not be so rough. It will simply restore you to ordinary human girls. Therefore, I will take the responsibility to teach you how to live independently and obtain happiness on the earth and in the human society.””This is my second purpose.”

“I see.”

Liu Xie nodded and looked at Xie Ming plainly: “Your words are very sincere, and there is no concealment. But there is one thing you didn’t say.”

“If I give you my power, can you defeat Siyuan Elf?”

“It’s hard.”

“There is no guarantee.”

“If it’s not necessary, I don’t want to deceive anyone.” Xie Ming sighed: “By my side, there are now eight elves gathered. Besides you, I also have clues for another elves.”

“So in a sense, you are the last one. Once you are convinced, I’m afraid the Siyuan spirit will start to act.”

“And now I, even if I extract the power of all of you, it is difficult to win against the Siyuan Elf. Unless, the back hand I arranged works.”

“So, the choice is yours.”

Xie Ming looked at Liu Xie: “If you reject me, then you are dead and dead. If you are willing to accept my proposal, then we can fight for the silver lining together.”

“The key is whether you are willing to trust me and take this risk together with me.”


Liu Gu nodded in agreement: “Xie Ming, what you said is very reasonable. If you follow what you said, I am in a very dangerous situation now.”

“But the premise of everything lies in whether what you say is true.”

“Whether it is the threat of the Siyuan Elf or your purpose is your word, lack of evidence.”

“So, I can’t entrust my power to you.”

“Of course.”

Xie Ming nodded and said: “Although from my personal point of view, I hope it can be solved simply. But for you, it is the right decision.”

“But again, you can’t deny the threat from Siyuan Elf, do you?”

“So, I have a proposal.”

“Please say.”

“How about living with us for a while?”


Liu Gu blinked first, then tilted his head.

“All the problems between us can be attributed to the word’trust’.” Xie Ming smiled: “In that case, you can observe with your eyes.”

“I, all of us, are you a person worthy of your trust. Am I someone worthy of your trust and a fight?”


“Not willing?”


I couldn’t help but stretched out his hand to tighten the spiritual suit on his chest, and there was an emotion that seemed to keep hitting the ‘lock’.

“…..I see.”

Liu Hu said so.

“Just do what you said Xie Ming.”

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