Chapter 172

“Talk about business and talk about business.” Kirito forcibly stopped the mutual harm, because no matter how you look at it, he suffered more injuries, which is not worthwhile at all.

“Okay.” Xie Ming shrugged, took out a USB flash drive from Kabuto, and handed it to Kirito.

After receiving the USB flash drive, Kirito subconsciously asked: “This is?”

“A gift for you, the name is TheSeed, the seed of the world.”

“The world’s…seeds?” Kirito chewed on the meaning of the name.

“Don’t guess, this was given to me by Kayaba Akihiko in ALO. I think your game madman is more suitable to use it.” Xie Ming leaned against the wall and said with a smile.

“ALO?” Suguha and Kirito repeated in unison, and Kirito asked, “Why did you go to ALO? And you met Kaaba? What happened!?”

“Calm down, turn on the TV and watch it first. At this time, it should be the RECT company issuing an apology and dissolution statement.”

“…” Kirito looked at Xie Ming in astonishment. He had also heard of the name of the company RECT, so why did he suddenly disband? ! And why did Xie Ming know about this?

Fortunately, he picked up the remote control from the bedside table, turned on the TV in the ward, and tuned to the news channel.

In the picture, the crowd is in a mess, pulling banners with the words Devil Company! Boycott virtual games, boycott VRMMO! Wait for the slogan. He wanted to break into the venue, but was stopped by the police.

The camera shifted to the inside of the venue. The reporters rushed to raise their hands to ask their own questions. Some reporters kept taking pictures of RECT’s public relations with their cameras.

“Excuse me! Does your company know about the demon-like human experiment methods of Nobuyuki Sugo!?”

“Did your company have a plan to treat SAO players as human subjects, so you developed the ALO game!?”

“Excuse me!…….”


No matter what kind of problem it is, it is inseparable from the four chilling characters, human experiments.

“…” Kirito took the remote control and turned off the TV. The expression on his face was very serious, and Suguha Kazuyuki’s expression was also very ugly.

“No wonder ALO has been shutting down for maintenance these days, it turned out to be so!!” Suguha shouted in his heart.

Kirito looked at Xie Ming, with the expression on his face clearly saying: Please give me an explanation!

Xie Ming spread his hands and said: “You should know that after the SAO clearance, there are more than 300 players who have not awakened.”

“…This is related to ALO?”

“Yes, among these 300 players, Asuna is also inside.”

“!!!” Kirito’s body trembled, and then smiled bitterly: “No wonder you are involved, they are really unlucky.”

The cold light flashed in Xie Ming’s eyes: “Of course, disbandment is their only result.”

Later, Xie Ming told the Kirito trio of his own analysis and process, as well as the last words Kayaba Akihiko said to him and Sugo Nobuyuki’s final fate.

“So, the seed of this world is left to you to operate, I believe you don’t want to see VRMMO just disappeared in this world.”

“Really…” Tongren suddenly felt the weight of the USB flash drive in his hand, and then looked at Xie Ming and asked: “Then you, Edmond, what are your plans next?”

“…It is already an established fact that I have been sent back to my country.” Xie Ming shook his head with a wry smile, “But fortunately, I took this opportunity to sell my personal love to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. I think the chance to come again is It’s huge. For the rest of the time, stay with Asuna more.”

Kirito nodded, and then wanted to change the topic. After all, this topic is too heavy: “But I heard that the characteristic of ALO is flying. I don’t know what it’s like to fly.”

Xie Ming looked at the three words of Kirito who was still in his line, and said funnyly: “You don’t have to worry about this. With Theseed in your hands, then recreating ALO is not a dream, and maybe we can reproduce our lives. It’s been two years, SAO.”

“SAO…” Kirito and Yuki looked at each other and smiled, “Although there is too much pain in there, but I still feel a little nostalgia.”

Xie Ming nodded with deep feelings: “Yes, there is no space where you can really hone your sword skills in life and death.”

“…” Kirito was silent.

“…” Fortunately, silent

“Puff~” Suguha laughed accidentally, she was sure that this was Edmond she knew, and her novel ideas would always be different from everyone.

Xie Ming looked at Suguha who was snickering while covering his mouth, and then said to Kirito, “I have one more thing to do, Kirito. If one day you meet a player named Lifa in ALO, remember Thank her for me, and tell her: Edmund Dantes owes her a favor.”

“I know, I know~” Kirito said helplessly: “You have so many requests for someone who has just completed rehabilitation, but how can you recover so fast?”

“In order to save Asuna quickly,” Xie Ming said half-jokingly and half-seriously, “Then I will go back to accompany Asuna, and the three of you will talk slowly.”

“…Yes, I can see you again, Edmond.” Kirito was silent for a moment and shouted to Xie Ming’s back.

Xie Ming didn’t look back, only his words came

“If you are destined, you can see you again.”

Looking at the closed door of the ward, Kirito sighed deeply: “No matter where he goes, he is such a mysterious man.”

Standing beside him, Suguha always felt that Xie Ming had recognized her as Lifa, and those words seemed to be speaking to her no matter what. but…..

“Why can he recognize me…”

If Xie Ming were here, he would definitely spit in his heart: nonsense, do you want to tell you that I have read the original?


Riding on the motorcycle and supporting the ground on one foot, Xie Ming took out his mobile phone from Kabuto and took a look. It was close to dinner time.

“Go home and make a delicious meal for Asuna.” Xie Ming thought for a while, and then said to Yui in his heart: “Yui, how is Asuna today?”

Since Xie Ming couldn’t spare the time for these two days, he left Yui there to take care of Asuna. After all, the mother and daughter also have a lot to say.

“Dad, my mother’s health condition is much better than that of my father at the time. The doctor said that she can be discharged from the hospital after one day of re-examination in the hospital tomorrow. However, we still need regular rehabilitation exercises.”

Xie Ming once again had 10,000 alpacas running in his heart. He sighed and cursed: “Evil capitalism.” Then he said to Yui: “Then Yui, what do you want to eat? I’ll take it from home to the hospital. ”

“Um~ Considering mom’s situation, dad, you should cook chicken soup, which is light and nutritious.”

“OK, please help me navigate a market where live chickens are sold.”

“Okay, the Yui brand navigation system is starting~”

Xie Ming listened to Yui’s naughty voice, smiled, and put on the motorcycle that was started by the helmet.

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