Chapter 173: A Date Before Leaving


Xie Ming looked helplessly at Asuna with her mouth wide open, scooped a spoonful of food from the bowl, and put it into her mouth.

“Um~, delicious!” Asuna said happily, her eyes narrowed into a line.

“What kind of punishment is this PLAY…” Xie Ming looked at Yui, who also opened his mouth to feed himself, sighed deeply, and then took a spoon to feed Yui.

“This is your punishment for Ming!” Asuna heard Xie Ming’s complaining words, her eyes widened in dissatisfaction, and said naturally.

“That’s right. This is a punishment for being so rude to you, Dad!” Yui swallowed the meal in her mouth and nodded in agreement.

“…It’s just a little joke.”

“It’s not a joke!” Asuna glared and stuck her waist. “You have to let you know what’s wrong!”

“I was wrong, I was wrong, please let the deputy head of the team spare your child.” Xie Ming couldn’t smile. Why did he say such a lonely sentence in the first place?

Asuna turned her head and snorted, “It depends on your sincerity, ah~”

“Come on, ah~” I fed Asuna again and ate a few bites of rice. Xie Ming gently wiped the corners of her mouth with a tissue, and then said: “Okay, Asuna. The doctor said that you need to adjust your diet for a while. Time, so I can’t eat anymore.”

“…Well, Ming, I know.” Asuna’s face was obviously disappointed. After all, although she also likes Xie Ming’s dinner, she wants to interact with her beloved and do intimate things.

Xie Ming looked at Asuna dumbfounded, rubbed her head gently, and said softly, “It’s alright, there will be a chance in the future.”

“But you are going back to China the day after tomorrow. I don’t know when we meet next time…” Asuna said sadly, lowering her head.

“…” Xie Ming was silent for a moment, and then said to Asuna: “Asuna, let’s go on a date tomorrow!”

“Eh!” Asuna was taken aback by Xie Ming’s proposal. “But tomorrow I will be discharged from the hospital!”

“Leave immediately after leaving the hospital.”

“But my father said he was coming to pick me up.”

“Just leave a note saying eloped with me and will be back tomorrow.”

“But my body can’t move around at will…”

“You don’t need to go, I’ll hold you.”

“Um…” Asuna looked at Xie Ming with embarrassment. However, the eyes were filled with eagerness.

Of course, if our blood-cute knights deputy commander doesn’t have a bit of decisiveness and courage, how can he be the deputy commander? After all, it was the ghost of the Raiders at the time.

Xie Ming saw this, and didn’t point it out, so he made his own conclusion: “Okay, since there are no opinions, it’s so decided!”


Seeing Asuna, who was still embarrassed just now, and now smiling, what can Xie Ming say? What can I say?


The next day, Xie Ming helped Asuna, who was staggering, to leave the hospital, and then he took Asuna and rode on his motorcycle. Asuna put her arms around her neck in her arms, Yui sat behind and hugged Xie Ming’s waist.

“Then, the destination Central Park, let’s go~”

“Oh!” Yui cheered.

“Oh~” Asuna raised her right hand in cooperation and yelled softly.

Then the locomotive roared away, and within a few minutes, a limousine stopped in front of the hospital. The driver got out of the car through the front door, trot to the front door and opened the rear door. Two people got out of the car door.

A woman in professional clothes with fine short hair and Yuuki Shoji who is holding her hands. This woman is Asuna’s mother, Kyoko Yuki, a university professor.

Although Yuki Shoji’s face is a little haggard, his body is still relatively tough. He smiled and walked to the front desk of the hospital and said: “Hello, I am Yuki Hina’s father. I have made an appointment for my daughter Ming Hina. Go through the procedures for leaving the hospital.”

“I’m very sorry, Mr. Yuki. Ms. Yuki has gone through the procedures for leaving the hospital and has been away for about 10 minutes.”

“…Then, who is she who is with her? It should be very difficult to act independently based on her physical condition.” Yuki Akira was dazed, and then asked with a wry smile.

“It’s a boy in a red coat, Mr. Uranus Temple. By the way, Mr. Uranus Temple said that if you come, I will give you this letter.” The front desk staff smiled, then took the envelope from the drawer and handed it to Ended with Akzo.

“…It really is that brat.”

“What’s the matter, Zhang San?” At this time, Kyoko Yuuki, who was waiting next to him, walked over and asked with a serious expression.

“Kyoko, Asuna has been abducted by Uranus Temple-kun and left us such a letter.” Yuki Shōzo smiled wryly, shook the envelope in his hand, and said.

“Uranus Temple… Ah, the boyfriend that Asuna made, isn’t it? It seems that he is still a foreign student from C, who exposed Xuxiang and rescued our daughter.” Kyoko Yuki frowned and thought about it. , And then suddenly said.

“Yes, that kid. Doing things for me all day long.”

Kyoko Yuki learned about Xie Ming from her husband, but she didn’t pay attention to it. Only after Xie Ming relied on her own reasoning and actions to expose Xuxiang and rescue Asuna, did she really begin to understand Xie Ming.

Kyoko rolled his eyes to pretend to be a slogan, opened the envelope, read it quickly, and then smiled.

“Let’s go, Zhang San, for the sake of your face, just leave a little time for these two young people.” Then stepped on high heels and turned away.

Zhang San looked at his cold-faced wife, smiled and followed.


“Hey, Ming. Why are you driving so fast, but it’s not cold at all.” Asuna said strangely as she looked at the scenery quickly passing by on both sides of the street.

Xie Ming looked forward and said with a smile: “Of course you are warmer in my arms.”

This is of course an excuse, and the actual method used is the same as when I went to see Asuna in the rain that day. After adjusting Fogu’s temperature to a certain level, the three of them were weakly wrapped. This will protect against wind and keep warm without being noticed by others.

Although it is winter, the sky is beautiful. The sun is very abundant, blue sky, white clouds, sunshine. The date of the date has been foolproof.

The geographical position is not far away from Central Park.

Looking at the sign written on the sign in the distance, Xie Ming twisted the accelerator again, and the locomotive began to accelerate.

Yui has begun to enter the atmosphere, feeling the touch of the wind with her arms open, smiling happily.

“Hey, Yui, it’s very dangerous!” Asuna looked at Yui, groaningly.

“It’s okay, mom.”

Suddenly, Xie Ming also released a hand and opened it, just like Yui.

“Hey! Ming!! Drive me well!!”

“It’s okay, Asuna.”

“It’s okay to blame!!!”

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