Chapter 176 Skill: Instant Hell Kill

After using the ring of contract, Xie Ming began to allocate the data points he obtained. The 20 data points obtained by the task reward and the 10 data points brought to me by my talent Rewrite after another week, totaling 30 points.

As usual, it is evenly distributed to 5 attributes.

Lord God Walker: Xie Ming

Title: Guardian Heart

Main God Space Number: 23333

Race: Human

Combat power: 95

Combat power level: first-order peak

Strength: 86

Durability: 86

Agility: 86

Intelligence: 86

Energy: 88

Now that he has 30,000 yuan in his hand, it would be a bit wasteful not to spend it to increase his strength. Xie Ming picked up the grass and held it in his mouth, lying on the lawn of his personal space, thinking about his own shortcomings.

Yui obediently knelt down beside Xie Ming and looked at Xie Ming.

“Hey, Yui. What do you think is your daddy’s shortcomings now?”

Yui heard Xie Ming’s question and began to link to the main god space to search for information.

“Dad’s current state….. The defense system has the shield return skills taught by Grandpa Kratos, which can be used up to the advanced level of the substitute, so no other subsidies are needed for the time being. The reconnaissance has my hostile detection and combat. Evaluation, so there is no need…”

Xie Ming went on to say: “In terms of speed, there are purple magic pupils to assist in combat. Unless it is stronger than me to another level, otherwise it will not be overreacted. In terms of equipment, the guidance of my demon sword village Masa and Qixing star can also become The core equipment of reversal form, the Aegis shield is also fully suitable for the needs of shield return.”

“So, what about Dad’s fighting aspect?” Yui said with a smile.

“For combat…” Xie Ming touched his chin. “The state of’Ghost’ and the state of’Crazy’ are enough to deal with various battles. The’Ghost’ is used for ordinary battles and protracted battles. And’crazy’ is an explosive state that turns things around. If I add two pieces of core equipment, I believe that no one in the second-tier high-end will be my opponent.”

“But Dad, you have never had a perfect fighting system for your battles, have you?”

“The combat system…Doesn’t Spartan fighting skills count?”

“Hmm~ Spartan fighting skills are indeed a complete system, but Dad uses knives more, isn’t he? Only when using Spartan fury will he equip the hand armor for Spartan fighting skills. And it’s just ordinary punches and kicks, nothing like that… By the way, father, you lack the nirvana that can explode instantly!” Yui clapped her hands and laughed.

“It exploded in an instant… the nirvana?” Xie Ming’s eyes gradually lit up.

“That’s right.” Yui said with a smile: “Dad, when you are equipped with the demon sword Muramasa, the’ghost’ mode is your best state, because the use of swordsmanship requires no distracting thoughts. And father’s yours Swordsmanship has become a style of its own, so it is not suitable for systematic learning of other swordsmanship systems, but needs to be honed in battle. In this way, you will gradually acquire your own swordsmanship nirvana by yourself.”

“But Dad, your’crazy’ mode is defined as a means to reverse the world, but it lacks the kind of one-shot kill. Think about it, with the addition of Spartan fighting skills and Spartan fury, A special move, isn’t it then a real special move?”

“That’s how it is!” Xie Ming suddenly got up and suddenly realized. He picked up Yui, turned around, and said with a smile: “Sure enough, my daughter is Dad’s intimate little padded jacket!”

“Hee hee~” Yui hugged Xie Ming with his backhand, and then said seriously: “After I just checked the main god store and combined with my father’s current economic situation, I have found the most suitable skill scroll for my father to learn.”

“What is it?”

“From Street Fighter, the hero’s nirvana-instant hell kill.” Yui pulled out a light curtain from the front, and said somewhat solemnly.

Hearing this person’s name, Xie Ming was a little silent.

“Street Fighter” is a fighting stand-alone game series first launched by Japan’s CAPCOM company in 1987. The first generation of the game was released on August 30, 1987. There are many characters among them, if you say that the strongest character inside, then there is nothing more than a ghost. (PS: Of course, it depends on personal level in the game)

Haogui, known as the “extreme fist”, “the fist of ghosts and gods”. In the background of the game, he and his elder brother Gang Quan worshipped the grandmaster of the wave of karate at the time, and hit the iron gate.

When studying under Heng Tie’s school, Haogui made no secret of his desire for power. But too much pursuit of power, triggered the evil side of the wave flow karate, the wave of killing intent, killed his master Hong Tie.

After the wave stream karate practice reaches a certain limit, it will either stagnate or enter one of the two. One is the “Fist of Nothing” in which one can understand one’s own karma and sublimate after one’s own sin. And the other one is the ‘wave of killing intent’.

The Haogui is the last strong man in the Shura road of the wave of killing intent. He was beaten by his brother, completely controlled by the wave of killing intent, and his trick is ——Instant Hell Kill, defeated his brother to the dying.

Therefore, the instant hell kill is to completely entrust oneself to the killing intent, and the ultimate must kill.

However, Xie Ming hesitated, because completely entrusting himself to the killing intent represented a complete loss of reason, seeing someone kill, and becoming a completely ruthless existence that was only born for killing. This is what he has to avoid anyway, he gains power for the sake of protection, not to protect it for the sake of power. This causal relationship must not be chaotic.

Yui saw Xie Ming’s concern and smiled and comforted: “Dad, you don’t have to worry so much. The ready-made skills acquired through the skill scroll have a long cooling time. If you use the instant hell kill, Then you can’t use it again for at least one day. And only at the moment you use the skill, you are completely controlled by the wave of killing intent. Without using the skill, you can’t feel the killing intent. It’s fluctuating.”

“Besides, Dad, your Spartan fury, but the skills that Grandpa Kratos taught you, the ghost cannot be compared with Grandpa Kratos, because no matter how strong the ghost is, it is only in the realm of humans and gods. And Kui Grandpa Toss, but a true god-killer.”

“The reason why I recommend this skill to Dad to Dad is that Dad also uses the anger of Spartan to control his own killing intent, and uses the skill of Instant Hell Kill to control the fluctuation of killing intent, and The combination of my own’ghost’ state, and the final combination of’ghost’ and’crazy’. Otherwise, relying on your own spirit to suppress the killing intent and fighting intent will bring great psychological pressure to my father.”

After Yui’s explanation, Xie Ming thought for a while, and looked at the price of the instant hell kill skill on the light screen: 28,000 exchange points, then looked at Yui, and then clicked to buy.

I believe Yui. Besides, how can things be risk-free? If it is to protect your important people, even if you fall into the way of Shura, then what’s the problem?

Looking at the skill scroll slowly falling from the sky into his hands, Xie Ming opened it.

“Learning Skill: Instant Hell Kill!”

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