Chapter 177

After Xie Ming pulled the scroll open, a group of scarlet light filled with blood and murderous aura emerged from the scroll, and then slowly merged into Xie Ming’s body. Suddenly, Xie Ming felt an uncontrollable murderous aura gushing out like a fountain.

In Yui’s eyes, after Xie Ming was drilled into his body by the light ball, a layer of scarlet blood appeared on the surface of his body, like red steam. The original dark eyes kept emitting blood-red light.

“Dad!!” Yui couldn’t help but shouted anxiously.

Hearing Yui’s shout, Xie Ming’s body trembled, and then gritted his teeth, directly starting the Fury of Sparta.

“Roar!!” An angry roar from the sky, the scarlet flames representing the fury of Sparta and the scarlet flames of the wave of killing intent were slowly intertwined, and finally calmed down slowly.

Yui said worriedly, “Dad, are you okay.”

“Ah, it’s okay. I just passed a level…” Xie Ming opened his eyes, and his pupils were full of exhaustion at this time.

This is why the Instant Hell Killing is obviously a very powerful skill, but the selling price is so low. Because of the incidental gifts of the instant prison killing, the fluctuation of the killing intent has too much influence on people’s thinking.

But what Xie Ming didn’t know was that so far, countless surrogates had challenged the control of the wave of killing intent, but they all failed without accident. Or every time he performed a stunt about the fluctuation of the killing intent, he was completely controlled by the killing intent and became the evil spirit Shura who only knew how to kill. Either it is relying on their own will to resist tenaciously, and finally exhausted and loses the ability to fight and is left to be slaughtered.

However, Xie Ming was able to converge the fluctuations in the killing intent, and the negative effect was only mental fatigue. This spread out, I don’t know how many people’s glasses will fall, and how many people will chant: “This is unscientific!”

Although, Xie Ming knew early on that Spartan’s Wrath was a gift from Kui Ye. But as Xie Ming’s own vision improved and his strength increased, the more he could feel how heavy and priceless this gift was.

returning a Favour many times more. With his current strength, he still couldn’t help Kui Ye do anything. However, in the future, this kind of teaching will be reciprocated.

Just now…..

“It’s so sleepy, I’ll sleep for a while.” Xie Ming yawned, swaying towards his small villa and the soft big bed.


“Today’s fifth game, KT won! This is already his eighth consecutive victory. Although according to the rules of the main space arena, we cannot see his face and know his number. But I believe , He is definitely at the pinnacle of our first-order generations!!” The host stood on the stage and shouted a little fanatically.

The onlookers around also kept shouting, yelling, and whistling, and the scene was very lively and sensational.

Xie Ming shook his hands, cast his eyes on the opponent who was punched by his heart, and turned and left the arena.

This was his third day in the arena. He played eight games and won. The ranking has risen straight from the bottom to the top 100. And his opponent just now was the 73rd person in the Arena.

However, this person has nothing difficult to solve for Xie Ming. His personal strength is not strong, and he uses a magic control system, and various difficult slow magic, curse magic, etc. emerge in an endless stream. This ranking must have come from this way.

But unfortunately, Xie Ming’s Spartan Fury completely ignored all control skills, so when he was complacent about preparing to chop the meat with a slow knife to solve Xie Ming, Xie Ming punched through the heart and immediately died.

I want to ask why Xie Ming came to the Arena? Then you need to ask, to actually fight.

One’s own individual training can never progress as fast as actual combat. This is how Xie Ming taught Lifa, and he did the same. If you want to ask what to train, it is the degree of control over the fluctuation of the killing intent.

The current wave of killing intent was firmly locked in his body by Xie Ming with the wrath of Spartan, unable to come out to make trouble. However, relatively he was also unable to use the wave of killing intent, and the unique skill he had learned-Instant Prison Kill.

The skills of surrogates actually come in two forms. One form is that the surrogate can control it, so there will be no cooling time, and it can be used as desired. The second is to use the main god space for assistance, and such skills require cooling time.

The instantaneous prison killing that Xie Ming learned was the second type. When Xie Ming uses the instant hell kill, the assistance of the main god space will adjust Xie Ming’s body to a state where he can use the instant hell kill, which means that the wave of the instant killing intent is completely liberated. In this case, if one is not good, it will run out of control, so Xie Ming and Yui discussed it and came up with a method.

That is to come to the arena and fight with a little wave of liberating killing intent. Xie Ming first liberated 1% of the wave of killing intent and cooperated with Spartan fighting skills to fight. Then slowly increase, 2%, 5%, until now the limit has been tested.

16%, this is the limit that Xie Ming can fully control now. Any more point will cause him to lose control and run away. However, the bonus brought by this 16% is also huge, as can be seen from Xie Ming’s skill list.

Wave of Killing Intent (Active): Transform Ultimate’s killing intent into its purest power. After opening, the attack speed of the surrogate is increased by 100%, the damage is increased by 100%, and the speed is increased by 150%. You can use related martial arts.

Instant Hell Kill (Active): Thousand hits in one instant, instant Hell kill! Thousands of attacks were made in an instant with the ultimate killing intent, and the opponent was drowned in a wave of killing intent and violence. (You need to fully activate the wave of killing intent to use)

Xie Ming can now control 16% of the fluctuation of killing intent, which means that the fluctuation of killing intent will only increase Xie Ming by 16%, but this is also very impressive. After all, you can’t eat a fat man in one bite. .

However, everything has advantages and disadvantages. When the wave of killing intent is activated, Xie Ming’s mental power will be greatly consumed. With the current mental power of Xie Ming, the bonus state of wave of killing intent can only be activated for one minute at most. If the purple magic pupil is turned on at the same time, the time will be shortened to 45 seconds.

If Spartan’s Fury, Purple Demon Eyes, and Wave of Killing Intent are turned on at the same time, then there is only 5 seconds to become a real man in 5 seconds…

However, within these 5 seconds, Xie Ming’s combat effectiveness can directly reach the second-tier peak! Of course, the sequelae are also more serious. After 5 seconds, he was directly mentally overdrawn, and he lost his fighting ability in a coma. After waking up, he still has to endure extraordinary headaches, which can be described as a pattern of breaking the boat.

“Today’s mental energy has been consumed almost, so let’s go back…” Xie Ming rubbed his temples and staggered back to his personal space.

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