Chapter 185 Entrance Examination

Regarding one for all, Oermat naturally gave a general explanation with Xie Ming. After all, it is to let people train their own successors, how can they not make an announcement frankly.

However, Oermat did not elaborate on the sadness hidden behind one for all. Just said: “When the time is right, I will tell the Green Valley Boy and you, Uranus Temple Boy.”

Therefore, Xie Ming’s understanding of one for all is just the same as that of Lvgu.

This is a personality passed down from generation to generation, like a holy flame. It is cultivated by one person, then handed over to another person to inherit, then cultivated, and then handed over to another person. This is the crystallization of inheriting the strength, spirit, and faith of all people from generation to generation. This is the true meaning of the power called one for all.

And Oermat is the eighth-generation successor of this power.

The way of inheriting one for all is to take in the DNA of the previous generation’s successor, and it is only possible if the previous generation’s successor is willing to do so. This is why Oermat let Green Valley eat his own hair.

After receiving these news, Xie Ming’s first main task progress bar reached 70%. The remaining 30% must be the origin of one for all. After all, this is a long-standing personality that has been passed down for 7 generations.

Of course, Oermat also told Xie Ming why he chose Lugu as the ninth generation and his injuries.

During a battle against the enemy, Oermat was seriously injured. The respiratory organs were generally damaged, and the stomach was also removed. Repeated operations and sequelae caused him to look like a skeleton. The time for hero activities is only 3 hours a day, or even less.

The reason why he came to Xiongying to coach was to conceal the fact that he was injured and the hero’s activity time was limited. It is also to find and train their own heirs. Now that he has found it, then only training is left, with Xie Ming.

Oermat came to cultivate Green Valley’s application of personality and spiritual guidance, and Xie Ming came to train Green Valley’s ability to confront enemies and change his personality.

In this short period of 8 months, the results are very objective. The young man Midoriku Idehisa, although still a little timid, had the courage to face it and defeat his opponent. Also slowly picked up the self-confidence that had been lost for more than ten years.

When he was wearing the morning sun and shouting to the sky, Xie Ming had already seen that this young eagle was ready to fly high.

Lugu ate the hair that Oermat handed out with great difficulty, then stretched out his limbs, and said puzzledly: “But, I don’t feel any changes in myself?”

“Hahahaha, of course.” Hearing Lugu’s question, Oermat laughed loudly: “You take your own stomach and intestines, but in two or three hours, you will feel arrive.”

“Ah~, I’m so nervous…I want to go home to take a shower and have breakfast…” Green, who put on his shirt and shoes, kept his backpack muttering.

Seeing this situation, Xie Ming’s eyebrows tightened, “Lv Gu, what is the first battle rule I told you?”

“Yes! Teacher Uranus Temple! Keep your head calm at all times!” Green Valley replied subconsciously, and then his body slowly relaxed, and his eyes no longer fluttered so panickly.

Seeing Lugu calm down, Xie Ming motioned to Oermet to continue. Olmert gave a light cough and added: “Although you have already exercised your body in Green Valley Junior, it is a container built in a hurry, and there is no time for you to adapt to your personality.”

“So when you use your personality, it will inevitably have some adverse effects on your body. You have to be psychologically prepared.”


“There is no time to explain so much to you. In short, you have to remember this.” Oermat said lightly: “When using my personality, one for all, tighten the chrysanthemum for me, and then in my heart Roar loudly—Smash!”

“Also, no matter what the test you face, the most important thing is to stay calm.” Xie Ming added: “If you let me see your embarrassing appearance, the consequences…you know.” Xie Ming didn’t think about it. A kind smile.

Seeing this smile, Lugu trembled all over and shouted: “Yes!!”


After returning home and having breakfast with Yui, after sending Yui to school, Xie Ming also embarked on the road to Xiongying. Although he is specially enrolled and does not need to take the entrance examination, the principal specially ordered him to come over on the day of the entrance examination. Said that he wanted him to see what the entrance examination was like.

“But it is indeed a little curious.” Xie Ming was walking on the road and pondered, “It just happened to look at the performance of Lugu, after all, it is considered half of my student.”

“Oh, here it is, Uranus Temple boy.” Unconsciously, Xie Ming had already arrived at Xiongying’s back door, and Oermat in the skeleton state was waiting for him.

After Xie Ming returned the gift, he said doubtfully: “Why did you come out to pick me up, Uncle Might.”

“Because of all people, I know you the best.” Oermat smiled and replied.

“Yes.” Xie Ming couldn’t help but flipped Byakugan: “So, has the exam already started?”

“Not yet, but now we are explaining the content of the exam. You, I, and other teachers will be watching the status of the students on the monitor.”

“OK, then let’s go.”


The two slowly walked into the school.


“So now, let me give you a brief introduction to the test content.” On the screen, in the center of the venue stood an adult with a golden head, two small moustaches, golden glasses, and a motorcycle suit. The first feeling is that it is very rock and roll, a bit like a DJ in a bar.

“He is a voice hero, gift Mike.” Olmet knew that Xie Ming was not familiar with the heroes of this country, and introduced in a low voice.

“Is personality related to sound…” Xie Ming thought silently, looking at the scene on the screen. It seems that the names of most heroes are quite closely related to their own personalities. In this way, it is easier to reason about their personalities.

While Xie Ming was thinking about this, the Mike on the screen was introducing the relevant rules to everyone who enrolled in a very high tone.

“After my introduction, everyone followed the marks on the card they received and went to their test venue for a 10-minute simulated city block exercise!” Mike opened his arms and introduced very high: “Free to carry props. There are a large number of three types of enemies in the exercise field, and points are set according to their strategy difficulty.”

On the big screen behind Mike, three types of black robots appeared, with scores of 1, 2, and 3.

“Please use your own personality to defeat these imaginary enemies, and accumulating points is the goal of your audience. Of course! Attacking others that violates the heroic spirit is prohibited!”

“Can you have a question!” At this moment, a boy with half-rim glasses raised his hand and stood up, and said solemnly.

“OK, please speak!” A light shone on him, and Mike motioned for him to speak.

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