Chapter 186 The Exam Begins

“In the handouts sent to us, there are four kinds of enemies!” The glasses boy said solemnly: “If this is a misprint, it will be a shame for the strongest school in Japan! Our candidates are pursuing exemplary heroes. ‘S guide is sitting here!”

Then he turned around and pointed at someone: “And there are curls over there! I have been muttering there just now! Attention has been distracted! If you are watching a show, please leave Xiongying immediately! ”

Xie Ming’s eyes narrowed, “That’s… Green Valley?”

Olmert couldn’t help but smiled bitterly: “It’s no wonder, after all, he is a hero’s house. It is inevitable that he will be a little excited when he meets the hero he likes.”

“It seems that more training is needed,” Xie Ming said coldly.

In this regard, Oermat can only silently mourn for Green Valley. He has watched Xie Ming’s training methods for 8 months, and it is very simple and rude, that is, let Lugu be beaten.

“OKOK, exam number 7111, very good question, thank you.” Mike motioned everyone to be quiet, and then said with a smile: “The fourth kind of enemy has 0 points, and that guy is the so-called interfering object. Every test There is one in the venue. It is a guy who will run away as long as he walks into a narrow place. It is not that it cannot be defeated, but it is meaningless. It is recommended that the audience avoid it as cleverly as possible.”

Hearing the answer, the man with glasses bowed respectfully: “Thank you for your answer, I was rude just now!”

“There is only so much I can say. In the end, as a gift, I will tell you the school motto of our school.”

“Zeng Jin, a great hero named Napoleon Bonaparte, Zeng Jin said: ‘A true hero is a strong man who can constantly overcome the misfortunes of life.’ Step into the distance again, PlusUltra!!!”

“Then please enjoy your misfortune, everyone.”

This is the end of the exam description.

“How is it?” Ormet turned his head to look at Xie Ming, “What do you think of this exam.”

Xie Ming smiled: “Since it is a hero subject, everything is to train whether students meet the standards of a hero. Finding enemies in unknown locations in the city will test students’ intelligence and judgment to grasp the situation as soon as possible. The speed of fast movement, that is, mobility. Even if an emergency occurs, you must maintain a calm judgment and judgment. The combat power required to defeat the enemy, and…

“Saving others, the heroic spirit of self-sacrifice.” Lightly knocking the fourth enemy, Xie Ming said lightly.

“Pretty and beautiful.” Soft applause gradually came, and a big white mouse smiled and clapped.

“Mr. Nezu, hello. Long time no see.” Xie Ming saluted and greeted.

“Yeah~ Uranus Temple-kun, long time no see.” Nezu said with a smile: “But it’s really surprising. I didn’t expect you to think of the meaning of this exam so quickly.”

Xie Ming nodded nonchalantly, “After all, there are enough prompts. It just depends on whether you are careful enough. But…”

Looking at the shivering green valley on the screen, Xie Ming sighed: “I said to stay calm, but it still gave me such a senseless look.”

“Well~Well~, Uranus Temple Boy, you are too strict with the Green Valley Boy.” Ormet smiled and patted Xie Ming on the shoulder. It won’t be of much use.”

“With Lvgu’s current physical fitness, if you want to use fighting skills to defeat this robot opponent, you can only use two methods.” Xie Ming explained: “One is to hit the joints of the robot powerfully, and the other One is to use throwing skills to take advantage of the opponent’s original weight. However, both of these techniques need to keep a cool head. I think I can’t count on Green Valley. In this exam, what is the advantage of fighting skills. NS.”

“If you can’t count on fighting skills, does it mean that there are other places where Green Valley Boys will be outstanding?” Oermat asked with a smile.

Xie Ming cast his eyes slightly at Oermat, “ask him knowingly.”

“Hahahaha cough cough cough…” Olmert laughed, then vomited blood.


Green Valley and other test-takers took the bus inside the school and arrived at the corresponding test area. The exam venue where Green Valley is located is in Zone B. At first glance, this area is completely a small town, and this is just a place for examinations, and the area occupied by Xiongying High School is only a small part.

The test-takers couldn’t help but sigh Xiongying’s wealth and wealth, while the teenager Midori Idujiu, dressed in sportswear, was shaking constantly at this time.

He looked around and found that everyone around him was wearing equipment that matched his personality, and they were all talking and laughing, without any sense of tension.

“Calm down, calm down! Teacher Uranus Temple said that if you don’t calm down, you can’t do anything. Ah, that girl is a good person who just helped me at the school gate.” Lugu found a girl with short brown hair with a faint light on her cheeks. The blush makes her look very cute.

At this time, the girl was breathing deeply and concentrating.

When he first entered the exam venue, Lugu was so nervous and excited that he almost fell. However, she was saved by the girl’s personality, and found that the girl’s Green Valley wanted to go and thank him for the matter just now, but he was put a hand on his shoulder.

“Huh?” Lu Gu slowly turned his head, and found that it was the boy with glasses who had stopped him just scolding him at the briefing.

The guy with glasses looked at the tea-haired girl in front of him, and then said seriously to Green Valley: “Did you not find that girl is concentrating on the exam? What’s the matter with you? Are you doing it to hinder others? Are you here to take the exam?”

“No, no, no, there is absolutely nothing like that!” Lugu explained hurriedly, at a loss. In the eyes of others, being able to rank in the same examination room with such a person is simply reducing a competitor. It is too much. Fortunately.

“Okay, let’s start!!” At this moment, Mike’s voice came from the high platform in the distance, and all the candidates were shocked and looked at the high platform.

“What’s the matter? There is no countdown for actual combat!! Run for me! The exam has already started!”

Lugu was taken aback for a moment, and then looked back, the many candidates who had just gathered at the door were already gone and rushed into the exam venue crowded.


Xie Ming, who had completely captured the status of Green Valley, kept twitching at the corners of his mouth, and his smile looked at Green Valley even more unkind. Olmert could only shrug his shoulders to express his silence.

“I hope your performance in the future will satisfy Uranus Temple Boy. Otherwise, Green Valley Boy, you will be miserable~” But for some reason, the skeleton-faced uncle also put on a smirking smile.

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