Chapter 187 Smash!

In every venue, the explosion of the machine kept coming. Teachers such as Xie Ming and Oermat received all the actions of the students in the management room.

This made Xie Ming who had seen the world a little eye-opener. Although he had seen various skills and fighting methods in the arena, he was still a little bit insignificant compared to this time.

People who can produce explosions in their hands, people who have jet ports on their legs that can accelerate, people who can shoot lasers from their belly buttons, people who can grow eyes and mouths from their arms, and many abilities that you can’t even think of are all at this time. It shines here.

In particular, Xie Ming also saw a short boy with a purple ball in his hair, who could actually take the purple ball off and throw it at the enemy, and he could actually stick these robots in place and unable to move.

“But, how do you get points like this…” Xie Ming couldn’t help but vomit when looking at the short boy who turned his head and ran away with a runny nose on the screen. Then he turned his gaze to the display that showed Green Valley. At this time, Green Valley was also facing his first enemy, the 1-point robot.

The Yifen robot saw the Green Valley at this time and made a mechanical sound: “Found the target, hunt and kill!” Then the tire under its feet quickly turned its head and rushed towards the Green Valley.

“Keep calm, stay calm.” Green Valley kept muttering, set up a posture, and quickly thought about the countermeasures: “What I can do now is to avoid its first attack and then use Orme Give me a personality, oneforall will beat it with one blow.”

Seeing the Green Valley slowly entering the state, Xie Ming nodded slightly: “This kid, finally entered the state, but still has no combat experience.”

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Just as Green Valley was about to avoid the robot’s first attack, a laser shot out and destroyed Green Valley’s first enemy.

Lugu was dumbfounded on the spot, and slowly turned his head to look around. A blond boy was standing in an extremely coquettish posture, with a gorgeous belt tied around his waist. In the middle of the belt is a circular condenser. The laser was shot from there just now.

“Thank you.” The blond boy twisted his waist and said with a smile: “It’s a perfect teamwork. However, I don’t feel like I will meet you again, bye.” Then he turned around and ran.

“…My point!!!” Lugu cried out in a sort of collapse, and at this time Mike’s voice made him even more nervous.

“There are still 6 minutes and 2 seconds!”

“Ahhhh, time is not in a hurry!” Green Valley began to run looking for enemies everywhere, but all he saw were the destroyed wreckage. Through the streets, he came to the avenue.

At this time, candidates gathered on the avenue, all scrambling to kill the enemy.

Lu Gu looked around and saw the girl who had helped him. At this time, she was also running between the robots. Every time she passed by the robot, she would touch her with her hand, and then the robots immediately floated.

“Relieve!” The tea-haired girl yelled after lifting her fingers from each other. As the sound fell, the floating enemy also fell down, being destroyed by its own gravity. The tea-haired girl looked back and said to herself: “That’s 28 points.” Then she kept looking for the enemy without stopping.

“28 points!” Lu Gu was taken aback, and then saw the boy with glasses who taught him.

I saw gas from the air jet of his calf, and his body accelerated and jumped up. A flying kick directly kicked the body of a robot, “45 minutes!”



“Hey, don’t grab my prey!”

Listening to the sounds coming from everywhere, Lugu’s mentality collapsed more and more, and tears burst into his eyes. Started to run aimlessly, looking for the enemy.

In the management room, there was a lot of discussion, and they all commented that this year’s students have many good seedlings.

Olmert stood up at this moment, “It’s almost time, it’s time to show whether they have real value.” Then he pressed a red button.

As the button was pressed, there was a huge sound of cables falling off on the avenues of each examination room, and then giant robots over a hundred meters in height appeared on the street. This is the 0-point enemy, a mechanism specially used to hinder candidates.

The huge robot swung a huge iron fist and slammed it to the ground.

“Boom!!” A strong air wave blew by, and dust filled the road. Lugu was blown to the ground directly, and he was lying on the ground looking at the 100-meter robot in horror. In the dust, examinees constantly rushed out to escape from this area.

“This is not a joke, you must escape quickly! You must also earn points while escaping.” Green Valley reacted with his hands and feet and crawled on the ground, also preparing to escape from this area.

“There are 2 minutes left!!” Mike’s declaration from the heights added fuel to the fire.

Lugu’s mind quickly remembered what happened in the past 10 months, his own efforts, Oermat’s help, and Xie Ming’s training.

“It will be in vain! All the help given to me by Teacher Uranus Temple and Oermat will be in vain!!” Green Valley, who was about to escape, suddenly heard a painful cry.

“It hurts!” It was the tea-haired girl. She was pressed by the falling rubble on her right foot, lying on the ground unable to move.

Lugu looked at the giant robot approaching, his mind suddenly went blank, only what the girl said when he helped him.

“If you fall, it will be unlucky.”

In the management room, seeing Green Valley running towards the giant robot without hesitation, Xie Ming and Oermat laughed at the same time.

“Even if you defeat that imaginary enemy, it won’t do any good.” Oermat remembered the first time he and Green Valley met, after he had educated Green Valley so much. Seeing the friend who was caught by the enemy, he had no strength, was thin and weak, but he was faster than anyone else and ran out firmly.

Just when Oermat himself was hesitating whether to exceed the limit of activity to save the hostages, the teenager Idku Midori, even if his feet trembled with fear, the tears in his eyes would fall, but he still rushed Going up, regardless of his own safety, he ran out to save his friends, and the enemy revealed a trace of flaws.

It is precisely because of this that Green Valley was so dazzling at that time, so Oermet felt a lot, and it also made him choose Green Valley as his heir.

Lugu stomped on the ground, and red lines flashing with electric light appeared on the muscles of his calf. Then he jumped high and came directly to the top of the giant robot’s head. Lugu clenched his right fist firmly, his sleeves burst, and the entire right arm was covered with flashing red lines.

He remembered Olmert’s words, “Tighten the chrysanthemum for me, and then shout loudly in his heart—”


The right fist resembling a comet blasted heavily, and a huge impact sounded in the air.

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