Chapter 188

Sparks, explosions, fragmentation. The huge robot was directly knocked down by Green Valley’s attack, and couldn’t get up again. And Lugu began to fall because of the gravity of the earth. Don’t forget, he just jumped more than 100 meters high.

But not only that, because Oermat said in the morning, the reaction of using oneforall with Lugu’s current body is also directly reflected in Lugu’s body. The legs flicked irregularly, and the right hand completely turned dark purple and also shook irregularly in the air.

“Hey, Oermat. Is this the reaction you said?” Xie Ming’s voice was a little cold and asked slowly.

Oermat heard Xie Ming’s indifferent tone and smiled bitterly: “Ah, yes. Before the personality and the body are not properly adapted, once the Green Valley boy uses 100% power of oneforall, then his body will inevitably be Backed by this powerful force, it becomes this state.”

“Moreover, I believe. Even if the Green Valley boy knew that his body would become such a state using oneforall, he would still save others without hesitation.”

“…Ah~” Xie Ming sighed deeply, yes, that’s why he took care of the young Lugu Ikuhisa so much. Because he is so much like himself, his posture in order to protect others regardless of his own safety is exactly the same as his original self. Therefore, Xie Ming felt how distressed and worried the people who saw his miserable situation at that time were very distressed and worried.

“Then what do you do now? If you fall down at that speed, the god will not be able to save him.” Xie Ming asked, looking at the green valley where the falling speed was continuously increasing with the acceleration of gravity.

“Don’t worry, Uranus Temple-kun, please trust Xiongying’s safety measures and rescue measures.” Principal Nezu said with a smile at this time, “Know that this is the highest institution in country J, and things you are worried about will not happen. .”

Xie Ming was noncommittal: “I hope so.”

At this time, Lugu, also enduring the severe pain that was about to make him faint, his brain kept turning: “What to do? What to do?! I will definitely die if I fall at this speed! Think! Think! Ah, DetroitSmash! If you use this trick against the ground, it will work!”

DetroitSmash is a sign of Oermet’s kill. With strong wind pressure to blow everything in front of you, Ormet can even use this trick to change the weather. What Lugu thought of at this time was to use the wind pressure generated by this trick to push himself back, so that he could save his life in this high-altitude fall.


“Now both feet and right arm have been comminuted fractures, and only the left arm is left! I have to seize the time. Too early or too late will cost me my life! But even if I hold my life, my points are still 0. Divide!” Lugu’s tears kept overflowing his eyes. He slowly raised his left hand, looked at the ground getting closer and closer, and began to roar loudly, as if he could gain some strength by roaring.

“Slap!” Just when he was 1.2 meters away from the ground, the tea-haired girl climbed up a wreck of the giant robot and flew up, slapped Lugu lightly.

After that, Lugu’s body floated at a distance of less than half a meter from the ground.

The tea-haired girl touched each other with her fingers, and said very uncomfortably: “Relieve…” Then, the wreckage she was crawling and the floating green valley landed at the same time.

“Uh… Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~

Lugu slowly raised his head, looked at the girl lying on the wreck, and thought to himself: “I am saved, she was saved by her. She, is it okay…. It seems that there is no injury, which is great~~ “Finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“And…Thank you!!” Lu Gu dragged his broken body and crawled on the ground with only one left hand. Tears kept dripping on the floor, and his mouth hoarsely said: “At least. …At least 1 point!!!”

However, the reality is cruel. At this time, Mr. Mike, in his unique DJ tone, announced loudly: “The exam is over!”

Along with this sentence, all the examination rooms sounded harsh air defense alarms. And Lugu, because of the psychological and physical double blow, rolled his eyes and fainted.

Looking at the embarrassed Green Valley on the screen, Xie Ming sighed again, “I’ll be responsible for sending this hapless boy back, but remember to send me a copy of the test results.”

“Please, Uranus Temple Boy.” Ormet said with a smile.

Xie Ming waved his hand: “I found that you, the No. 1 hero, are the most cruel one. In contrast, my training is still gentle.” Then he turned and left.

In this regard, Oermat can only smile wryly. After all, if you become your own successor, you will definitely suffer from injuries and pains in the future. Oneforall, this powerful power, and the responsibilities that need to be assumed after inheriting this power, is not a joke. This is just the beginning.

Just as Xie Ming left the management room and walked to the examination room, a small, loving old woman in a white coat also appeared in the examination room.

“Okay, okay, everyone has worked hard. Come on, eat some gummies.” The grandmother began to give gums to candidates with minor injuries. This is a medicine that can help them quickly recover from their injuries without any side effects.

Just as every examinee was wondering who this grandma was, the coquettish blond boy had already begun to explain.

“That lady is a hardcore figure of Xiongying, a nurse teacher at Xiongying High School, and a young hero—RecoveryGirl.”

Ms. Recovery looked at the green valley lying on the ground and couldn’t help muttering to herself: “I was wounded like this by my own personality…it seems like my body hasn’t run well with my personality.” Then she pursed her mouth. The mouth stretched out and kissed Lugu’s head.

Immediately afterwards, Lugu’s twisted right arm and legs began to change at a speed visible to the naked eye, and returned to an uninjured state in just a few seconds.

“Her personality is super-activation of healing power. The reason why Xiongying dared to hold such a violent entrance examination has a lot to do with her here.” The blond boy shook his bangs and laughed.

At this time, Xie Ming also rushed to the scene and witnessed this scene.

“Super-activation of healing power…Although it is a very powerful personality, the activation of cells will also reduce the lifespan of a person. After all, the number of cell divisions is limited.” Then he jumped off the building. , Landed gently next to Lugu and lifted him up against his shoulders.

“Oh, you are… Uranus Temple -kun, right?” Ms. Recovery said in surprise when she saw Xie Ming.

Xie Ming bowed gently: “Hello, it seems that the principal mentioned me to you. I came here to bring this idiot apprentice back, so I won’t interrupt your work any more. Please ask for details. Mr. Principal and that one.”

“Oh~ I see, let’s go.” Ms. Recovery smiled, and then shouted to the person next to her: “Okay, okay, who else is injured? Come and get the jellybeans here~”

However, the examinee present did not pay attention to her at this time, but watched Xie Ming jump up to the back of the building, which had disappeared. There is a question in common in my mind.

“who is he?”

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