Chapter 189 Why Did You Become a Hero


“Wake up, I slept for a long time.” A faint word came from the opposite side, Lu Gu rubbed his eyes and saw that the person sitting opposite him was the fighting skill teacher who he respected and feared. Uranus Temple Hutaro, also known as Xie Ming.

Xie Ming glanced at the bewildered Lugu, looked at the watch on his wrist, and said, “You go to the toilet to wake up, I’ll go to join Yui. Today you will have dinner at our house, just to help you summarize it. Your performance today.”

“Ah, yes… yes!!!” Lu Gu hadn’t woken up yet, but when Xie Ming said later that he wanted to help him sum up his performance, he was trembling all over with fright and didn’t feel sleepy. I just wanted to decline, but I heard the door close.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!” Lugu burst into tears, rolling on the floor of Xie Ming’s house: “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. ”

When I remembered his performance today, Lugu felt embarrassed. Be one step behind others at the beginning, be one step ahead of others without correct grasp of the means of confrontation, and the disabled state after using personality, all of these are nothing to say.

“What to do…what to do…” Lugu bit his nails in a hurry, pacing back and forth like ants on a hot pot. Suddenly, he heard the sound of the key opening the door, his body stiffened, and then silently made up his mind, and rushed towards the door.

“I’m so sorry!!!” A beautiful glider knelt down and steadily stopped in front of the entrance, Lu Jiu lowered his head and shouted.

“Big brother, why are you kneeling here in the hallway?” A crisp voice rang in front of Lugu, and Lugu slowly raised her head, and saw a petite and cute little girl with a dark face. Xie Ming.

“Hey, what do you guy Lugu want to do to my daughter?”

Green Valley hurriedly stepped back and hurriedly explained: “No, no, no, teacher Uranus Temple, you have misunderstood, I absolutely don’t have any thoughts about your daughter…wait, daughter? Not my sister?”

Yui tilted her head cutely, and then smiled and introduced herself: “Hello, Brother Midori, I’m Yui Uranus Temple, my father’s daughter.”


Lugu’s surprised voice resounded through this area.


With a few large bags of Green Valley on his head, he sat down honestly at the dinner table, and together with Yui, looked at Xie Ming, who was cooking in the kitchen.

“Yui Yi, can you call it that way?” Midori Valley asked tentatively.

Yui smiled and said, “Of course. Brother Midori wants to ask about my relationship with my father, right?”

“Hmm…” Lu Gu nodded, not to blame for his curiosity. With Xie Ming’s 16 or 17-year-old appearance (although the actual age is 22 years old), there is a child as old as Yui, how can this not be surprising.

“Because my father rescued me and accepted me. So he is Yui’s irreplaceable father.” Yui said naturally.

“??? So, what’s the matter?” Lugu, with the question mark in his head, Yui’s answer just now, Lugu only understood Xie Ming to save Yui, but still couldn’t figure it out.

Xie Ming came out with two large bowls of dishes at this time and said: “In an enemy incident, I defeated the enemy and saved Yui. But it is a pity that Yui’s parents have been killed by the enemy and there are no relatives. I took refuge, so I went through the relevant procedures and adopted the knot.”

According to the data file given by the main god, Xie Ming explained to Lugu.

“Ah, sorry…”

“No need to apologize, Brother Midori Valley.” Yui shook her head, “I’m very, very happy with my father now.”

Xie Ming touched Yui’s head lightly, and then looked at Lugu: “Okay, your curiosity has been satisfied. Now, let’s eat first.”


The three enjoyed a delicious dinner.


Sitting in the living room, Yui shook her calf and watched the TV, while Midori was sitting at the dining table a little fidgeting. After all, Xie Ming entertained him and prepared such a delicious dinner for him, which made him even more uncomfortable with his guilty conscience.

“Could it be…is the last supper before the death penalty???”

“Oh, do you want to be like that? It’s not impossible to fulfill your wish.” After tidying up the kitchen and dining table, Xie Ming looked at Lugu with a faint smile.

“Please don’t do that…”

Xie Ming poured a cup of tea to Lugu, then took a sip from his seat, “I gave you so much time, now you should be able to give me a summary. For your summary today.”

“Yes!” Green Valley straightened up immediately, “Teacher Uranus Temple, I made a total of three mistakes today.”

“tell me the story.”

“The first is that I did not calm my mind, and was controlled by excitement and tension, which led to many mistakes that shouldn’t have been made. The second was that I did not correctly judge the enemy’s means and was easily snatched by others. The chance to score a point. The third is…”

Lugu recalled the severe pain, and couldn’t help but trembled: “I’m so proud of myself. I can’t control the power of oneforall, but I use it as one of the methods I can use. This goes against the teacher of Uranus Temple. teach.”

“You only talked about the bad aspects of you, so what about the good aspects?”

“On the good side? My performance today is really not good…” Lugu said sadly.

Xie Ming looked at Lugu and sighed: “Then, let me summarize it again for you. Today I saw your performance through the display in the Xiongying management room. To be honest, you still need to practice more.”

“Hmm~” Lu Gu lowered his head.

“The judgment of the situation, the rapid master of intelligence, and the judgment of combat, you can say that these three aspects are extremely poor. At least, when the teacher Mike is explaining, you should start to consider these issues, but you are immersed in In the joy of seeing my favorite hero, I forgot the most basic things.”

“So, all the mistakes you made today can be summed up in one point-you didn’t keep calm.”


“However, all of this is caused by your lack of experience, so I said that I will strengthen you in the future.” Xie Ming drank a sip of tea again, “However, your desperate actions today can break all of yours. The highlight of the shortcomings.”

“It was this action that made you look less useless today when you were trembling and trembling.

“But, because of this, I didn’t get a point.”

Xie Ming looked at the curly-haired boy in front of him with some seriousness: “Lv Gu, why do you want to be a hero?”

“In order to be a person who saves others with a smile like Olmert.”

“So, do you regret saving that girl today for letting yourself score nothing?”

“No!” Lugu said categorically.

“That’s all right?” Xie Ming laughed: “A hero, doesn’t it exist to save others? If it is a relationship of interest that needs to be measured even in the matter of saving others, then this hero is not appropriate!! ”

“Teacher Uranus Temple…”

Xie Ming stood up and patted Lugu’s head: “Remember this original intention. Don’t forget that you want to become a hero in order to be a person who saves others with a smile. This is what you did today. And Oermat, both are very pleased.”

“Yes!” Lugu sniffed, and the developed lacrimal glands couldn’t stop running. All the grievances and blows he received today seemed to have disappeared because of this sentence.

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