Chapter 191 Physical Test

“Lugu, what are you doing standing at the door? Why don’t you go in?” Xie Ming asked faintly while looking at Lugu.

Lu Gu was taken aback, then looked at Xie Ming, who was wearing the same uniform as himself, and said in surprise: “Teacher Hutaro, you are also in Class A.”

“Ms. Hutaro?” Ochako and the spectacle man asked in unison, how powerful is the existence of the teacher who can punch the giant robot in the entrance exam, Mt.

“Ah, you are! The boy who took away the fainted Lugu-kun at that time.” The glasses man pointed to Xie Ming and said.

Hearing this, Midoriya touched his head a little shyly, and then introduced to the two of them: “Iida-kun, Rei-san, this is the teacher who taught me fighting skills, Mr. Uranus Temple Houtaro. Mr. Houtaro, This is classmate Tenya Iida, and this is classmate Rei Ochanko.”

“Oh, hello, I’m Uranus Tera Houtaro, and I will be your classmate and deputy head teacher.” Xie Ming introduced himself with a shoulder bag.

“Ah, hello, I am Tenya Iida.”

“I am Reiri Ochanko.”

Iida and Ochanko introduced themselves subconsciously, and then reacted: “Ah! Deputy head teacher!!!”

At the same time, the people in the classroom also became a sensation, the deputy head teacher, this is unheard of.

Xie Ming looked at the noisy class and rubbed his brows: “Hey, be quiet. Your head teacher is here.”

“Where? Where?” Lugu asked, turning around.

“It’s behind me.” Xie Ming reluctantly let go and let the three people in front of the door see the existence behind him.

On the ground, there was Uncle Hu Stubble with long black hair lying in a yellow sleeping bag with only one head exposed. He was looking at Lugu and the others with his bloodshot eyes. Hearing Xie Ming mentioning him, he opened the zipper of the sleeping bag and took a sip of a portable drink from it. Then he stood up and opened the sleeping bag and walked out of it.

He was wearing black loose clothes, sloppy shoulder-length hair draped indiscriminately, and thick gray cloth wrapped around his neck.

“Ms. Aizawa, what do you want to do there…” Xie Ming said helplessly.

Aizawa walked into the teacher wilfully, glanced at the students in Class A, and said listlessly: “I am your head teacher, Aizawa Kaita. And the kid next to me will indeed become your deputy head teacher and classmate. International students in country C, okay, you can explain the details of Uranus Temple.” Then he walked to the chair aside and closed his eyes.

Xie Ming sighed, and then waved his hand: “Okay, all of you go back to your chairs and sit down. Let me explain my identity to you in detail. I am indeed an international student from country C. The main purpose of studying in Xiongying is It is to learn the so-called true heroic spirit from Oermet.”

“But due to the big difference in strength between me and yours, it is not easy to play with you in the usual combat training. I can only train with the teacher in the class, so I was assigned the title of deputy head teacher. In the event of a special situation, if there is no class teacher and teacher, then everyone must obey my orders and act.”

“Haha~!” At this time, an explosive head lifted his eyes and kicked off the table and stood up: “Why should I listen to your orders!? What kind of green onion are you! The deputy head teacher? It just laughed at me!! ”

Xie Ming glanced at this boy, he was Bakugo Katsuji. Like Lugu said, his personality is hot and bad. “Well, this student probably didn’t hear me clearly. I said that I would accept everyone’s command when there is no class teacher and teacher. The probability of this happening is less than 10%, so please everyone Don’t worry. Generally speaking, you don’t have to follow the orders of a young man two or three years older than you.”

“As for what everyone said to me, I am a bit dissatisfied that my strength is too far away from everyone. You will see this in future training. Okay, it’s time for Mr. Aizawa.”

Aizawa stood up slowly, and from his dirty yellow sleeping bag, he took out a blue-based garment with white and red strips forming a pattern. This is Xiongying’s sports uniform.

“Okay, then without further ado, everyone quickly put on these clothes and go to the playground to gather.”


According to the information Xie Ming obtained from Oermat and the principal, Aizawa is a hero with a very good teaching level and strength. But his requirements are very strict. He once expelled all students from his class on the first day of school.

Xie Ming, who also put on his sports uniform, stretched his body, and thought to himself: “I looked at it now, and it really is worthy of the name. However, he seems to have very big opinions on me.”

In the classroom Xie Ming had many conversations with Aizawa, but Aizawa never answered Xie Ming directly, and occasionally looked at Xie Ming with vigilant eyes. This made Xie Ming really helpless. He didn’t grow so terribly and murderously. Although the identity of a foreigner is worthy of vigilance, it doesn’t have to be this way.

All the students in Class A of Year 1 changed their clothes one after another, and consciously formed a line of 10 people in 2 rows, while Xie Ming was standing in front of Aizawa on the right.

Aizawa yawned, and slowly introduced, “Now, I will take the personality Master test for everyone.”

“Personality Master exam!!?” The class A students said in unison. When Xie Ming heard it, he glanced at Lugu. It seems that this is an exam for Lugu. After all, Lugu’s appearance after using his personality in the entrance exam is really horrible.

“You all experienced it in junior high school. It is forbidden to use individual physical strength tests.” Aizawa turned on the phone and wrote many test items on it: “Our country is still using these unified records to determine average standards. It’s not reasonable at all. Well, this is also the negligence of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.”

“Okay, the first place in the entrance examination test is Bakugou, what is your record of throwing a softball in junior high school?” Kabuto Aizawa turned his head and asked.

“67 meters.” Baohao said lightly.

“Well, now you throw this softball with your personality.”

Seeing Bakugo slowly walking into the white circle painted with white powder on the playground, Aizawa said, “As long as you don’t get out of the circle, you can do anything. Hurry up and give me your full strength.”

Hearing this, Baohao stretched his muscles and bones “So…” his feet firmly stepped on the ground, and he thought silently, “Just use the wind generated by the explosion to propel the ball to fly.”

Then he assumed a standard baseball pitcher’s pitching posture, with a grinning smile on his face.

“go to hell!!!”

The moment the ball left the hand, there was a strong explosion between the ball and the hand, and a string of sparks flew out behind the ball’s butt.

Aizawa calmly watched this scene, and slowly introduced: “First of all, you must know where your limits are. This is the most reasonable way to build a hero’s foundation.” Raising the phone in his hand, it shows that Bakugo used his personality to throw away. the distance.

705.2 meters.

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