Chapter 192 The Personality of Class A Classmates

“Oh oh oh!!” Seeing this result, the class A students were all excited.

A blond boy with a black lightning-like color shed a drop of cold sweat: “705 meters, this is too exaggerated.” A girl who looks like an alien with pink skin and black eyeballs and two tentacles on her head. Clapping: “What is this, it feels so interesting~”

“As expected of the Hero Division, you can actually use your personality at will!” a slender boy said excitedly.

Aizawa looked at the excited students, “You think it’s very interesting, don’t you… You spent the past three years of further study to become a hero in this way? Very good.” Midori Valley was revealed from the corner of his mouth. A familiar smirk, Xie Ming often puts on such a smile every time Xie Ming thinks of a new idea to train him.

“Then I will consider the person with the worst grades in the 8 projects as having no potential and give orders to withdraw from school.”

Xie Ming patted his head and glanced at Lugu with pity.

Erase hero, Eraser·Head, personality elimination, can eliminate the personality of the person seen with the naked eye, but if you blink the eye, the personality effect will be cancelled. A total of 154 expulsions were made, and a total of 62 suspensions.

There is no need to speculate about this, it is definitely directed at Green Valley. Because he was looking at Lugu smirkly now.

“By the way, you are the same at Uranus Temple. If you don’t take me seriously and take care of your status, I will expel you from school.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “Okay, Mr. Aizawa.”

Looking at the panicked Midori Valley, the unkind smile on Aizawa’s face became more obvious, and he moved his bangs back. “How to teach students to deal with students is the freedom of teachers. You are welcome. This is Xiongying High School, Hero Division. !”

At this time, Ochanko protested: “The last one is ordered to drop out…this is the first day of enrollment! No, even if it is not the first day, it is too unreasonable!”

Aizawa faintly answered Ochanko’s question: “Natural disasters, major accidents, and selfish enemies, disasters that do not know when and where they come from, the country J is full of such absurdities. The hero is the one who subverts all of this.”

“If you want to talk, laugh, and play at McDonald’s after school, you can only say it in the wrong place. In the next three years, Xiongying will spare no effort to continue to give you hardships and go further, PlusUltra. You. , Just give me all my strength to leap over.”

“Then the demonstration ends here. From now on is the highlight.” Seeing the students who had been motivated to fight, Aizawa smiled and started the test.

Xie Ming looked at the students full of fighting spirit, and couldn’t help but sigh: “It’s great to be young. I was inspired by this big stick and carrot so soon.”


The first test is a 50-meter run.

The first group is Iida and a girl with a long tongue. Xie Ming looked through the student list and saw their personalities.

Tenya Iida, personality-engine, runs fast. Results: 3 seconds 04.

Frog blowing the rain, personality-frog. What a frog can do can do. Results: 5 seconds 58.

The second group is Liri Ochako and a student with a long tail. Xie Ming saw Yu Chako touching his clothes and shoes before starting.

Liri Ochako, personality-no gravity. It can make the meat ball on the fingertips lose gravitational traction, but overuse will cause a strong feeling of vomiting. Results: 7 seconds 15

White-tailed monkey husband, personality-tail. With a strong long tail to assist in combat and other things, Judo has a high level. Score: 5 seconds 49.

The third group is a coquettish blond man and an alien girl with a huge belt.

The blond coquettish man had a peculiar idea, he jumped with his back to the point, and used the laser shot from his waist as a jet booster.

Qingshan is elegant and individual-Neville Laser. The laser can be shot from the belly button, but the duration is a bottleneck. If the shot time exceeds one second, it will cause trouble. Results: 5 seconds 51.

The alien girl produced slippery acid from the soles of her feet to skate.

Ashido Sanna, personality-acid. The solution can be ejected from the body, and the concentration and viscosity can be freely controlled. Results: 5 seconds 02.

The fourth group, Lugu and Baohao.

Lugu Ikuhisa, personality-oneforall, I don’t need to introduce the details, but Lugu can’t control it now, so it just runs purely on the body. Results: 7 seconds 02.

Bakugo relied on the same reason as just throwing a softball, and relied on the explosion of his hand to generate a blast to fly.

Blasting hero wins oneself, personality-blasting. The sweat of the palm is upgraded, and it secretes sweat like nitroglycerin, making it explode freely. It can create an explosion where the palm of the hand touches, and it can also convert the blast wind into propulsion. Explosive power is directly proportional to the degree of sweating, so it is explosive in summer and slow to start in winter. In short, he is a man with sweaty hands. Results: 4 seconds 13.

After everyone finished the exam, only Xie Ming was left. The students also want to see how powerful this person who speaks out at the beginning is really good.

Xie Ming pressed his foot and smiled: “Speaking of which, I haven’t really evaluated my comprehensive data for a long time, so let’s take a look at it seriously.”

“Prepare, start!”

“Bang!!” With a loud noise on the spot, Xie Ming’s figure disappeared completely, and he came to the end and stood steadily.

“… Midoriya, you said you were training under that kind of person?” Ochanoko turned his head and asked Midori.

Lu Gu also widened his eyes, looking at the pair of footprints at the starting point that were two or three centimeters deep into the ground.

Xie Ming, score: 1 second 36.

All the class A students present were shocked by the performance of the deputy head teacher, whose strength and speed were completely faster than anyone. Aizawa’s pupils also shrank. This is one of his personalities. Is his body strengthened? This is too BUG!

On the contrary, the person concerned was still a little dissatisfied with the results: “Sure enough, there is still a little gap within 1 second. If Oermat can definitely run 1 second.”


The second test, the grip strength test, the outstanding one-Shoji Mu Zang, Xie Ming

Shoko Hidden is tall and tall, with two pairs of tentacles with wing membranes growing on his shoulders. Personality-copy the wrist. Replicating arms can also replicate other human organs. Each replication site can create two replicas, but the control power will be reduced. Results: 540KG, half a ton.

Xie Ming, grade: 1 ton. Well, with 88 strength points, this is normal. If equipped with equipment such as Demon Sword and Venus, then this gripper is probably going to be crushed.

And Lugu, 56KG, is already a grip strength far beyond his age, but compared to people who use personality, it is still far behind. He couldn’t help but think of Olmert’s teaching in his mind. With oneforall, the most important thing is to imagine.

And Lugu’s feeling of using individuality is like an egg in a microwave oven. At the time when the large robot was knocked off, it felt like the egg in the microwave oven exploded. As a result, the arms and legs were broken. This is proof that there is no control.

And now, he is imagining the feeling that the egg put in the microwave oven has not exploded. Because of this feeling, he will not be backlashed by his personality, but he has not used it yet, or the grip strength test It’s more than that.

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