Chapter 193 Possibility

The physical test is still going on.

The third project: Standing long jump, the top three are Qingshan, Xie Ming and Baohao. They are third, second and first. After all, Bakuho can fly, and Xie Ming didn’t bother to fight with them. The purpose of taking this test was to assess his current physical condition, not to fight with a group of high school students.

The fourth item: repeated horizontal jumps. (PS: This reminds me of Mr. Sakamoto inexplicably, covering his face.)

The number one in this item is not Xie Ming, but the short boy who Xie Ming has seen in the entrance examination before, who can take off the small purple ball from his head. He took off many purple balls from his head and placed them on both sides of the white line, and then he repeatedly jumped horizontally by the elasticity of the purple balls.

This operation made Xie Ming look silly, let alone other people.

Minami, personality-super sticky. The grape-shaped spheres can be plucked from the head indefinitely, and the grapes after plucking will have super stickiness, which can stick to the enemy to restrict movement. Adhesion is related to personal physical condition and can last up to one day. However, if you take too much at one time, it will cause severe head bleeding, and the method of use is basically only to throw at the enemy, resulting in weak combat effectiveness against people.

This kind of stickiness can only be controlled by himself, here he used the elasticity of the grape ball to do this, it can be said that the brain hole is very big and very GOOD.

The fifth subject, pitching softball.

In this item, Liri Ochako is the first, and the result is unlimited. Because her personality is weightless, and if force is applied to the object in the absence of gravity, the object will move in a straight line at a constant speed indefinitely, following the trajectory when it is cast.

And Lugu became more and more anxious. Everyone is creating amazing records one by one, but they are still mediocre. If this continues, he will be ordered to drop out! ! Looking at the softball in his hand, Green Valley was ready to make a desperate move.

The only remaining items are endurance running, sit-ups and sitting forward bending, there is no retreat.

Aizawa leaned against the wall, looked at Midori Valley’s determined eyes, and thought, “It’s almost there.”

Lu Gu gritted his teeth, his right arm began to appear like a red line with red lightning, and threw the ball out.

“46 meters.” However, the results reported by the machine are like this.

“What’s going on!!” Lugu looked at his right arm in a panic, still not being backlashed by his personality. However, the feeling just now is that oneforall has been used!

“I got rid of my personality.” At this time, the strip of cloth around Aizawa’s neck began to flutter, and his hair began to float upward against gravity, his eyes flashing red.

“Really, that test is becoming less and less reasonable.” Aizawa frowned and said, “Anyone like you can enroll.”

“Erase the personality…? Could it be!” As a heroic encyclopedia, Midoriya saw the goggles hanging around Aizawa’s neck, and remembered his true identity: “Just look at the personality of others. Erase, erase the hero, Eraser·Head!”

“Eraser, a name I haven’t heard of.”

“I’ve heard of it. It seems to be a member of a private hero series.”

“Aizawa hates to show up in front of the media because it will hinder him from working.” Reverting to a muscular state, Olmert, wearing a yellow suit, hid on the side, barely observing the movement here with his white teeth.

For Ormet, Aizawa and him are completely opposite types. He is a hero who wants to be exposed in front of the media and bring peace of mind to the public. And Aizawa is a hero who silently pays for the people. It can be said that water and fire are incompatible.

Aizawa’s eyes glowed red, looking down at Midori Valley: “According to my observations, you haven’t controlled your personality yet. If you become immobile again, do you still expect others to save you?”

When Lu Gu heard this, he shouted with excitement: “I never planned to do this!”

A strip of cloth around Aizawa’s neck stretched out, tied Midori Valley, and pulled it in front of him to stare at him: “No matter what your plan is, you will force everyone around you to do that. Once upon a time, an over-enthusiastic hero created A legend that saved more than a thousand people from the disaster.” Aizawa glanced at Oermat who was hiding in the corner and said to Midori Valley.

“Even if you are as brave as him, you can at most save one person and become a puppet (deku, which is the same pronunciation as Oujiu). Idku Midoriya, you cannot become a hero with your strength. .”

Lu Gu gritted his teeth and lowered his head.

Seeing this, Aizawa loosened the cloth strip and stopped the release of his personality. The cloth strips and hair have returned to their original state: “I have restored your personality. You have two chances to pitch the ball. Let’s end it quickly.”

Lugu stayed in place quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

However, Xie Ming put on a smile because he saw that there was no negative emotion on Lugu’s face, but rather calmly thinking, and muttering in his mouth, what should be done.

Aizawa is thinking: “Here, he will not learn much, and still use his full strength with his jade consciousness, or will he shrink and end up with the last place…” he took out the eye drops from Kabuto and gave it to himself. A few drops dripped in his eyes, “No matter what, it’s the end of school dropping out.”

Green Valley kept thinking “what to do and what to do, as I can’t control the strength of my personality right now, Oermat also said that this is not something that can be done in a short time. If this is the case, then do your best! !” His eyes widened and his right arm began to wave.

“There is no future.” Aizawa defined Midori Valley.

“It’s hard to say, Mr. Aizawa.” Xie Ming walked to Aizawa’s side and chuckled, “Do you think I would teach a person how to fight like that? Idku Midoriya, he is there. NS…..”

At this time, Lugu thought silently in his heart: “Ms. Aizawa is right. I can’t be a hero if I continue to do this. I have to work hundreds of times more than others.”

“So now I have to do what I can do!”

Until now, there has been no red line on his right arm until the moment the ball is released.

A red lightning line appeared on his right index finger, which became the last and main point of force.

“Smash!!!” Green Valley roared in his heart.

The softball broke through the sound barrier and went straight into the sky.

“The possibilities are infinite.” Looking at Lugu, Xie Ming said with a smile.

Aizawa was stunned. He was slapped fiercely, but this slap made him feel so happy. He also saw the possibility of this young man named Midoriya Idku.

“Teacher.” Lu Gu endured the severe pain, clenched his right hand, the whole index finger turned dark red and swollen.

“I can still move!” He smiled, painful, and unyielding.

Looking at Midori Valley with cold sweat on his painful face, Aizawa hung on the look that he didn’t show for an unknown period of time, expecting a smile: “This guy.”

Looking at Lugu at this time, Xie Ming and Oermet couldn’t help but smile, and Lugu broke their expectations once again.

“Aren’t they handsome, Lugu!”

Green Valley Ikuhisa, score: 705.3 meters! !

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