Chapter 195 Combat Training

The next day, when Xie Ming’s most painful time came, the class was officially started.

The morning is a compulsory course, which is a general course of English and mathematics. Although Xie Ming was a college student before entering the main god space…but there was a blank period of nearly 2 years! ! Have you seen anyone who fights between life and death every day is in the mood to learn?

However, it is impossible not to study. After all, if you do not study, who knows what moths will appear, what if a good academic performance can trigger a hidden task? With this thought, Xie Ming felt painful and happy.

But in fact, with Xie Ming’s 88-point intelligence, there is no difficulty in learning this knowledge at all. In the main god space, intelligence represents the strength of the magic skills displayed by the surrogates and the ability to understand and control magic, but few people can think of the help in learning.

However, intelligence is actually very important for the auxiliary function of learning. Like Xie Ming’s sword skills, without the help of up to 88 points of intelligence, he would not be able to enter the half-grand realm so quickly. Actual combat is important, but the reason why actual combat is important is that you can acquire the knowledge and skills you need in actual combat. And intelligence is assisting this.

The reason why Xie Ming is so painful when learning this high school knowledge is simply because of his psychological effects. After all, if you hate something but have to do it, then the efficiency is naturally very poor.

At noon, I eat in the school cafeteria. Here Xie Ming has to talk about it. It is worthy of being a famous high school Xiongying. The cafeteria is cheap and delicious. Although it is a bit worse than his own craftsmanship, it is already the highest level according to the standards of the canteen.

There were 5 empty bowls in front of Xie Ming, and he was eating the sixth bowl of rice, thinking silently in his heart. I completely ignored the subtle gazes around me looking at this place. You must know that Superman’s digestive system is several times that of ordinary people. It can quickly convert the calories eaten into energy and store it in the body, waiting for it to be used. This is the man who changes the world on his own, Superman.

In the afternoon, there is only one-Hero Basics. Teacher in charge: Oermat.

Sitting in the last row of seats by the window, Xie Ming stretched his waist and looked at the classmates who were sitting upright around him. He couldn’t help but laugh. It seems that Oermat is really an idol in everyone’s mind.

“I…” Olmert opened the door with a bang, “I came in through the door very ordinary!!”

Wearing an American superhero costume with a blue outer and inner red cloak behind him, Olmert strode onto the podium.

All the students in Class A for a year were excited and talked a lot.

“Wow, I didn’t expect Olmet to really become a teacher!!”

“It feels like his style is different from ours, the goose bumps are about to come out!”

Xie Ming still agrees with the different styles of painting.

Olmert stood on the podium with his waist in his waist: “The subject I am taking is Hero Fundamentals. This is a subject that uses various heroes to shape the foundation of heroes. The credits are also the highest of all subjects.” A POSE.

“Then without further ado, let’s start! Combat training!”

Hearing this, it wasn’t anyone who got excited first, but Bakou. Because in his opinion, fighting is his best, after all, he has faced the enemy directly.

“There’s one more…” Olmert waved his right hand, and column after column of luggage cabinets slowly popped up from the classroom wall.

“This is a hero costume made based on the personality introduction and future expectations you submitted when you enrolled in school!”


The whole class cheered, this is a hero battle costume! Is there anything more exciting than this group of students who are aiming at heroes?

Each luggage cabinet is marked with a number, from 1 to 21, and Xie Ming corresponds to number 21.

Speaking of battle costumes, Xie Ming was handed over to Yui to take the responsibility. He didn’t even look at it before handing in. I don’t know what the battle costumes designed by Yui look like, I hope you don’t cheat…

“After changing clothes, we will all gather in the playground β in order.”

“Yes!!” The class A students shouted excitedly.


Playground β, which is the street ground for Green Valley and their entrance exams.

In front of the entrance. Oermat and Xie Ming are already waiting for them. After all, Xie Ming is also a deputy head teacher anyway, so some teachers should also do things, such as waiting.

“Uranus Temple boy, your battle suit is very good, did you design it yourself?” Occasionally Matt asked with a smile while sticking his waist.

Xie Ming stretched his bones and said with satisfaction: “No, my daughter Yui designed it for me. As expected, it is my daughter who really understands what my father thinks.”

The main color is dark red, decorated with white and blue stripes. Lined with black underwear. The upper body is similar to the coat worn by Xie Ming in SAO, but there is no inconvenience in moving around. On the waist is a detachable silver-white scabbard, which is said to be made of a special alloy and can be used as a weapon. At this time, Demon Blade Village was already inserted, and Venus was also equipped on his left wrist.

Both hands are wearing Slayer’s gloves with strength and agility plus 5, Aegis shield is hung on the forearm of his left hand, and the shoes are spikes with strong grip. It can be said that it is extremely practical and looks good.

“Daughter, Uranus Temple boy, it must be difficult for you to live with Yui~” Oermat said with a sigh.

“No, it’s better to say that Yui helped me a lot, but my self-satisfied daughter.” Xie Ming said very proudly.

Olmet was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: “Hahaha, it seems that you are also a foolish father at Uranus Temple!!”

Hearing this, Xie Ming gave a white glance, and no one believed the truth.

At this time, the students of Class A also changed their clothes and walked out. Some are dressed like kamen riders, and some are very gorgeous, like knights in TV dramas. Some are quite ordinary, and Lugu’s costumes are what makes Xie Ming and Oermat the most uncontrollable.

The green one-piece suit has a long V-shaped logo on the headgear, and the face shield is designed to look like white Fang teeth. Look at Oermat again, the golden V-shaped bangs stand backwards, laughing with white teeth all the time…

“It’s clear at a glance…” Xie Ming and Oermet turned their heads and smiled silently in their hearts.

When everyone was lined up, Olmert said loudly, “Well, it’s time for combat training.”

The person dressed like a Kamen Rider raised his hand and asked, “Teacher, does combat training mean to conduct a simulated urban exercise again?”

“NONONO, Iida boy.” Olmete raised his index finger and shook it. “This time the difficulty has to be increased by two levels.”

“Although the enemies we see are generally treated outdoors, according to statistics, the possibility of encountering vicious enemies indoors is higher. Imprisonment, house arrest, illegal transactions, in this heroic saturated society, cough… …The real enemies are hidden in the darkness.”

“Next, I will divide you into an enemy group and a hero group for a 2-on-2 indoor battle.” Oermat said solemnly.

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