Chapter 196

“Without basic training?” asked the frog-blowing classmate who is a frog with his head crooked.

Olmert clenched a fist, “This is the practice to let you understand the basics. However, this time the point is that the opponent is not a robot that can defeat or destroy. You must remember this!”

“How should the outcome be determined?” This is 8 million asked.

“Can you beat people into the air?” Bakugou asked.

“Will there be penalties for dropping out like Aizawa-sensei?” This was Ochanko asked.

“Excuse me, if you are grouping, what kind of method is used to group?” This was asked by Iida, who raised his hand.

“Is this cloak very beautiful?” This was a certain blond coquettish man who said while pulling his purple cloak.

“Wait, it seems that the last question has nothing to do with training.” Xie Ming couldn’t help but spit in his heart, staring at Qingshan Elegant, a wonderfully dressed student with a coquettish personality.

As for Oermat, his scalp numb when asked by these questions, he couldn’t help but cast his cry for help at Xie Ming.

“Okay, I know…” Xie Ming said helplessly. Fortunately, a copy of the lesson plan will also be issued to him, and he will also remember the lesson plan. Facing everyone, Xie Ming clapped his hands and said, “Everyone, be quiet. The key points of this actual combat training will be explained later. If you don’t understand, please wait for me to explain before asking questions.”

Seeing everyone calm down, Xie Ming slowly said: “First of all, this indoor combat training is set to the enemy hiding a nuclear weapon in a certain position indoors. The hero is here to eliminate this danger. ”

“The way to win the hero group is to capture the enemy within time, or recover nuclear weapons. The enemy group captures or protects the nuclear weapons within a limited time. The teammates’ decision is determined by drawing lots.”

“Is it so casual?” Iida asked solemnly, while the hero’s house Midoriya next to him answered Iida’s question.

“Iida-kun, professional heroes often cooperate with heroes from other offices in emergency missions, so I think this is the reason for the lottery decision.”

“That’s it.” Iida nodded. “It turns out to be a tutorial for the future. Sorry, I was rude!” He bowed at 90 degrees and apologized.

Xie Ming nodded, “It’s okay, then I will explain. The props used by heroes and enemies to capture each other are done with this special tape. This tape has been strengthened in terms of toughness and other aspects, so don’t worry about it too much. Fragile. As for punishment, there are no rules. It depends on whether Mr. Olmert has a whim.”

“Okay, any other questions?”

Everyone shook their heads.

“OK, then everyone first go to Mr. Olmert to draw lots.”

Group A: Liri Ochako-Green Valley Ikuhisa

Group B: Shoji Mu Zang-Boom Jiao Frozen

Group C: Minami Mineta-eight million hundred

Group D: Bakugo Katsuji-Tenya Iida

Group E: Ashido Sanna-Aoyama Elegance

Group F: Sand Rattan Power-Kashi Kuchida

Group G: Shangming Electric-Erlang Xiangxiang

Group H: often dark and stepping on the dark-frog blowing the rainy season

Group I: White-tailed monkey husband-Ye Yintou

Group J: Kirishima Reijiro——Sero Banda

This is all the members of Class A except Xie Ming.

“Teacher Uranus Temple, why are you not there?” Reijiro Kirishima raised his hand and asked after the students had finished drawing lots.

Xie Ming smiled and said, “Well, because I will conduct an exercise battle with Teacher Oermat first, that is to say, my opponent is Teacher Oermat.”

“Oh!!!” exclaimed.

Xie Ming looked at everyone with the expression that you were teasing me, and shrugged: “Then Mr. Olmert, let’s start after sending them to the monitoring room.”

“Oh! Uranus Temple boy, I have to be serious about dealing with you! Um~ It probably uses 30% of the power?”

“In this way, you are a little too underestimated on me…” Xie Ming smiled: “At least please give me 50% of my strength.”

“Hahaha, I am very confident! Then do as you wish.” Oermat laughed, and then said: “Then the identity of the enemy and the hero, Uranus Temple Boy, you will play the hero, and I will play the enemy. How about it?”

“Yes.” Xie Ming nodded.

The students looked at the two teachers that had been discussed, and their eyes couldn’t help showing expectations. No one thinks that Xie Ming will win, but this is not bad. You can see Oermat’s activity and understand the strength of the so-called deputy head teacher who does not know the depth.

Everyone followed Oermat to the monitoring room. Lugu couldn’t help but said with some worry when he passed by Xie Ming: “Teacher Hutaro, are you really okay?”

“What can be the problem, it’s better to say that this is the purpose of my study abroad.” Xie Ming looked at Oermat’s figure, and there was emotion in his eyes that hadn’t been seen in nearly a year. Warrior, nothing is more exciting than challenging the strong.”


After bringing the students to the monitoring room, the two of them came to a building with their headsets.

“Then Uranus Temple boy, I will go in first to set the position of the nuclear weapons, and you will come in five minutes later.”

“Yeah.” Xie Ming sat down cross-legged, placing Demon Dao Cunzheng with a scabbard on his knees to make pre-war adjustments.

In the monitoring room, the students were in a mess, and they were all excitedly discussing the battle.

“Puppet (deku)-kun, don’t you worry about the teacher of Uranus Temple?” Ochako, wearing a pink tights, asked curiously when she came to Midori Valley.

Iida also took off his helmet at this time, and said with a serious expression: “Yes, you know what he is facing, but Oermat. Even if it is only 50% of Oermat, it is not a joke. of.”

Midori Valley shook his head and said softly, “Although I am also a little worried, I am more looking forward to it. After all, I have never seen Mr. Hutarou take a shot in person, but Oermat once told me.”

“If you look at combat power alone, Hutaro-sensei can surpass most of all professional heroes.”

Everyone was shocked by Lugu’s words. They looked at Xie Ming who was slowly standing up on the screen, and the expectation in his eyes became even stronger.

At this time, Xie Ming’s brain was also running fast, analyzing the situation at this time.

“Although we are divided into heroes and enemies, at this time, Oermat and I are in a one-to-one situation different from the others. In other words, I only have two ways to win, one is to defeat 50% of my strength head-on. Oermat, capture him or make him use more than 50% of his power. The second is to attract him, and then recover the nuclear weapons. However, the second situation can only be carried out in unexpected ways, so it actually lies with me There is only one road ahead.”

“Fight against Oermat!” Five minutes have passed, and Xie Ming’s eyes bloomed with purple brilliance. After borrowing several times on the wall of the building, he turned over and entered a room.

And Oermat was waiting for him in this room, and there were no nuclear weapons models around.

“Hahaha, hero, let’s start our battle!!!” Oermat, who has completely entered the enemy’s role, laughed.

The corners of Xie Ming’s mouth also opened an arc: “Ah, let’s get started, the enemy.”

The two parties instantly disappeared in place, and then reappeared in the center of the room, with two fists, one large and one small, colliding together at this time.


The wind pressure slashed the ground, broke the walls, and shattered the glass.

The war is about to start.

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