Chapter 197

After the first collision, the two immediately retreated to the sides of the room. Oermat still maintained his trademark toothy smile, while Xie Ming’s face was a bit solemn. With the tentative attack just now, Xie Ming felt that the force he was hitting out was as if he was stuck in a mire, with no effect.

“What’s the matter, Uranus Temple boy, if I don’t attack, I will continue here~” Olmete squeezed his fist, and the exaggerated muscles bulged again, giving people a very powerful visual impact. .

When Xie Ming heard this, he smiled: “No, I just sighed for your strength. Then, let’s fight again!” After speaking, the purple light in his pupils became bright again, and he leaned over to Orme. Te rushed over.

“Hahaha, that’s it! Hero, show your true ability and let go!!” Oermat laughed, and rushed towards Xie Ming.

A fist the size of Xie Ming’s head struck straight, and the wind pressure caused cracks in the surrounding concrete pillars.

“It’s now!!” Xie Ming greeted the one-handed shield made up of regular hexagons on the forearm of his left hand straight to Oermet’s fist.

“Boom!!” As the ancient bell was ringing, Oermat felt his upper body leaning back out of his control, and his muscles were constantly shaking.

The shield was successfully deployed! Xie Ming, who was surrounded by a faint red light, seized this opportunity to get close to his body, knees, elbows, fists, shoulders, as if any part of the body had become a weapon that could be used to attack, all of which were applied to Oermat’s chest. superior.

Calculating the recovery time of Oermet in his heart, until the last moment with a charged hammer hitting Oermet’s head heavily.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!!!” Oermet, dressed in American hero costumes, broke directly through the three-story concrete floor, and uncontrollably hit the ground on the first floor of the building, a huge pothole. In response.

“Suck~, call~” Xie Ming slowly adjusted the breathing rhythm, without any relaxation on his face.

The expressions on the faces of the students in the monitoring room are completely different.

“It’s a lie…” A muttering voice spread throughout the hall at this time. With cold sweat on each student’s face, they looked at the scene displayed on the screen in disbelief.

“That Olmete was actually beaten into the air?” Iida wiped the fallen glasses and put them on again.

“Ok… so strong!!!” Bakhao’s hanging eyes were bloodshot at this time. He inadvertently remembered the self-introduction made by Xie Ming yesterday.

“Because the difference in strength between me and yours is too big, it is not easy to train with you. My training object is taken by the teacher in that class.”

“Presumably what everyone said to me, I am a bit dissatisfied with the difference in strength between me and everyone. This will be seen in future training.”

These two words, like a sharp sword piercing his heart, made him angrily want to vomit blood!

I! Is the strongest! only me! Only to surpass Oermet and become the man who surpasses the No.1 hero! ! !

Bakhao kept yelling in his heart, but he actually knew that this was just bluffing. He couldn’t beat Xie Ming, the distance was too big.

As for Green Valley, although he was very surprised, it wasn’t to the point where the jaws of other people could not close. After all, he is the fighting skills student taught by Xie Ming, knowing the tip of the iceberg of Xie Ming’s strength.

“But, why doesn’t Houtaro-sensei use a knife…” Midoriya muttered to himself.

Iida and Ochako who were next to Midori Valley were shocked, and then looked at the Taichi hanging from Xie Ming’s waist.

“Puppet (deku)-kun, do you mean that Uranus Temple teacher will be stronger if he uses a knife?” Ochanko asked suspiciously, widening her eyes.

Lu Gu nodded: “Well, the teacher’s knife can break the oncoming waves in two pieces, and there is no trace of water on his body.”

“…Monster… Teacher, is he really only two or three years older than us?” Iida said in surprise.

“Look, there is action again!!” An exclamation turned everyone’s eyes to the screen again.


“DetroitSmash!! (Detroit Smash)” The strong wind blew away the concrete steel bars that were pressing on Olmert, and Xie Ming stepped back for a while, keeping calm and waiting for Olmert to appear.

“Ahem, Uranus Temple-kun, you are so strong. Show me another different fighting technique.” Ormet coughed a few times and jumped up from below. Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, patted the dust on his body and smiled.

“But I still have a few questions, why you didn’t use a knife, and you deliberately avoided my side abdomen when attacking.”

Xie Ming said faintly: “The knife is used to kill the enemy, not suitable for your own people. As for why you avoid your side abdomen? By the same token, Oermat you are not an enemy, so I don’t need to aim at the key. To attack.”

Hearing this, Oermat couldn’t help but smile wryly: “You can see through it, but it’s good, now I really can’t suffer other fatal injuries.” Then his expression became serious, light blue. The eyes burst into light: “Then I will use my full strength next, and 50% of the strength is really unable to stop you. Think of a way to cross my high wall, Uranus Temple-kun!”

Xie Ming felt a completely different sense of threat from Oermet, as if his body had become heavier. but…..

“That’s right!! This is the battle I want! What 50%? Go to hell! The so-called battle is to do your best!!” With a smile on his mouth, Xie Ming said with a smile.

Removed the sword from his waist and threw it aside, the purple magic pupil flickered even more because of the emotional excitement, and then slowly calmed down.

Status ‘ghost’, open!

“Then, it’s coming~ Detroit…” Ormet retracted his right fist to his waist, preparing to use DetroitSmash again.

But will Xie Ming give him this opportunity? The answer is of course no.

Xie Ming burst into full speed directly under Oermat’s tall body, hitting his chin with a hook.

“Too naive!!” Oermat yelled, turning his fist into an elbow, ready to hit Xie Ming’s fist again.

Xie Ming knew that Oermat, who had exerted 100% of his power at this time, was an existence he could not face head-on. So he changed his fist into a claw shape, grabbed the opponent’s thick biceps as a horizontal bar, and circulated to Oermet’s shoulder, and his knee slammed into the back of Oermet’s head. .

“Fighting doesn’t work for me! OklahomaSmash!!”

The new move was used against Xie Ming at this time.

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