Chapter 198

OklahomaSmash, translated into Chinese as Oklahoma Smash. It was when Oermet was entangled by the enemy’s close body, he quickly rotated his body, causing a tornado to form around his body, throwing the enemy away and making it difficult to get close, so as to get rid of the enemy.

It’s really perfect to deal with Xie Ming, who is fighting with him at this time.

And Xie Ming, who was about to slam on the back of Olmert’s head, was directly involved in this small man-made tornado, like a canoe in a storm, unable to control his body at all. Although the body’s instinct is to make a body-receiving posture, it is too late because the speed is thrown out too fast.


The wall was knocked down by Xie Ming’s body, and Xie Ming’s people flew directly to another room and were buried by rubble.

Pursuing by victory, this is something that everyone with a little combat literacy knows, not to mention the No. 1 hero who has experienced countless hard fights. Ollmat.

“End this battle, Uranus Temple-kun!” Oermat declared so, and then clenched his right fist, and the veins on his muscles appeared.

“TexasSmash!! (Texas Smash)” This is a straight fist that Ormet concentrates on his right hand and strikes it, which can create a powerful wind pressure to attack the enemy and make it lose the ability to resist. Similar to DetroitSmash. However, this is a move used to attack enemies who are on the same level as you.

Because it was indoors, he converged a little, compressed the wind pressure that was supposed to cause extensive damage into a wind column, and blasted into the rubble where Xie Ming was.

“Boom!!” There was another heavy voice, and the ruins were blown away by the wind column directly, revealing the appearance inside. However, Xie Ming, who was supposed to be inside, disappeared, leaving only a hole running through the 2nd and 3rd floors.

Olmet was shocked when he saw this. Then he reacted immediately, “Suffered!!” Then he immediately wanted to jump up, but it was too late. There were cracks in the place where his foot was stepping, and his stepping on it at this time caused the floor to shatter.

And Oermet, who had nowhere to borrow, fell directly with gravity. And Xie Ming was waiting for him below.

“Midang, it’s time to use your power!” Xie Ming said silently in his heart, and then looked at Oermet, who was falling on top, and hit the ground with his right foot fiercely.

“Yan Zhu!”

“Boom boom boom boom!!!”

Several huge pillars of emerald-green fire broke out around Xie Ming, and they all sprayed towards Oermet. And Xie Ming also rushed towards Oermat with the force of that step.


In the monitoring room

“That is! The ability of flame!? But why is it emerald green?” The two people present with similar abilities, with their hair half white and half red, and Bakugo, with explosive ability, stood up suddenly, surprised. Looking at the scene at the top of the screen.

“No, it’s not flames, but magma.” A feeble voice came, and Mrs. Aizawa was leaning on the door at this time, staring at the scene on the screen.

“Emerald green…magma?”

“Ah, that is your Uranus Temple teacher’s second ability, magma manipulation. As for why it is emerald green, I am not sure.”

Lu Gu stared at the screen intently, and muttered: “The emerald green makes people feel more like the color of life.”


The emerald-green magma column quickly enlarged in Olmet’s pupils, feeling the heat wave on his face, he knew that he would definitely be miserable if he hit.

“Haha!!” Quickly threw out a few punches, the strong fist wind and the jetted magma column were deadlocked together, temporarily unable to distinguish the winner or loser. But because of this, he couldn’t stop Xie Ming, who was already close to him.

The emerald green light gradually wrapped around Xie Ming’s right fist, forming a huge hand armor, and layers of emerald flames were surrounding the huge hand armor.

“Be defensive, Oermat!” Xie Ming exudes a faint red light, shouting at Oermat, “This trick is a temporary creation of mine. I can’t guarantee how powerful it is. !”

In the face of Oermat who was serious, Xie Ming could only go all out when he could not use the beheading skills. Seeing Oermet, who had crossed his arms in front of him, Xie Ming also completely let go of his heart, and his right fist broke through the severe sound barrier and hit him.

This is a hand armor composed of three layers of material, Aurora’s blood control is composed of a model, silicon forms a shell, and flames form a coat. The moment it hit Oermat, blood burst out.

“Boom!!!” A pillar of emerald fire that runs through the entire building was formed.

Xie Ming came to the fourth floor and saw the big black missile that had been blown down by the wind, and it had a “nuclear weapon” with two red lines.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, and with a wry smile, Xie Ming sat on this “nuclear weapon” model.

“Recovery was successful.”

At this time, Oermet, who was beaten flying, also fell heavily on the fourth floor, and the clothes on his arms had been completely burned. The arms were also pitch black, and the blond hair smelled a little stale, and he looked very embarrassed. And Xie Ming too, there are many damages on his clothes, his face is gray, and there is a little Bloodline at the corner of his mouth.

The two looked at each other and laughed bitterly at each other. I got serious after hitting, and both of them nodded their heads. Nonetheless, Oermet also saw part of Xie Ming’s strength, and Xie Ming also felt Oermet’s original strength. But this training is also over.

The first training session, Xie Ming VS Oermat, Xie Mingsheng! !


“That’s great Teacher Uranus Temple!!”

“It’s a real man!! Head-to-head with that Oermat won!”

But some people saw more.

“How did Mr. Uranus Temple know that nuclear weapons are on the fourth floor?” This is the question of the eight million people with black single ponytails touching their chins.

“It’s only the first time that the teacher has a head-on confrontation with Olmert, and after Olmert was shot back, the teacher has never had a direct collision with Olmert. Why?” This is a concern. I was thinking about the issue of the battle.

“That huge hand armor…” Lugu muttered to himself with bright eyes: “It stands to reason that it is impossible to form such a hand armor if the personality of magma is the third or fourth kind. personality!!”

And Bakhao, his eyes are full of bloodshot eyes: “You won…but you won’t win!!! The realm is not on the same level!!! And he is only two or three years older than us!!!” He looked at himself. The palms were tightly clenched.

“Okay, okay, don’t be noisy.” Teacher Aizawa said lightly, “The two idiot teachers are coming back, and it’s time for comment. It’s up to you to comment on the battle between them. ”

“Review…” Eight million said thoughtfully.

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