Chapter 199

“Yeah~ I’m sorry everyone, it’s been a bit overwhelmed. After all, no one has been able to train with me for a long time.” Olmert laughed, standing in front of the screen in the monitoring room and said to everyone.

Hearing this, Xie Ming, who was standing next to him, couldn’t help turning over Byakugan. But fortunately, at least his second main task was completed.

The main task two: defeat 50% of the state of Ormet (120%)

Although, Xie Ming did it in a somewhat tricky form. But after all, it was after Oermet turned on 100% of the strength that he won the training. Therefore, the task given to him by the Lord God Space also showed a 120% completion degree, and now an S-level evaluation is not enough to run.

“Okay, let’s leave this foolish teacher alone.” Xie Ming said indifferently: “Everyone has seen the training battle between Oermat and I, so now it’s time for everyone to comment.”

“It’s too much to say that I’m an idiot, Uranus Temple-kun.” Oermat muttered, but no one paid any attention to him.

“Teacher.” Eight million raised his hand and asked, “Excuse me, how should reviews be used?”

Xie Ming glanced at 8 million and said: “The so-called comment is to judge whether the subject’s actions are in line with the identity of the subject. For example, Oermat and I were respectively heroes and identities in this training battle. Enemy. Therefore, you have to judge whether my actions meet the hero’s standards, and which ones are not in line with heroes, and express your views.”

“I understand.” Eight million nodded, “Then teacher, can I say my comment now?”

Xie Ming was taken aback, then smiled: “Oh, then please start. Eight million classmates.”

“Then, forgive me for being impolite.” Eight million cleared his throat, and then said: “First of all, I think you and Oermet performed very poorly in this training match.”

“I believe everyone knows. It is not advisable to use large-scale destructive attacks in indoor combat, because the hero’s purpose is to seize nuclear weapons, and the enemy’s purpose is to protect the stronghold and protect the nuclear weapons. However, Uranus Temple teacher and Orr Teacher Matt frequently used large-scale attacks in this battle.”

“Whether it is the fire pillar attacks and fighting skills of the Uranus Temple teacher, they have caused a wide range of damage to the building. And Ormat, even though he knows that he has tried his best to suppress the damage range, he uses TexasSmash in his stronghold ( Texas Smash) and DetroitSmash (Detroit Smash) are simply mistakes in error.”

Xie Ming glanced at Oermat, who had no expression of self-confidence, and smiled: “Well, you are right. If I use a knife, the damage to the building may be reduced, but the knife is a weapon facing the enemy, not the target. Human weapons. In the final analysis, I just regarded this battle as a combat training with Oermat, and didn’t really take it seriously.”

“Yes, I understand this point.” Eight million smiled softly, “Even if it is emphasized that this is actual combat, it cannot cause disabling or death injuries. If this is the case, it will be out. But I have a Question, Teacher Uranus Temple, how did you know that the nuclear weapons were in that room on the fourth floor? It feels like your last blow has been planned for a long time.”

“Ah, that.” Xie Ming nodded, and his dark eyes immediately turned into a strange purple. Everyone present had a hairy feeling of being stared at.

“The name of this pair of eyes is called the Purple Magic Eye. It is a secret skill I learned in China. You can observe any position of an object in an instant, and you can even catch the trembling wings of mosquitoes when they fly.” Xie Ming slowly explained Said: “So after I remembered the floor plan of the building, the moment I jumped upstairs, I became the Master. The location of Oermat and the location of the nuclear weapons.”

“In the subsequent battle with Oermat, I also deliberately adjusted the battlefield directly below the nuclear weapons. In a one-on-one battle, there are only two ways to win, capturing the enemy or recovering nuclear weapons. But facing a stronger opponent like Olmert, then there is only one way for me to win, to recover nuclear weapons.”

“But Oermat will inevitably hinder me, so there is only one way for me to win. Let Oermat temporarily incapacitate, or let him temporarily hinder me. This is the last The origin of the blow. With the burst of force of that blow, Oermat was blown out of the building, and I could take the opportunity to step into the fourth floor to recover nuclear weapons.”

Xie Ming’s pupils turned back to pitch black, and at the same time his explanation was over.

Hearing this explanation, everyone was silent. Observation power, action power, and the fighting power that can hold a stalemate with Oermet, these are all indispensable things for his plan to succeed. And this is not all of him.

“Cough!” Looking at everyone who was silent, Oermat coughed a few times and said loudly: “Okay! Everyone has watched the training battle between me and Uranus Temple-kun, and then it’s everyone’s turn. Oh!”

“In the first battle, the hero is in Group A, and the enemy is in Group D!” A small ball was drawn out of the black and white boxes, and Oermat announced.

Group A and Group D, that is to say…

Rei Ochanko and Midoriya Ikuhisa face off against Bakugo Katsuki and Iida Tenya.

“Olmert, you really know how to smoke.” Looking at the two groups of people, Xie Ming smiled bitterly.

Ormet also froze for a moment, and then looked at Green Valley.

At this time, Lugu didn’t have so much leisure and leisure, and his whole body was trembling to look at the bakuhao who was glaring at him. After that, he squeezed his fists and looked back at Bakuho seriously.

Bakho saw that Lugu had the courage to stare back, he was shocked, and then gritted his teeth.

“Deku, you kid!!!”

Oermet also reacted at this time and said, “Then, let me first follow me with the enemy group and hero group. Uranus Temple -kun, you stay here.”

Xie Ming nodded, then walked to Lugu and patted him on the shoulder: “Fighting against people is your result of half a year of hard practice.”

“Well, Mr. Hutaro.” Midori Valley nodded firmly: “This time, it is also a challenge to my own goal. I can’t say that I will win, but!”

“I will try my best to win!”

“That’s the momentum, Lugu.” Xie Ming smiled and said, “Now you can do what you can do, give it to full play.”


“Then go, teammates are already waiting for you.”

“Hey~, puppet (deku)-kun, come here soon~, I’m leaving now.” Ochako smiled, beckoning and shouting at the door.

Lu Gu’s body stiffened, and then nervously said: “Okay…coming! I’m past now.”

Seeing Lugu’s leaving figure, Xie Ming turned his gaze back to the screen.

“Speaking of Teacher Uranus Temple.” At this time, Tian Zai spoke to Xie Ming: “It seems to have heard you say before. It seems that you are teaching Green Valley fighting skills, right? Then the current fighting skills of Green Valley are in your opinion. How far has it been?”

“Lv Valley’s fighting skills?” Xie Ming thought for a while: “Rookie.”

“Uh… it means very bad.”

“Well, it’s very bad.” Xie Ming nodded: “But among you, if you talk about pure physical fighting, except for the tail guy over there who can fight him, everyone else should be completely abused.”

Hearing Xie Ming’s comment, everyone in Class A looked at the shrinking Green Valley, and there was only one sentence in their hearts.


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