Chapter 200-Deku

In the room where the nuclear weapons were placed, the hands and forearms carried caged hands like large grenade, the upper body was wearing a black tight-fitting vest, and the waist belt was tied with a little grenade-like things on both sides.

This is Bakugo Katsuki’s battle uniform, and his first impression is very strong, just like his personality and hairstyle, exploding!

At this moment, Iida was observing the terrain of the stronghold, and suddenly heard the question of Bakugou, who had been somber-faced.

“Hey, deku has a personality, isn’t it?”

Iida asked back, “Did you see that strange power?”

After hearing this, Baohao’s heart was filled with anger, and he roared viciously in his heart:

“Have you been cheating on me?!!! You damn nerd!!!”

Indeed, after seeing that Xie Ming, who was only two or three years older than himself, was able to match Olmert, Baohao’s heart was greatly hit, but that was only the case. For him, who seems to be a collection of self-esteem, he firmly believes that he will inevitably surpass Xie Ming in the past few years, and he has such self-confidence.

but! Growing up together, he has been bullied by himself until he grows up, and he even humiliated his childhood sweetheart not long ago. Idku Midori has a personality! ! The meaning is completely different.

This means that he has been deceiving himself, and he was deceived by him like a fool! ! He, Lugu Iku, dare to deceive me! ! This makes the Bakuho, who has always been flaunting his might and has never suffered any setbacks, can bear it! !

He is going to be the first person! He is someone who wants to surpass Oermat! ! This means that he must be above everyone, he must! ! So, what is the punishment for Midoriya Iduku who dared to deceive himself?

Finish torturing him! ! To prove that he is better than him, hit him until he yells,

Bakugou showed a ferocious smile, and decided the course of action next.


Outside the building, Midoriya and Ochanko are also having a conversation.

“Um~ It’s really difficult to remember the floor plan of the building… How can teacher Uranus Temple remember it all at once…” Holding the map, Ochanko rubbed his temples.

“But Oermat and Uranus Temple’s teachers are really strong. I haven’t seen that kind of battle on TV a few times~ Puppet (deku) -kun You have been taught by Uranus Temple’s fighting skills, right? ?”

“Ah? Huh.” Midori Valley froze for a moment, and then replied, “Teacher Hutaro came here last year. I met him by chance and I have followed him to learn Spartan fighting skills for more than half a year. Time.”

“Spartan fighting technique? Is this the name of the fighting technique used by the teacher of Uranus Temple? It feels unclear and fierce~”

Lugu smiled and explained: “Sparta was actually a small country in Europe a long time ago. It was a country that advocated warfare by force. There, everyone was brave and good at fighting, fighting ten fundamentals. No problem. The Spartan fighting technique is the fighting technique they use in the war against the enemy.”

“Therefore, every move of the real Spartan fighting skills is to attack the enemy’s deadly place. What is important is to quickly kill the enemy, so that the enemy has no time and room for resistance. And Mr. Hutarou The Master’s is such a dangerous technique. What the teacher taught me is a simple fighting technique used to capture the enemy with less lethality.”

“Oh~ it sounds amazing!” Ochanko said with bright eyes, “Then the puppet (deku)-kun, your fighting skills must also be very good.”

When Lu Gu heard this, he covered his mouth a little shyly, and muttered: “No, no, the teacher said that I am just a rookie now, and what I learned is just a fur. But… ”

“In this small victory (referring to Bakho), his goals, self-confidence, physical strength and personality are several times stronger than mine. And Iida is also opposite, so to be honest, we have little hope of victory.”

“But because of this…” Lugu stood up, his eyes became very firm and determined, “I want to use everything I have learned to defeat them!”

Seeing Midoriya’s eyes, Ochanko couldn’t help being infected as well, and smiled: “Yeah! Let’s go all out, let’s do our best together!”

Lu Gu looked at the Ochanoko who was cheering for herself, couldn’t help but laugh, and nodded gently.

At this time, Oermat’s voice came over the radio.

“Then the indoor combat training of Group A vs. Group D, start now!”

Hearing the broadcast, Lu Gu’s body stiffened, then slowly inhaled, and then exhaled.

“Keep calm.” Then he said to Ochanko, “Rei-kun, let’s go.”


The two turned into the building through an open window. The structure of the building is very complicated, with many passages and rooms. The walls and floor on the first floor also exude iron luster.

Midori Valley walked in front, followed by Ochako. Every time he reached a corner, Midori Valley would stop and take a look first, to prevent the opponent from taking advantage of the blind spot to preemptively attack his side.

Now that oneforall cannot adjust its power, it must not be used against people. It would definitely kill people if they attacked people with the power of punching and flying giant robots. So what Green Valley can rely on now is only the body that he has trained and the fighting skills he has been awarded.

And, the heroes’ fighting skills and familiarity with Bakugou’s fighting style summarized over the years.

When he was about to enter another corner, Bakhao flew out, stretched out his palm, and slammed the two men fiercely.

Fortunately, Midori Valley was always on guard. A swoop and Ochako escaped the surprise attack, felt the blast behind him, and immediately stood up and got ready for the battle.

“It’s okay, classmate Liri.”

“Yeah, but puppet (deku)-kun, your face!”

At this time, Lugu’s headgear had been blown away by half, but due to the timely dodge, it only received a little scratch.

“It’s okay, it’s just scratches.”

The black smoke from the explosion was fanned by Bakou, and a pothole appeared on the original wall, which was exploded by Bakou’s explosive personality.

“Hey, deku, who made you avoid?”

“I knew that if Xiao Sheng was an enemy, he would definitely attack me first.”

Bakhao grinned, raised his palm and rushed over: “I will keep beating you without being called off!!” A light flashed in the palm of his right hand, and then he quickly pressed towards Lugu’s face. Go down.

Seeing the approaching Bakuhao, Lugu didn’t retreat but moved forward. He approached Bakuhao in an instant, lowered his body, and an elbow hit directly into Bakuhao’s lower abdomen.

“Hmm~” After being hit by this sudden elbow hit, Baohao only felt a roll in his stomach and his eyes protruding.

But it’s not over yet! Lugu’s palm quickly pushed up, and after hitting Bakugo’s chin with a moderate force, he immediately straddled his outstretched right arm on his shoulders, and threw him over the shoulder and slammed Bakugo on. To the ground.


Bakugo was directly beaten by this series of attacks, lying on the ground for a long time without getting up.

“Xiaosheng, you usually attack from the right. How many times do you think I watched it?” Lugu gasped and said, “I have summarized all the analysis of outstanding heroes in my notebook. In the notebook that you lost after blasting!”

“I won’t always be the deku who can’t do anything. Now I am the puppet (deku) that means hard work!!!”

As if bidding farewell to the past, Lugu roared loudly.

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