Chapter 368 Seven Stars’ Relics

The pretentious laughter seemed to be coming from all sides of the room, making it unclear where the person was. Everyone except Xie Ming was looking around nervously, trying to find out the source of the sound.

“Who is it?” Shengtianzi asked with a face as usual, but from her voice, we could hear that the girl was already a little displeased.

“it’s me.”


At some point, Hiruko Kageyin placed his legs on the table in the vacant seat, sitting paralyzed with a remarkable look, and the smiley mask on his face added a weirdness to his appearance.

The people beside him didn’t realize when this guy came next to him, and they were shocked.

“You are!”

Rintaro was a little surprised and couldn’t help but blurt out.


Hiruko Kageyin stood on the table as if his body was being pulled by some force, without bending his knees. Deliberately gives people a weird and terrifying feeling. He slowly took off the top hat on his head and bowed mockingly.

“I am Hiruko, Hiruko Kageyin. When we first met, your incompetent head of state.”

Shengtianzi’s eyebrows wrinkled lightly, but he didn’t say a word, just staring at Hiruko Yingyin indifferently. At this moment, Rintaro had already raised his pistol and pointed at him and asked, “Where did you come in from!?”

“Where? Of course I came in upright from the gate. However, I killed those flies that were close to me. Satomi, let me introduce you to you. Little Hina, come here.”

“Yes, Dad.”

A little girl in a Lolita-style dress ran over on small leather shoes, climbed up on the table with her hands on the table, and paid a lady’s gift to the holy emperor. Some messy light blue short hair, with two small swords crossed behind her back.

“I am Hiruko Kohina, 10 years old.”

“This is my initiator and my daughter.” Hiruko Kageyin proudly introduced.

Kohina opened his blood-red eyes, looked at Rentaro who was holding a gun at him, and tilted his head: “Dad, someone is holding a gun at us. Can you chop it?”

“Hey, it’s not okay now. Otherwise, Dad and Little Binay will be dead.”

“…I see, Dad.”

Little Hina’s body trembled, his eyes cast back, and then he stood obediently next to Hiruko Kageyin.

“Afraid? Who is afraid?”

Rintaro followed Kohinai’s gaze and looked at him. I don’t know when Xie Ming had already moved a chair and sat with Erlang’s legs crossed, looking here as if watching a play.

“I’m actually watching a show!” Lentaro couldn’t help but vomit.

“Sataka, can you take a look at the occasion!”


A fist hit Rentaro’s head mercilessly, and Mu even said grimly.

“It hurts, Mugen!”

“That’s what you deserve!”

Seeing the dialogue like a cross talk duo, Xie Ming couldn’t help covering his face and muttering.

“…These two people are idiots, right?”

“Who is an idiot!?”

The two turned their heads together, glaring at Xie Ming.

“Uh…. Hearing is pretty good.”

The corners of Xie Ming’s mouth twitched, and he shrugged helplessly.

“Cough…” Hiruko Yingyin, who felt that he was being ignored, coughed lightly. But thanks to these two people, the atmosphere in the room is not so cold and suppressed.

“I’m here just to announce one thing.”

Hiruko Kageyin forced the topic back: “I want to sign up for your competition. The legacy of the Seven Stars will belong to us!”

Hearing the term Seven Stars’ Legacy, the holy emperor obviously appeared surprised, and then closed his eyes a little angrily. I want to come, knowing that there is an inner ghost here.

“Seven Stars’ legacy?” Lentaro asked, frowning.

“Yes, that’s what’s in the box. That’s a very wonderful item~” Hiruko Kageyin said fanatically, “Then there will be bets in the game. If you find the seven-star legacy first, then you can. Enjoy this huge commission. But if I find it first…”

“The destruction of the Tokyo area, just take it as my reward!”


Hearing an order, countless black bullets shot at Hiruko Yingyin from all directions. However, all the bullets stayed one foot in front of him. It seems that there is an invisible barrier.

“protecting mask!?”

“No, this is a repulsive force field. I call it a hypothetical device. For this, my internal organs are basically all mechanically made.” Hiruko Kageyin looked at Rentaro and said lightly.

“Introduce yourself again. I am the Eastern Army of the former Land Self-Defense Force, the 787 mechanized special unit, Hiruko Yingyin of the’New Human Creation Project’.”

The 787 mechanized special force is a special force formed by humans to counteract the original gut creatures and regain the living space. However, this unit is equivalent to a legend to the policemen present.

No one thought that they would actually see it here.

“Then, in return, these bullets will be returned to you.”

The invisible repulsive force field produced ripples, and the shot bullet turned into a faster shot back. However, there seemed to be more bullets shot at Xie Ming.

“Joker, do you want to die?”

A purple light flashed in Xie Ming’s eyes, and a black knife light flashed in front of him. All the bullets that hit him were cut in half and fell to the ground. He stood up slowly, squinted and asked.

“Anyway, you will become an enemy sooner or later, why not try to test your strength now, isn’t it better?”

Hiruko Yingyin said pompously.

“So, are you ready?” Xie Ming’s black pupils instantly turned purple, slowly walking towards Hiruko Yingyin.

“No, I still have a purpose, but I can’t die in your hands now. Then, I will retire first.”

Pulling up the little Hina next to him, Hiruko Kageyin broke through the window. However, from the light of his eyes, Xie Ming was slowly closing the knife.



Hiruko Yingyin’s chest was cut open at some unknown time, and the blood followed his figure, falling from the tall building together.

“If you had not promised that old fox, you would have died.”

Xie Ming thought silently, and then looked at the projection screen with a bullet hole.

“I just need to find the box and bring it back, right?”

“Yes, the new additional condition is to recycle the box before the man. If the contents of the box are misused, the monument will be destroyed and the Tokyo area will enter a state of’mass extinction’.”

“That is,’Seal Designated Items’!”

The Son of Heaven said solemnly.


Xie Ming replied indifferently, then took a piece of chocolate from his pocket and handed it to a girl with flax-colored hair.

“You’re hungry, look at you holding your stomach all the time.”

“Yes, thank you, Brother Uranus Temple.”

The girl was a little surprised, then stretched out her hand to take the chocolate and said softly.

“be careful.”

Xie Ming touched her head, then turned and left.

“…Seeing him like this, it feels like what just happened is the same as the fake one.”

Lentaro looked at Xie Ming’s back and sighed helplessly.

“Uranus Temple… Hutaro.”

From today, this name will spread among the police in Tokyo area.

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