Chapter 369

However, although the holy emperor said so solemnly, Xie Ming didn’t have much time to find a gastrointestinal creature. There are more and more children gathering in Gensokyo, and there are not enough houses for them to live in. How can there be any time in the United States to look for.

Of course, this is not to say that Xie Ming doesn’t pay attention to the transaction with Tiantong Juzhicheng. It was that he was confident enough to be able to find the relics of the Seven Stars. If you ask for the basis, it is that he set the coordinates of Shangri-La on everyone in that meeting.

Then, as long as all the coordinates in the perception go in one direction, it means that the relic of Qixing is in that direction. At that time, just teleport over to solve it.

At the moment, the only thorn is the other four surrogates who have descended into this world like him. There is no news yet. This is an unknown variable, and no one knows when these substitutes will come out.

But the most important thing now is the work in hand.

Xie Ming looked at the children around who were helping to cut the stakes, smiled, and shouted: “Build two more wooden houses and we will have dinner!”


The girls replied neatly, with smiles on their faces.


The next day, Xie Ming walked onto a commercial street in the Tokyo area. He must have settled the 1 billion remuneration. Xie Ming also has a certain plan in mind how to spend this 1 billion.

First, I bought the land in Gensokyo. The second is the establishment of research laboratories. Finally, it is to build children’s public facilities. Hospitals, schools, houses, power plants, etc.

All of these require large sums of money. Xie Ming intends to invest all of the 1 billion commissioned remuneration. Therefore, it is very necessary to know the price in advance, so as not to be taken advantage of.

After coming out of the fifth land agency, Xie Ming already knew the land price in the outer area in his heart. Two words, cheap. I want to come, too. I don’t know when there will be a gastrointestinal creature in that place. Who would want to live there?

“Huh? The one in front?”

Lifting his head, he suddenly saw two figures in front of him that he looked familiar with. A pure black student suit, messy dark blue hair, and a listless expression, isn’t it just Satomi Rentaro.

And beside him, there was a petite, lovely and lively little girl. The orange double ponytails followed her footsteps, showing their vitality.

The little girl who followed the policeman Rintaro was naturally his initiator.

“Lanyuan Yanzhu, the rabbit-shaped starter.”

Touching his chin, Xie Ming felt that the plot seemed a bit familiar. Then, he heard the commotion ahead.

“and many more!!”

“Catch that guy!”

“The thief of Damn it!!”

A barefoot, dark-haired little girl in ragged clothes was running desperately holding a few cans, her red pupils full of panic and fear. Behind it, the clerk at the canteen was chasing and cursing. Unfortunately, Rentaro and Yanzhu stood in front of her.


Seeing Yanzhu, the little girl was shocked, gasping for breath and stopped. When Yanzhu saw her, her body stiffened. But in such a short time, the two men behind had already caught up and grabbed the little girl’s arm.

“You damn thief!!”

“Garbage in Tokyo!!”

The two men pressed the little girl vigorously, while cursing.

“let me go!”

The little girl struggled hard, and the two men couldn’t hold her back for a while.

“Hey, what happened?”

Rintaro frowned and asked.

“This guy stole something in the security area and beat the guard!”

The man said fiercely.

At this time, the little girl stretched out her hand to Yanzhu, as if she wanted to ask for help. Yanzhu was trembling all over, but still stretched out his hand. At this time, Rentaro grabbed Yeonju’s hand.

“Lentaro?” Yanzhu looked at his promoter in confusion.

Rentaro gently shook his head, and if he intervenes at this time, Yanzhu will be involved.

“…Sure enough, you shouldn’t expect anything from him.”

Xie Ming shook his head, extinguishing the slightest expectation of the protagonist in his heart. Yes, Rintaro is also a human being, and he is responsible to his initiator. For him, protecting Yanzhu is the most important thing.

He walked forward quickly, patted the hands of the two men away, and pulled the little girl behind him.

“You are!!”

Lentaro looked at Xie Ming in surprise, but Xie Ming was not in the mood to pay attention to him.

“Hey! What are you doing! Are you trying to shield her?!”

The two men rubbed their red hands and shouted angrily. At this time, two men in police uniforms also ran over.

“what happened?!!”

The police couldn’t help but reached out and tried to pull the girl behind Xie Ming out, but was blocked by Xie Ming.

“Huh? What’s your identity?”

However, Xie Ming ignored the group of people, squatted down, and said softly: “How about returning the things to them and then following your brother?”

“…But, without these, my sisters…”

“It’s okay.” Xie Ming gently touched the girl’s dry hair, “Bring the sisters over here, and come to everyone’s Gensokyo.”


When the girl heard these three words, her flustered expression instantly turned into surprise, and then she threw away the can in her hand.

“Hey! Ask you if you heard me!!!”

Seeing Xie Ming ignoring him, the policeman stretched out his hand in anger, trying to grab Xie Ming’s shoulder.


In an instant, Xie Ming’s pupils turned purple, and the cold and biting murderous aura directly enveloped the policeman. Let him sit on the ground all of a sudden, his eyes filled with panic. A puddle of water slowly appeared on the ground.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Xie Ming took the girl’s hand and said softly.

“and many more!”

Rintaro couldn’t help shouting: “If you do this, you will get yourself in trouble!”

“Shut up.” Xie Ming glanced at Lentaro indifferently: “I don’t need your advice on how I do things. Since your ability can only protect one person, then protect her to the end.”

“Then you, can you protect all the children of the curse?!”

“Son of the Curse?”

Xie Ming sneered: “From the time you uttered this contempt, it means that you didn’t really treat them as human beings. But to me, they are just some special girls.”

“!!!” Hearing this, Rentaro’s pupils suddenly shrank, and his body began to tremble slightly.

“As for protecting all the children, I may not be able to do anything. But where I can reach, I will never let them be angered by a group of incompetent people!”

With disdainful eyes, he glanced at a group of people who dared not speak, Xie Ming took the little girl’s hand and left the place.


Yanzhu gently held Rentaro’s hand and looked at him worriedly.

“Now, Yeonju. I really still discriminate deep down in my heart, hate it?”

“No, Rintaro is a hero.” Yanzhu wrapped Rintaro’s hand with his small hands and said softly.

“It saved the concubine, hero.”

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