Chapter 379


A handful of cold objects pressed against the back of Xie Ming’s head (by Xie Ming deliberately). The sound is extremely cold.


Sighing, Xie Ming stopped. He really didn’t know who gave this group of fighting five scum courage to let them cut their own way.

Wearing a white uniform, white gloves, and black leather boots, he is the member of the guard just now. They held dark guns in their hands, aimed at Xie Ming, with angry and contemptuous smiles on their faces.

“Uranus Temple Hutaro, as the captain of the sacred house guards, I order you to abandon this mission.”

It was Zhuo Ren who was holding the muzzle against Xie Ming behind his back. Believe that his face is full of anger caused by being offended at this time.

Xie Ming is real, really, really too lazy to wrestle with them (I tell the important things three times). When he was wondering how much he wanted to beat them, Zhuoxen seemed to be wrong.

He saw Xie Ming standing still and didn’t say a word. Instead, he thought Xie Ming was too scared to move. The face became more ferocious and disdainful.

“You rubbish, a policeman who is like a mouse crossing the street, can actually be received by the Son of Heaven. This is already a great honor!”

“It’s actually the hero who killed Sasori Sasori!? A scammer actually deceived the entire Tokyo area! Sure enough, the goddess is still too young, and the old immortal Tendo Kikunojo is already confused! This Tokyo area, I protect Takura Human control is more appropriate!”

“Shen Tianzi is my woman! Understand? Miscellaneous! She is mine!! And you, dare to interrupt my plan!! Disturb my time with Sheng Tianzi!!! It’s up to you… …Choppy!!!”

As he talked more and more angry, Baoxian Zhuoren raised his foot and kicked Xie Ming’s back fiercely.

“Thank you for barking a bunch of nonsense in my ear.”

At some point, Xie Ming’s demon sword was out of its sheath, and all the pistols with muzzles facing him had been broken into parts. Slightly sideways, with an elbow on his backhand, he smashed Zhuo Ren’s abdomen.


The abdomen seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, and at this time he was supported by one foot. Zhuo Ren Baoxian bulged his eyes, covered his abdomen with both hands, and fell to the ground with all four feet upright.


It seemed that when he fell to the ground, he knocked his head again. The painful tears of Zhuo Ren Baoxian came out, one hand was holding his stomach, the other was holding his head, his body bent on the ground like a cooked shrimp, roaring in pain.


Suddenly, Xie Ming suddenly found that this threatening Zhuo Ren looked like a person. What is that person called… By the way, Nobuyuki Xuxiang.

Just like him, he doesn’t know the heights of the sky, doesn’t know himself, but he has ambitions beyond ordinary people. To treat such a guy is to be trampled to death. Otherwise, he will keep jumping out, causing you trouble.

“The legal society is really good…” Xie Ming mocked: “If you are in the outer area or outside the wall, you… are already dead.”

With a cold expression, he glanced at the members of the guards surrounding him, and found that their faces were now timid, and their bodies were constantly retreating. Instead, Zhuo Ren, who was groaning on the ground, had a deep resentment on his face.

“Yui Yi, have all those words recorded just now been recorded?” Xie Ming asked silently in his heart.

“Well, Dad. It’s all recorded.”

Yui said softly.

“That’s good.”

Xie Ming turned and left, leaving behind this group of rice bucket guards. It’s a pity that this recording alone cannot shoot the fly that protects Zhuo Ren to death. However, as the last straw to overwhelm the camel, it is enough.

Seeing Xie Ming’s departure, the members of the guard awakened like a dream, and rushed to pull up the defender Zhuo Ren.

“Mr. Powaki! Are you okay, Mr. Powaki!!”

“Cough cough…” Baoxian Zhuo Ren coughed a few times, and looked at Xie Ming’s departure direction very bitterly: “I must kill you!! I must kill you!! Uranus Temple… Hutaro!!!”


Coming out of the white holy dwelling, the sky has entered dusk.

Xie Ming, who was thinking about how to trample the guards to death, suddenly found a dispute at the fountain in front of him.

“Hey! Your bike has run over Laozi’s feet!!”

“Apologize!! Hurry up and apologize!!!”

“Apologizing is not enough! Give the medical bills soon! This looks absolutely fractured!!!”

Three men roared around a blond little girl, and even a brawny man reached out and pulled the little girl’s clothes.

“No matter where you are, you can meet such scumbags…”

Xie Ming walked over quickly and grabbed the strong man by the arm.

“Ah!? What’s wrong!!?” The strong man turned his head and glared at Xie Ming.


An awe-inspiring murderous aura immediately enveloped the brawny man, making him shiver, revealing a look of fear.

“Go…. go!”

“Oh oh.”

Seeing the men fleeing with the strong man in the lead, Xie Ming turned his gaze to the blond little girl in front of him.

Wearing pink pajamas and household slippers. Sleepy eyes are dim, swaying. The clothes are disheveled, the blond hair is curled up in many places, and the body is still dirty.

“What exactly happened to make this happen…”

The dumbfounded Xie Ming knelt down, took out a towel from Kabuto, and wiped the little girl’s face.

“Ah… a gentle hero… I met for the first time since I was a child…”

“I’m not a hero.”

After Xie Ming wiped the little girl’s face, he began to tidy up her curled hair.

“So… who is your brother?”

The little girl looked at Xie Ming in a daze, and asked softly.

“Yes… Guess who is your brother?” Xie Ming squeezed the girl’s immature face and said with a smile.

“Um… brother… bullying…”

As if sleepy to the extreme, the little girl’s head kept nodding, and whispered softly.

“Then, brother tells your brother’s name. You also tell brother, how about your name?”

“Um….. well…” a hesitation flashed in the little girl’s eyes, and then nodded.

“My brother’s name is Uranus Tera Houtaro. How about you?”

“Hina…. Hina Sprandt.”

The girl named Hina tilted her head and said with a smile.

“Then I will call you Hina.”


Looking at Hina, who kept fighting between the upper eyelid and the lower eyelid, Xie Ming shook his head helplessly: “Where is your home? I’ll take you back.”

“No…this…it’s too much trouble, brother…I can…ride back by myself.”

Lightly patted the tricycle next to the toddler, Hina said softly.

“I said, little Hina.” Xie Ming tugged at her soft face: “Do you know that there is a crime called fatigue driving?”

“It’s okay… because Hina… is a foreigner.”

“Even if you are a foreigner, you are going to be caught in the police station for education, know?”

Holding Hina’s face with both hands and gently pulling it to the sides, Xie Ming said.

“Besides, I don’t worry about Hina going back alone. What if something happens again?”

“Brother… are you caring about me?”

“if not?”

“…..Thank you brother.” Hina showed a silly smile: “It’s the first time I’ve been so cared about by others. I’m so happy…”


Xie Ming was silent for a moment, then gently stroked Hina’s head, and said softly: “If you have anything in the future, please come to your brother. Brother will help you.”

“Why, brother would help me such a person who meets by the water?” Hina asked softly.

“You don’t need a reason to help others.” Xie Ming said with a light smile: “There is a good saying, I help you, what does it have to do with you?”

Hina was taken aback, and then she laughed silly.

“What a gentle and strange brother.”

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