Chapter 380

“Okay, Hina, how are you going home? If you don’t want me to send you off, or I can contact your guardian.”


Hina said softly.

“If you get confused like this, I really want to send you to the police station.” Xie Ming said’viciously’.


Seeing Hina’s obviously troubled expression, Xie Ming was really helpless. This little girl, don’t look confused, in fact, she hasn’t said anything except her name.

“so be it.”

Xie Ming opened the phone and handed it to Hina: “This is my phone number. If you have any trouble, please call me.”


Hina took Xie Ming’s cell phone, then slowly took out her cell phone from her pajamas Kabuto, slowly entered Xie Ming’s phone number, and then pressed the call.

“Oh~, it’s a real phone number…”

The phone in her left hand began to vibrate, and Hina exclaimed in a low voice.

“…I gave you my phone, can I still have a fake?” Xie Ming said dumbfoundedly.

“…Also…” Hina tilted her head.


Xie Ming sighed and took the phone back from Hina’s hand: “Then, you must call me if you have something, do you know? Otherwise, I’ll spank you next time.”

“Brother Hutaro…Ghost…”

“It seems that you want to be spanked right now, Hina.” Xie Ming’s mouth twitched, revealing a’kind’ smile.

The two talked and laughed, and after walking some distance, Hina stopped.

“Brother Hutaro, I am very happy to meet you today. I know the location of the apartment, so let’s separate here.”


Xie Ming squatted down, looked at Hina, and said softly: “Then, goodbye, Hina.”

“Yeah. Goodbye, Brother Houtaro.”

Holding her bicycle, Hina staggered away. Xie Ming stood there, watching her leave.


“Brother, welcome back.”

Gensokyo, Xie Ming’s residence, opened the door and found that Xia Shi was waiting for him at the door.

“What’s wrong, Xia Shi?”

Xie Ming listened to the noise in the house, and asked in confusion, “Are guests here?”

“No.” Xia Shi shook his head, and said calmly: “It’s Yanzhu, sister Yui and sister Medea, and Lili and the others watching the Tianzhu girl together.”

“…Yanzhu is here, that is to say…” Xie Ming couldn’t help covering his face.

“Yes, brother. Miss Sima and others are also here.”


Looking at Xia Shi, Xie Ming said helplessly: “I thought, Xia Shi, you can understand what I mean.”

“Yes, brother, I understand you.” Xia Shi walked in slowly, reached out and hugged Xie Ming, and said softly, “But I don’t want my brother to do that.”

“Why? Xia Shi doesn’t want to live the same life as normal children with the sisters here?”

Kneeling down, Xie Ming asked softly.

“I really want to. But…” Xia Shi stretched out a small palm, touched Xie Ming’s face, and looked at the trace of exhaustion in Xie Ming’s eyes: “But, I don’t want all of this to be built on my brother. Sacrifice.”

“Xia Shi, you are very smart, so you should understand.” Xie Ming shook Xia Shi’s little hand: “Brother’s plan has the highest success rate so far. And you made a mistake.”

“My brother didn’t sacrifice anything, but got many treasures that my brother cherished very much.”

“…It seems that no matter what I say, my brother will not change his mind.”

Xia Shi sighed slightly and changed the subject: “I have already handled the entrusted documents for my brother. The guard mission will begin tomorrow, and I hope my brother will be ready.”

“Okay, I know.”

Xie Ming touched Xia Shi’s head and stood up: “Then I’m going to cook dinner, Xia Shi will eat together. There are also three people hiding in the next room eavesdropping.”

Then put on slippers and walked into the house.



The door of the room next to the corridor opened suddenly, and three heads of two women and one man were sticking out.

“I was found…” Rentaro smiled bitterly.

“I’ve said how the master-level figure can’t find the wind and grass next to me! You snake girl just don’t believe it!!” Mu Geng complained with an unhappy expression on her face.

“Ahhhh, isn’t it because Mugeng you keep shaking your big breasts and making the sound of “Puff, Puff,” that made people discover it?”

Weiwei squinted his eyes and asked rhetorically with a smile.


Hearing this onomatopoeia, Rintaro swallowed and his old face blushed.

“Ha ha…. Ha ha ha ha ha… It seems that before dinner, it is suitable to kill and sacrifice.” Mu Geng’s temple burst out with a few blue veins, his expression collapsed, and he slowly pulled out himself. Sabre at waist: Murder Knife·Xueying.

“Wonderful, I just thought so.”

Unwoven stretched out his hands, a pistol and iron fan were already in his hands.

“…” Lentaro looked helpless, slowly retracted to the corner of the room, and hugged his head.

Xia Shi, who was standing at the door, looked at these two immature big sisters like a Pi child, sighed again, and walked into the back room.

Just as the two of them were on fire, Xie Ming’s voice came into the room.

“It was agreed in advance that I will fight outside. If my house is demolished, I will demolish the two of you. Also, if you fight, you won’t have your share for dinner.”

Accompanied by the sound, there is also the aroma of Ruoruuowu.


When asked about the fragrance, Weiwei and Mugeng couldn’t help swallowing, and the two looked at each other.


“Ha ha.”

Turning their heads to each other, put the weapons back. In this scene, Rentaro next to him expressed shock.

“It’s like a chemical reaction between two people who can stop this encounter…it’s worthy of being Uranus Temple.”

However, when the meal came out and the two took the first bite, a battle between chopsticks and chopsticks began again. But this time, Xie Ming didn’t stop them. Because the river mussels fight, the fisherman gains.

Nobujo, Yui, Lily, Medea, Natsumi, and Rintaro expressed their thanks for the hospitality.

Later, Xia Shi brought food to Muroto Jin who was living in the basement. Seeing that the poor two had nothing to do, Xie Ming went back to the kitchen and cooked two dishes for them.

Today’s day is over.


Getting off the black luxury car, with a dark blade and a demon knife hanging from his waist, Xie Ming followed the holy emperor to the elevator.

“Mr. Uranus Temple, do you know what Qi Wu Zongxuan is like?”

Xie Ming glanced at Shengtianzi unexpectedly: “Have you not seen him?”

“Yes…” Shengtianzi said softly: “Because every time I ask Mr. Kikunojo, he will look unhappy and disgusted. And Mr. Uranus Temple, you feel very unhappy when you hear this name.”

“I feel uncomfortable with these trash who don’t treat the children of the curse as human beings. But Qi Wu Zongxuan is definitely one of the few people I dislike the most.”

“Why?” The Son of Heaven was curious: “Mr. Uranus Temple probably hasn’t seen President Qi Wu.”

“It’s still a question from the sky Sasori seat.”

Xie Ming frowned and said faintly: “After killing the god Sasori, countless calls came into my mobile phone. And Qi Wu Zongxuan, also contacted me.”

“The first sentence of his opening is to ask me if I want to surrender to him and conquer the world together.”

In an instant, there was no sound in the elevator.

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