Chapter 381 Power and Identity

“You are kidding…” Shengtianzi was a little unbelievable.

“I’m not joking about this kind of thing yet.”

Xie Ming said faintly: “He said that if I surrender to his hands, whatever money beauty I choose, I will become an existence under one person and above ten thousand people. And what he needs me to do is to kill. ”

“As for who to kill… The Holy Son should know it in his heart.”

“…Very tempting conditions.” Shengtianzi lowered his head and said softly.

“Yes, it’s very tempting.” Xie Ming nodded: “If his character is better and he treats the children of the curse better, I might agree to it. However, he doesn’t meet any of these conditions.”

Speaking of this, Xie Ming’s eyes showed a cold light: “In his territory, the treatment of children is the worst. And as far as I know, that is an out-and-out dictator. Those who resist him suffer. When the bloody suppression comes, the people of his territory are not going to make a living.”

“The call he made to me has also increased the credibility of the intelligence a lot.”

“So, you have to be careful.” Xie Ming looked at Shengtianzi: “In front of this kind of old fox, always keep calm, don’t give up thinking, don’t be oppressed by the other’s momentum.”

“Remember, the man who killed God Sasori is behind you. Before I die, you will never be hurt at all.”

Looking at Xie Ming’s face and listening to what he said, the panic in Shengtianzi’s heart slowly subsided. However, the heart began to beat fiercely again. He covered his heart with both hands, his face was slightly hot.

And Xie Ming’s anomaly was naturally discovered by Xie Ming.

“Sure enough, I’m still a little nervous. After all, I’m just a girl.”

Xie Ming was thinking about it, his eyes softened when he looked at the holy emperor, and he wondered how to help the girl next to him cleverly. You know, the girl is still too immature to confront the old fox.


Finally, the elevator arrived. Looking out the window, it seems that white clouds are within reach.

After the war of bowel creatures, the architectural features of all human gathering places can be described in one word, Gao.

There is no other way. The area of ​​the gathering place cannot be expanded, and the population is increasing day by day. No one wants to go to live in the outer area, where there are all factories and children of the curse.

Therefore, towering buildings were born. Of course, in order to promote this architectural style, various regional governments also have preferential policies and financial subsidies. Otherwise, how could the agent do thankless things out of his own pocket.

Two followers with sunglasses pushed open the door, and Xie Ming followed the holy emperor into the richly decorated room. On the short steps in front of him, there are two sofas and a small round table. The warm and unobtrusive sunlight enters the room through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, and the elevated scenery makes people feel very relaxed and happy.

However, at this time, Shengtianzi didn’t feel that comfortable at all. The man sitting on the sofa stood up because he saw someone coming, showing a rather malicious smile.

“Meeting for the first time, Master Sheng Tianzi.”

Big back head, thick beard, pot belly figure, wearing a pair of British gentleman glasses, wearing a light black suit, giving people a nondescript feeling.

What does this feel like… Like a bandit head wearing a scholar costume, it gives people a strange and funny feeling. Of course, only Xie Ming felt this way.

“The kid next to you is…”

Qi Wu Zongxuan turned his head to look at Xie Ming, looking up and down with aggressive eyes.

“Uranus Temple Hutaro.” Xie Ming said lightly.

“Hey, the one who killed the Sasori seat… so that’s it.” Qi Wu Zongxuan glanced at the two knives on Xie Ming’s waist and asked with a smile on his face: “Little devil, I talked to you last time. What’s the matter, how are you thinking about it?”

“Old thief, I definitely rejected you last time.” Xie Ming said indifferently: “Put away your crappy means of separation.”

Yes, this is blatant separation. If Xie Ming hadn’t told Shengtianzi that he had contact with Qi Wuzongxuan before, Shengtianzi would definitely be suspicious. Although with Sheng Tianzi’s character, she would definitely not mind this little thing as long as she explained it.

The Son of Heaven has such a personality, but it doesn’t mean that everyone else is like this. All emperors are all suspicious. If it is not for the Son of Heaven but for another person, there will be a gap between Xie Ming and Xie Ming.

What happens if there is a gap between the guard and the employer? I believe everyone is clear in their hearts. That’s why Xie Ming came out at this time to let Shengtianzi understand how sinister the middle-aged man in front of him is.

Fortunately, although Shengtianzi is still immature as a leader, his IQ is still very high. I instantly understood the danger in this, and in my heart, I added a sense of caution.

And Qi Wu Zongxuan, who was ruthlessly pointed out by Xie Ming, didn’t feel embarrassed at all. He still kept smiling, but what he said was a bit ugly.

“Haha, the kid is the kid. The district policemen just bite here without looking at any occasion.”

Xie Ming sneered: “Yes, I’m just a local policeman. Then you have to worry a little bit about the old thief. The policeman’s knife in this district can wipe out the Sasori seat of the sky, and it can also cut off the huge stone monument in a certain area.”

This is a naked threat, but it is also a threat that Qi Wu Zongxuan cannot ignore.

“You damn kid!!!”

“So be careful when you speak, old thief.” Xie Ming deliberately yelled an ‘old thief’ at this time, just deliberately responding to Qi Wu Zongxuan’s ‘little ghost’.

“In this world, power is everything. The difference in status is like an ant that can be crushed by a finger in front of absolute power. It is not worth mentioning. Understand? Qi Wuzongxuan’s Lord?”

With a disdainful smile on his face, Xie Ming deliberately bit the word’adult’ very hard. Obviously it is a respectful language. At this moment, when I heard Qi Wu Zongxuan’s ears, it was like slapped him face to face.

Incompetent and furious, these four words used to describe Qi Wu Zongxuan at this time, and they couldn’t be more suitable.

Looking at the bewildered holy son next to him, Xie Ming said indifferently: “Isn’t my employer invited to the seat? Isn’t it possible to be the president of the Osaka area, don’t you even know the most basic etiquette?”

Qi Wuzong Xuan looked at Xie Ming grimly, and then made an inviting gesture.

Xie Ming stepped back a few steps and gently pushed Shengtianzi’s back. This made Shengtianzi react. After looking at Xie Ming, he sat on the sofa opposite Qi Wu Zongxuan.

Taking a deep breath, the holy emperor adjusted his mental state and said softly.

“Then, let’s start the talks. His Excellency President Qi Wu Zongxuan.”

And Xie Ming, at this time, had already turned his attention to the guard standing behind Qi Wu Zongxuan. His long hair covered half of his face, and his hands were in Kabuto, his breath was dark. At this time, he was also observing himself.

After seeing Xie Ming observing himself, the body of the guard trembled, restraining his aura even more, and then showing Xie Ming a very ugly smile.

“…Sure enough, it’s a substitute.”

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Xie Ming was very speechless.

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