Chapter 382

“Hello, everyone, I am the second-tier Alternator 6563, code-named Yin Mage. Because my main method is dark-type shadow magic, this kind of magic is mainly used to trap enemies, curse and mark.”

“I have a three-person team including me, and I was very lucky to have arrived in the Osaka area. Because of its outstanding ability, it was quickly picked up by Qi Wu Zongxuan. The IP of the three members of the team has increased to more than 400. , Completed the first main task.”

“Why are we very lucky? Because there are not too many big things in the Osaka area. The center of this story is still in the Tokyo area, so we think we can live this world safely and get a lot of benefits.”

“So this time Qi Wu Zongxuan is going to visit the Tokyo area. Our three-person team agreed without much thought. Even if we know that there is a super ruthless person who is also a substitute.”

“But now, I’m panicking a group. Because, that ruthless person is standing opposite me. Ah, he is looking over! He is watching me!!! What to do!!!? What to do!!!?”

Master Yin looked at Xie Ming awkwardly, smiled hard, and opened the team voice in his heart.

“Captain, bald! The ruthless man in Tokyo is right across from me, what should I do!?”


The two people who were eating underneath instantly sprayed each other’s face with the contents of their mouths, and then the muscular man with big swords on his back and capable short hair quickly replied.

“Lao Yin, are you sure!? Are you sure that it was the one who smashed the sky Sasori?”

“Yes, don’t make a big oolong!”

The bald man wearing a white priesthood costume with a cross wiped his face, and subconsciously held the mace next to him, and emphasized.

Here, you can see the respective responsibilities of this three-person team. The captain must be a tank, responsible for resisting damage and output in the front, at least it should be a double attribute of strength and durability.

The bald man dressed in priestly clothing has the ability to protect himself, and he also has the ability to recover. He is responsible for sharing the pressure of the captain and controlling the lifeline of the team members.

The last Yin Mage is responsible for controlling the enemy, assisting the captain, and weakening the enemy. The characteristics of shadow magic also make him escape.

It can be said that in this three-person team, everyone is not weak. But it also depends on whom it is compared with.

“This is still fake!?” Yin Mage almost cried: “Moreover, he is still the guardian of the holy emperor! Where did Rintaro died in the original plot!?”

“…It’s troublesome.”

The short-haired man scratched his head and wiped everything off his face.

This three-person team has completed the first two main tasks. And because their behavior is to become Qi Wu Zongxuan’s doglegs, their main task three is naturally related to Qi Wu Zongxuan’s plan.

Main task three: Go to the Tokyo area to assist Hina Sprandt in obliterating the Holy Son.

Looking at the tasks in the taskbar, the bald man and the short-haired man sighed in unison. According to the original work, if only Satomi Rintaro and Aihara Nobuzu are the only guards, they are not afraid at all.

Of course, unafraid means that they can use other means to achieve their goals. Relying on the curse magic of the Yin Master to reduce the life of the holy emperor, this is their idea.

However, the current Yin Master didn’t have that idea at all. Under Xie Ming’s gaze, he dared not even make large moves. Not to mention a curse secretly.

He had a hunch that when he secretly read the first rune, his whole body would be cut in half.

“…Lao Yin, don’t do it for now.”

In the end, the short-haired man made a decision and started with a wave: “The three of us failed in the main mission three, but only 60,000 exchange points can be earned back. But the life is lost, but there is no way to earn it back.”

“So, don’t act rashly for the time being. Under the nose of Qi Wu Zongxuan and Shengtianzi, as long as you don’t do harmful things, the other party shouldn’t take the initiative to show hostility.”

“That’s right, Lao Yin. Don’t die!” The bald man also asked: “This kind of ruthless person who dared to directly participate in the plot, I can’t afford it! If the three of us are all there, there may be a hint of assurance, but You a mage is definitely a dead end there.”


The Yin Mage once again showed a smile that was uglier than crying. He had known that he would not drink so much at the time, and he would come forward to serve as the old man’s escort. Now, what should I do…


At night, Xie Ming and Sheng Tianzi were sitting in a high-end car, one with sadness in his eyes, and the other being so calm.

Those who are sad are naturally the Son of Heaven. The so-called talks were nothing more than a unilateral declaration of war by Qi Wu Zongxuan. He said that he wants to become the sole ruler of Japan, no matter who he is, he can’t stop his path.

The idealistic holy son met the selfish careerist Qi Wu Zongxuan, and the talks naturally couldn’t continue and ended up unhappy.

This has also led to the inevitable sorrow in the eyes of the Son of Heaven.

“Mr. Uranus Temple, I…I want to take back the land that originally belonged to humans from the hands of the original gut creatures. Reconnect all the regions of Japan together.”

Abruptly, the holy emperor said suddenly.


“At that time, the citizens should recall the fact that we are compatriots. Therefore, I need the help of Mr. Uranus Temple.”


Xie Ming rubbed his eyebrows: “Let me ask two questions. First, do the nationals you said include children?”

“Of course.” Shengtianzi said decisively.

“Second, do you really think that as long as the land is connected, everyone will live in peace?”

“…I am, so hopeful.”

“Then, come on. I won’t accompany you.” Xie Ming said lightly.

“Why?” The Son of Heaven was anxious: “Although Mr. Uranus Temple looks indifferent, he should be like me in his heart, yearning for peace.”

“Master Shengtian, you should know that I established a small town called “Gensokyo” in the outlying area. You should also be aware of the purpose of my establishment there.”

“It’s for…’Children of the Curse’, right.”

“Yes.” Xie Ming looked out the window: “Everything I do is to let the children live the same lives as normal people. All I have to do is this thing.”

“But you are different. Even if you have compassion for the children and want to eliminate this injustice. However, in this world, children are only a small part. Most of them are that kind of hatred in their hearts. And vent these hatreds to the scum on the children.”

“Hate because of my powerlessness, and angry because of my weakness, so I can vent this hatred to children who are weaker and helpless than myself.”

“You said, what reason do I have to protect such a group of people?”

Holy Son, silent.

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