Chapter 383

The Son of Heaven is a young girl, a young girl who hasn’t really seen the reality clearly yet.

There is no denying that her ideals are great. However, ideals alone are not enough. Reality tends to show its cruelest side to people with ideals.

In reality, the cruelest thing is the human heart.

If the five major areas of Tokyo are really connected, what will happen? There is only one answer, war.

Even if the holy emperor wants peace, would the four rulers in other regions think so? The other three, Xie Ming, are still unclear, but Qi Wu Zongxuan will definitely take this opportunity to start a war.

At that time, no one can stay aside. What’s more deadly is that according to the setting of this world, the production rate of Japanese 錵 element is the highest in the world. Once a civil war starts in Japan, what will be the consequences?

All countries will participate in this civil war. On this small piece of land, life will be overwhelmed.

At that time, will the holy emperor be thanked by the people? No, it will only be spurned and become a sinner that everyone shouts and beats. Even if her original intention is very beautiful, even if her wish is to hope for peace.

How ironic, because of the desire for peace, it has become the fuse of war. The human heart is so wonderful.

There is an ideal without fulfilling its power and plan. This may be able to flicker some stunned young people, but they will never be able to impress those who are truly visionary, capable, and able to help.

This is Xie Ming’s first reason for relentlessly rejecting the Son of Heaven. And the second point is related to the children.

Even if the Son of Heaven really reintegrates Japan, the treatment of the children will not change because of this, and they will still be cruelly abused. Because the gastroenteric virus problem has not been resolved.

Why do people hate and fear the children of the curse. In the final analysis, there are only two points, one is anger, and the other is fear.

Because of my incompetence, and because my anger was filled with nowhere to vent, I dumped all of this on the children. Because of fear of gastroenteritis in children, I want to kill them.

However, without these children with protoenteric virus in their bodies, human beings would not be able to survive. These children are the last hope for mankind to survive and rejuvenate. But human beings trample on this hope over and over again.

It is both sad and hateful. Why does the term foolish people exist? It is precisely because the people are stupid, they can only see what is in front of them, they can only blindly follow the atmosphere, are easily tempted, and lack their own thinking.

Therefore, they are stupid. No matter what era, the common people are like this. Even if a clear-headed person appeared among them, he thought it was wrong to do so. However, if this clear-headed person speaks out his own ideas, he will become an alien among the masses.

After all, no one thinks he is a fool, right?

There is a word, Xie Ming particularly likes and agrees.

Do not reason with fools, because they will bring your IQ to the same level as them, and then use their rich experience to defeat you.

And when you are facing a group of fools, these fools will be unusually united, driving you out and squeezing you out. This proves another truth.

How to unite a group of people? Set up a common enemy for them.

Thinking of this, Xie Ming couldn’t help laughing.

“Mr. Uranus Temple, is my ideal so ridiculous?”

Shengtianzi frowned, obviously a little angry.

“I don’t mean to laugh at you.” Xie Ming still looked out the window and said with a smile: “I’m just sighing the wonder and complexity of the human heart.”

“I do not understand what you mean….”

“As long as you have experienced a lot, you will probably understand.”

Xie Ming shook his head, pretending to pull out the blue rose from the back waist (actually from the portable space), and rolled down the car window. The pupils turned into a weird purple, and he whispered: “The next journey may be a little exciting.”

Outside the car, a drizzle of rain flew into the window and spilled on the faces of the two of them. Shengtianzi froze for a moment, and his body tightened.

Obviously, she realized something.

Outside the car, the small mechanical sound hidden in the sound of rain. In his eyes, an anti-tank sniper bullet was hitting the side of the car at an extremely fast speed.


The huge recoil didn’t make Xie Ming’s arm shake a bit, and a bullet mixed with a hot breath shot out of the barrel.

Two bullets penetrated countless raindrops and collided in mid-air.


Less than a hundred meters away from the vehicle, a splendid fireworks bloomed in the air. The hot air, the hot air, instantly dried the luxury car and made it out of control.

Obviously, the driver also panicked.

“Oh, you are not an old driver at all.”


Seeing the front of the car getting closer and closer to the wall, Xie Ming sighed. Accompanied by the girl’s exclamation, he grabbed his slender waist, and easily grabbed the driver’s back collar. Take a kick and kick the car roof directly.


The second sniper that followed immediately hit the engine of the car after Xie Ming took the three of them out. The expensive car slammed into a solid wall with flames.

Tens of millions of banknotes were just burned.

Putting the driver aside, with one hand wrapped around the waist of Shengtianzi, Xie Ming said softly, “It’s okay, don’t be afraid.”

“Come, raise your head. Look at the fireworks blooming on a rainy day.”

The rain-soaked hair was a little messy and stuck to his face, and Shengtianzi slowly raised his head.

The bullets collided in the air and turned into red flowers, dotted in the night. Obviously knowing what the situation is now, I can clearly hear the sound of a popping out of the chamber, but the holy emperor is still attracted by the beautiful scenery.

It’s incredible, obviously a bullet can take the lives of two people away. Why is his face still so calm and calm?

He even calmed down with himself.

Lie on Xie Ming’s chest, feeling his powerful but gentle heartbeat. The face of the Son of Heaven was blushing incomparably by the flames in mid-air.

“It’s too much.”

The six flame bombs filled in the runner had all been shot out, and Xie Ming’s purple pupil reflected the figure of a blond girl 1 km away.

In the light green dress, holding a sniper rifle twice as high as his own, the red pupils were extremely conspicuous in the dark night.

If this girl is no longer interesting, Xie Ming will teach her a lesson.

Seeming to realize something, the girl picked up the sniper rifle and left quickly. The mechanical sound mixed with the sound of rain gradually moved away.

Xie Ming put away the blue rose, lowered his head and smiled: “It’s okay.”

“…..Hmm.” Sheng Tianzi lowered his head and softly agreed.

At this time, Baoxian Zhuoren and other members of the guards ran out of the car and yelled.

However, Xie Ming and Shengtianzi ignored them at this time.

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