Chapter 384

“It’s really a bunch of trash.”

This is Xie Ming’s only comment on this group of guards after escorting the holy emperor back to the holy residence.

When the son of heaven was attacked, he took a vehicle as a cover to hide, but afterwards he yelled and cared about the son of heaven. After returning to Shengju, he actually wanted to shirk the responsibility for the attack on Shengtianzi to Xie Ming.

Xie Ming really is, he can’t even get angry.

You know, Xie Ming doesn’t know the route and schedule at all. And in this case, the Holy Emperor was attacked, what does it mean?

Someone in the guard leaked the information.

With such an obvious truth, Zhuo Ren actually wanted to shirk his responsibility, thinking about the good thing of killing someone with a knife. There is no reason or basis, just relying on slanderous rhetoric, and yelling to make everyone believe in themselves.

Xie Ming is really eye-opening, there really are such mentally retarded people in the world. The most frightening thing is that the mentally retarded is still doing good deeds of marrying Bai Fumei and reaching the pinnacle of life.

Even a tolerant and kind-hearted person like Shengtianzi was completely disappointed with the group of guards. Don’t take the kindness of others as a reason for you to be unscrupulous.

If it’s a child, it doesn’t matter. Protecting Zhuoren, a big man about 1.8 meters tall, doesn’t even understand this. He is like a giant walking baby. The most frightening thing is that this giant baby’s mind is still very narrow.

Jealousy, irritability, narrow-mindedness, self-confidence, incompetence, and almost human shortcomings can be found in the guarantor. And it is such a person who is actually the captain of the escort responsible for the task of escorting the country’s top leader.

The world is so big, there are no wonders. It is really hard work, the holy emperor, can actually live so big under the protection of this group of mentally retarded.

The meaning of Xie Ming’s pitying eyes at this time, Sheng Tianzi guessed seven or eight. An unprecedented feeling suddenly appeared in my heart, shame. He waved his hand and left the room immediately.

“Uh, angry?”

Xie Ming, who couldn’t figure it out, didn’t think much anymore, and followed the holy emperor to leave this gathering place for mentally retarded people.


“Please have tea, Mr. Uranus Temple.”

Xie Ming held up the teacup in front of him and took a sip in the same elegant room last time.

The Son of Heaven seemed to have calmed down, slowly tasting the tea.

“This kind of guards, why do you keep them?”

Putting down the cup, Xie Ming asked suspiciously.

“…” Shengtianzi took a cup of tea, sighed, and said softly: “This guard was left by Mr. Kikunojo to protect me. For the members inside, I also asked the secretary to investigate. pass.”

“They are all the sons of important people such as the top developers of 錵 elements, the heads of military factories, and the heads of food cultivation centers in the Tokyo area.”

“So if there is no key evidence, even I can’t expel them for no reason.”

Xie Ming was silent. People in the arena involuntarily. The holy son who is respected and worshipped by people is nothing but a bird in a cage bound by many chains. Even his own life cannot be truly guaranteed.

No one in the holy son can pour out his worries, he can only press these into his heart, and protect himself with a holy and cold expression. Therefore, she wanted Xie Ming to help her.

Young girl, she needs someone she can truly trust to help herself.

Unfortunately, Xie Ming couldn’t do this. He is a traveler in this world. Once he completes the main task, he will start the next journey as a substitute. More importantly, in this world, there are more people who need to be saved.

Xie Ming is not the savior. He cannot redeem everyone. All he can do is to protect the important things in front of him and spell out a better future for the children.

Just this matter has allowed him to do his best, without the slightest spare energy.

What can he do for the girl in front of him?

Under Shengtianzi’s suspicious gaze, Xie Ming stood up, bent down, gently stroked Shengtianzi’s head, and whispered softly.

“You worked very hard.”

“…Mr. Uranus Temple…?” The holy emperor froze instantly, his voice trembling a little.

“Very wronged? Why is it that so many people do not understand what I did right? I am afraid? Why do I have to suffer such a thing? Very lonely? There is no one who can be trusted around, and no one can believe it. .”

“Obviously there are so many grievances, but you still persisted. You worked hard.”

“Uranus Temple…Mr…”

There was a little choking in the voice of the Son of Heaven.

“Just call me Koutaro.”

Xie Ming gently stroked Shengtianzi’s hair, and said softly: “In front of me, I don’t need to endure any longer. I can do very little for you. But listen to your grievances. Little things, I can still do it.”

“So, you can cry.”

“…Houtaro, Houtaro, uh… uhhhhhhhhhhh…”

He tightly grasped Xie Ming’s clothes, as if to tear it apart. The Son of Heaven buried his head on Xie Ming’s chest and burst into tears.

“It’s okay, it’s okay already.”

Gently hugging the Holy Son, Xie Ming said softly. I hope this can alleviate the negative feelings that are suppressed in the girl’s heart, and can slightly lighten her burden.


“Ah… it’s rude.”

The holy emperor, with red eyes, sat on the sofa again, a little afraid to look directly at Xie Ming.

“In front of me, just relax a little.” Xie Ming said with a light smile: “Anyway, you have already lost your face, right?”

“Mr. Hutaro!”

The holy emperor’s face blushed and yelled. However, Xie Ming laughed a bit, and the awkward atmosphere between the two was resolved.

After all, the shyness of a girl should be properly understood.

“Then, it’s time to talk about business.”

Xie Ming said sternly: “80% of this assassination may be a killer sent by Qi Wu Zongxuan to solve you while Tiantong old fox is away. However, you don’t have to worry about the second attack.”

“Why?” Shengtianzi was a little puzzled, and logically speaking, wouldn’t the second attack be even more fierce?

“Because the enemy knows that if I am by your side, sniping is useless.”

Xie Ming replied indifferently: “Therefore, before the second interview, the enemy will definitely solve me first. Moreover, if it is really an assassin sent by Qi Wu Zongxuan, then the enemy sent to deal with me will definitely be It is unprecedentedly powerful.”

“Then, Mr. Hutarou, aren’t you in danger?” Shengtianzi showed a worried look.

“Don’t worry.” Xie Ming said lightly.

“If Qi Wu Zongxuan really dares to send someone to attack me, there will definitely only be one thing.”

“There is no return!”

Seeing Xie Ming’s confident look, the eyes of the Son of Heaven could not help but show a faint splendor.

“What an incredible man.”

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