Chapter 385

The next morning, Xie Ming was invited by someone and came to the pool in the park.

On the bench, sitting a blond girl, drowsy.

What is rare is that the blonde girl’s hair has been taken care of, and the clothes are no longer pajamas and slippers, but a lavender dress with a small coat.


Xie Ming walked in, poked Hina’s soft face, and shouted softly.


Hina raised her head and saw the person who came, showing a dazed smile: “Brother Hutaro, you are here~”

“Well, here it is.” Xie Ming touched Hina’s head and smiled: “Then, what do you want me to do?”

“I want Brother Hutaro to familiarize me with the nearby streets… Did you trouble you?” Hina asked cautiously.

“how come?”

Xie Ming smiled: “However, since it’s shopping, can I introduce some friends to Hina?”


Hina tilted her head, and then saw three girls who were the same age as herself popping out from behind Xie Ming, and one girl was a little two or three years older than herself.

“Hello Hina, this is Yui Uranus Temple.”

“Hello, I am Qianshou Xia Shi.”

“Lily’s name is Lily~”

“Little Hina, this is Medea, please advise.”

Looking at the well-behaved Yui, the indifferent Xia Shi, the lively Lily, and the gentle Medea, Hina couldn’t help being stunned. Turning his head slowly, he asked Xie Ming.

“Brother Uranus Temple, where did you go to lie to so many girls?”

Xie Ming staggered in an instant, and said speechlessly, “Why is your first reaction like this?”

“No, Hina.” Yui took Xie Ming’s hand and said with a smile: “I’m Dad’s daughter.”

“I’m Huta Lang’s lover.” Xia Shi held Xie Ming’s other arm expressionlessly, and said something thunderous in the sky.

“certainly not!”

“Lily too, Lily is also my brother’s lover…”

Lily tilted her head and asked Xie Ming suspiciously: “Speaking of brother, what do you mean by lover?”

“Don’t join in the fun if you don’t even know what your lover means!”

Xie Ming couldn’t help but vomit.

“I am the master…” Medea thought for a long time, clapped her hands for the last time, and said happily, “I am the exclusive maid of the master!”

“Oh, isn’t Sister Medea his brother’s sister?”

“But the identity of my sister is not too ordinary. I want a special identity too~”

“…Even Medea, you too.”

Hina looked at the hilarious people, with a silly smile on her face: “Sure enough, Brother Hutaro is a gentle person.”

This point has been unanimously agreed by everyone.

“Yes, although Dad looks cold, has an awkward personality, and has a low EQ, he is a gentle person.”

“Yui Yi, are you complimenting me…”

Xie Ming is already tired now.

On the other hand, Yui and Lily had already pulled Xia Shi and Medea, chatted happily with Hina, and discussed various things about Xie Ming.

Xie Ming shrugged when seeing Hina, who was at a loss but with a happy smile on her face.

“Forget it, they just want to be happy.”

But next, Xie Ming spent the two longest hours he has so far.


“Even a little girl around 10 years old, that’s a woman…”

Sitting paralyzed on the bench, Xie Ming sighed deeply. And beside him, there are large bags of clothes.

Since Muroto Sumire joined Gensokyo, the children’s living expenses have been much better. After all, as one of the four wise men, how could she not have any research funds?

Rather, in the entire Tokyo area, Muroto Sumire can rank in the top ten of the rich list. I still remember that as soon as he arrived at the research room, Muroto Sumire gave Xie Ming a card.

“In the card is my food expenses. The money is used at will. Probably there are… several billions, right?”

You know, Xie Ming killed Sasori for a day before he got a billion in bonuses. Muroto Sumire then threw out a card with billions of dollars.

People are more angry than people.

Of course, even though it can be used casually, Xie Ming can’t really spend money lavishly. Buy clothes for the children, build combat training grounds, and pay salaries to those who come to apply for jobs one after another.

Xie Ming spent most of the money in these areas. After all, Gensokyo is very short of manpower now, and it is impossible for the children to do all the work.

Therefore, it is necessary to recruit foreign personnel. However, the assessment of these personnel is very strict. Xie Ming learned about everyone personally, and only agreed to join Gensokyo after inquiring.

Xie Ming didn’t want to lead the wolf into the room.

Strict review also brings rich benefits. These are also necessary to build up these people’s sense of belonging to Gensokyo. Xie Ming learned this trick with sticks and carrots in Xiongmiian.

“Brother Hutaro, you are here.”

Just as Xie Ming was thinking about all sorts of things, Hina’s soft voice suddenly came next to him.

“Well, take a break for a while. How about you, Hina, why don’t you continue playing with Yui and the others?”

“Because, brother is here.”

Hina gave a silly smile.

“Really?” Xie Ming touched Hina’s head: “Then, for such Hina, I have a small reward.”

“Reward?” Hina looked at Xie Ming nervously: “Finally, is your brother going to take action on me?”

“I’m not Loli control.” Xie Ming said calmly.

“Really sorry….”

“…” Xie Ming sighed deeply again, took out a small box and spoon from behind (portable space), and slowly opened it: “This is the vanilla ice cream I made by myself, think I do not want to eat?”

“Vanilla…Ice cream…” Hina looked forward to her eyes and nodded: “I want to eat.”

“Then open your mouth, ah~”

“…Ah~” With a happy smile on her face, Hina opened her small mouth.

“Um… it’s delicious, brother Hutaro!”

“anything else?”

“Hmm! Ah~”

Soon, a small box of ice cream was eaten by Hina. Xie Ming took out his handkerchief, wiped the corners of Hina’s mouth, and smiled: “Okay, it’s clean.”

“Today is really a happy day.”

Looking at Xie Ming dazedly, Hina let out a sigh of emotion.

“That’s great.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “Yui Yi and the others have made new friends with you. They are also very happy.”


Hearing this word, Hina’s expression instantly brought a little sadness, lowered her head, and said softly: “I have no friends.”

“Hina doesn’t think we are your friends?”

Xie Ming asked softly.

“No…” Hina shook her head: “It’s me, I am not qualified to be friends with you.”

At this time, the phone rang from Hina’s Kabuto. Hearing this voice, Hina seemed to wake up from a dream and stood up.

“Brother Hutaro, I am leaving. I am really happy today.”

Showing illusion like a dream, with a sad smile, Hina turned and left.

“… Hina.”

Xie Ming stopped Hina and said softly, “No matter who you are, Hina. However, we are your friends and this will not change. You know?”


Hina didn’t look back, and disappeared into the crowd with a trot.

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