Chapter 386

Sending Yui and the others back to Gensokyo, Xie Ming walked alone in the deserted alley in the outlying area, and came to a small clearing.

“I’ve followed all the way, but still can’t come out?”

The indifferent voice echoed in this clearing. But still, no one echoed.

“If you don’t see the coffin, you won’t shed tears.” Xie Ming frowned, took out the blue rose from the back (portable space), aimed at a shadow and unceremoniously shot six armor-piercing bullets.


Only a curse was heard, and then a figure of a strong man with short hair appeared in the shadow. He blocked the giant sword in his hand and caught all the armor-piercing bullets without fail.

Behind him, the figures of the other two also appeared. The priesthood bald head holding the mace, and the gloomy man holding the staff hiding under the pitch-black cloak.

Seeing that gloomy man, Xie Ming knew the identity of the three.

“There are only five substitutes for this mission, so a three-person team actually came?” Xie Ming murmured.

The reason why Xie Ming thinks this is a three-person team, not a team made up of three substitutes, is because these three people have trust in their teammates. This kind of trust is something a team that puts together cannot do.

“Since you came to attack me, I believe you are ready to die.”

Xie Ming drew the demon knife and blood seal from the space, and asked faintly.

“Wait, Senior Ruthless, this is a misunderstanding!!!”

The short-haired man stretched out his hand and shouted loudly.

“Misunderstanding?” Xie Ming Yaodao pointed diagonally to the ground and looked at the trio quietly.

“Yes, this is a misunderstanding!” The bald head on the side also hurriedly shouted: “We are indeed the guards of Qi Wu Zongxuan, but we are definitely not hostile to the predecessors!”

“The reason why we are hiding from the side is to find a chance to talk to Senior. But I didn’t expect Senior to find us.” The captain said with a wry smile.

Xie Ming just sneered at these words.

What does it mean to find an opportunity to talk with yourself? If that is the case, they should show up when Xie Ming just shouted, instead of being forced out by Xie Ming with a gun.

In the main god space, strength is paramount. Even if he killed the third-order BOSS-level monster like Sasori with a single blow, the greed in the heart of the substitute would not be reduced in the slightest.

The main purpose of these three people hiding aside is to test whether Xie Ming’s strength is really that powerful. If it is, then admit it to surrender. If not, I’m sorry, there is no discussion about three fights and one.

Seeing the disdainful sneer on Xie Ming’s face, the short-haired man cursed in his heart and didn’t flicker over.

The wages of avarice is death. No one wants to fail the main mission out of thin air, deducting evaluation and exchange points. Therefore, those who try must try.

With a sincere smile on his face, the short-haired man smiled bitterly: “Senior Ruthless has discovered the little plan in my heart, so I will not hide it. The main task of the three of us is to help Qi Wu Zongxuan kill the Son of Heaven. .”

“But I believe that the mission of the predecessors is to protect the holy emperor, so the three of us have already planned to give up this mission. After all, living is more important than anything else.”

At this moment, there was a humming mechanical sound around Xie Ming. An orange bullet crossed a distance of nearly one kilometer and hit Xie Ming.

“This is what you call giving up?”

Xie Ming slashed the bullet openly and looked at the three of them faintly.


At this time, the short-haired man, the bald head and the Yin Mage’s heart, thousands of alpacas are constantly running. Is this intentional? Hello! This is definitely intentional!

“Ha…Haha…If I say this is really a misunderstanding, do you believe me, Senior?”

Courageous, the short-haired man forced a smile and asked cautiously.

“…Forget it, I’m in a good mood today, I’ll give you a chance.”

Xie Ming took the demon knife back into the blood seal and hung it around his waist. At the same time, he was equipped with a hand armor, and said lightly.

“I don’t use knives, only my fists. If the three of you can hold on to my hands for a minute, I will let you go. But if you fail, then you must return to the Osaka area and do me a favor.”

“How about it? It’s a bargain.”

“GodTM is in a good mood!”

The three of them were very tacitly cursed in their hearts: “Just looking for a chance to clean up us, and then let us help!”

Of course, their faces will naturally not show any dissatisfaction, they can only say with a wry smile: “Please be merciful to seniors.”

“Don’t worry, I will act lightly with my bald head.”


Seeing this brother’s three swollen noses go away, Xie Ming stretched his body comfortably.

Not to mention, these three came at the right time. He was worried about how to fight back the old fox Qi Wu Zongxuan, and the three of them jumped in front of him. I have to say that a crisis is an opportunity.

The strength of the three is definitely not weak, but they met Xie Ming. Before Yin Mage’s methods were used, Xie Ming teleported with Shangri-La and was knocked down with a punch. This is still Xie Ming’s merciful situation.

Otherwise, relying on the poor and weak body of the mage, with Xie Ming’s current strength, he really punched it up, it would definitely hurt through, punch by hole.

The wizards with secretive attacks were knocked down. With a short-haired man wielding a big sword and a bald priest, he couldn’t overcome any storms at all. Rather, the short-haired man didn’t even think about letting his bald head treat him in battle.

Now that the treatment is wasted, who will treat it after the fight? Coupled with this purely physical battle, it is the style of the captain. So he took the big sword, and after receiving Xie Ming’s five or six punches, he fell down gloriously.

With the last bald head, Xie Ming gave him a symbolic kick, and this short battle (exercise) was thus over.

When the three woke up and signed a contract with them for the main god space, Xie Ming waved them to leave. These three people will become a time bomb next to Qi Wu Zongxuan.

When it detonates, it will inevitably bring him a different surprise. Who told this old man to be so skinny and so ridiculous? Really Xie Ming can’t clean him up?

Another point is that during the battle, the snipers in the distance would send Xie Ming a shot from time to time, which made him a little helpless. Because he knew who the sniper was, it was impossible to actually kill the killer to solve this trouble.

So helpless, he could only teleport over with Shangri-La, knock him out with a hand knife, and then bring it back.

With blond shoulders and a light green plain dress, he was sleeping peacefully in Xie Ming’s arms. It’s not Hina Sprandt who hasn’t been apart for a long time, or who?

Shaving her nose, Xie Ming said softly: “Go to sleep, when you wake up, you will be free.”

Then he took out his cell phone and walked to Gensokyo while talking on the phone.

“Hello, Mr. Houtaro.” A cold voice came from the other end of the phone. But there seemed to be a hint of joy in the voice?

“Holy emperor, we can arrange the second meeting.” Xie Ming said softly.

“…..What time?”


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