Chapter 387

“Mr. Hutaro, why is it so sudden?” Sitting opposite Xie Ming, Sheng Tianzi was puzzled.

Out of trust in Xie Ming, Sheng Tianzi immediately arranged a meeting. However, trust belongs to trust, and the things that should be understood also need to be understood clearly.

Looking at the scene flowing outside the car window, Xie Ming said calmly: “Because I want to catch the old immortal before he can react.”

“I am not dead…”

The Son of Heaven was a little speechless about this title, but the last half sentence made her lift up her spirits.

“what do you mean?”

“It means literally.” Xie Ming showed a malicious smile: “In China, there is an old saying. It is also impolite to come and go, and it is also impolite to come and go.”

“Since he specially hired the top 100 policemen as gifts, we must return the gift. Otherwise, it seems that our Tokyo area is too stingy, isn’t it?”

“…Please be moderate.” Shengtianzi already understood that he couldn’t stop Xie Ming. Moreover, she also knew that most of the reason Xie Ming did this was to vent her anger.

So there is only one thing she can do. Try not to let the man in front of you do too much.

Besides, although Shengtianzi is mentally prepared to be assassinated, it does not mean that she will accept it when she is actually assassinated. There must be some actions. This is one of the things she has learned from getting along with Xie Ming in the past few days.

“Then, please ask the Holy Son to accompany me in a play.”

Xie Ming touched his chin, then took out the phone and dialed a number.


“Your Excellency Qi Wu!”

In front of Qi Wu Zongxuan who was waiting quietly on the hotel sofa, a man hurriedly ran up. This is one of the confidants he brought over during this visit.

“Don’t panic.”

Qi Wu Zongxuan took a sip of tea relaxedly: “What happened?”

“Master Shengtian was attacked on the road, the vehicle in which he was riding exploded, and Master Shengtian died on the spot.!”

The man was a little pleased, and reported the news that would cause chaos in the Tokyo area.

However, the suspicious Qi Wu Zongxuan did not believe the news, but frowned and raised questions.

“Where is that damn kid? With him, how could the holy emperor die so easily?”

“It’s really funny about this.”

A mocking smile appeared on the man’s face: “I heard that the garbage guards that seemed to be the holy emperor deliberately made things difficult to exclude the policeman. You also know that the policeman is an arrogant person, how can he endure this? Tone?”

“Immediately, half of the guards were seriously injured and sent to the hospital. The Holy Son was so disappointed with him because of this incident, he lifted the entrustment.”

“Hahahahaha, good!”

When Qi Wuzong heard this, he laughed and clapped his hands: “I looked at the kid high, but I didn’t expect to be so incomprehensible. But also, whoever sees a group of flies around him all day If you fly, you can’t help but shoot them to death.”

“On the contrary, it is the Son of Heaven, she is really just a little girl. Such a powerful helper actually pushed him out of the door by himself! It is simply stupid! Sure enough, Japan will eventually fall into my hands!”

“I am the last and ultimate ruler of Japan!”

“Congratulations.” The man said with a smile: “But speaking of it, the adults are foresight. I actually hired the [next] high-ranking police, and it turns out that the adult’s choice is correct.”

“Hmph, that’s of course.” Qi Wu Zongxuan made a proud voice: “You know, this time, it was sent by Ann Rand, one of the four sages, who was a mechanized curse. Son. Ranked 98th, assassin nicknamed “Black Wind”.”

“Unexpectedly transformed the son of the curse?” the man exclaimed: “That should be quite difficult, right.”


Qi Wuzongxuan said without hesitation: “The four regions where the’New Human Creation Project’ is carried out, Japan, the United States, Germany, and Australia, correspond to four sages. In the United States, it was carried out by Ann Rand as the core. [Next] Mechanization plan.”

“The human beings who were originally mortal in the flesh, after mechanized transformation, can display their strengths beyond ordinary humans. Then what will happen to the children of the curse whose original strength exceeds that of ordinary humans?”

“However, I remember that the mechanization plan is basically carried out by human beings with dying lives. The children of the curse don’t seem to meet this condition.” The man doubted.

Qi Wu Zongxuan glanced at his naive confidant contemptuously: “Why are you still so naive, how can the son of the curse have human rights? Of course they were all illegally arrested and reformed.”

“In order to prevent the body of the cursed son from regenerating during the operation, even the scalpel must be made with a scalpel. Ann Rand, one of the four sages, succeeded after many failures.”

“The children of the curse who failed…”

“Of course it’s dead!” Qi Wu Zongxuan frowned, “What’s the matter with you today, don’t you understand this little thing?”

“No, I understand everything.”

The man said softly, his words were full of sorrow and anger that couldn’t be hidden.

“…Wait! What’s your name?” Qi Wu Zongxuan felt something wrong.

“What’s my name?” The man smiled contemptuously: “What’s my name, don’t you know? An immortal thing.”

This title, this damn tone!

In Qi Wu Zongxuan’s eyes, the man’s face quickly blurred, and then revealed its true appearance.

“Uranus Temple… Hutaro!!!” Qi Wuzong Xuan said the name through gritted teeth.

“Tsk tsk, when you are old, don’t get angry so easily.” Xie Ming pretended to greet him kindly: “If you accidentally suffer from high blood pressure, or have a heart attack, your dream of unifying Japan can be just’ Phew, it’s flying.”

“You damn kid!!! What tricks did you do!!! You are here, also saying that the holy emperor is not dead?!!!”

“Thank you Qi Wu for your concern. I have been sitting here safe and sound. It really makes you’worry’.”

The Son of Heaven was sitting on the sofa opposite Qi Wu Zongxuan, his face was icy cold.

“Yeah~, thank you Qi Wu for your cooperation with me.” Xie Ming smiled maliciously: “I didn’t expect Qi Wu to be so good to my “confidant”. You can answer whatever I ask. It really made me. It’s so touched.”

“Damn it’s kid!!!”

The furious Qi Wu Zongxuan stretched his hand into Kabuto, as if he wanted to draw his gun. But first, Xie Ming’s knife had already appeared on his neck.

“When did you have the illusion. You draw a gun faster than I draw a knife?”

Xie Ming said faintly: “On this point, I can kill you on the spot.”

“You! Do you want to provoke a war between the two regions?!!!” Qi Wuzong roared in black and Li Neilun.

“War?” Xie Ming sneered: “Do you really think that the means of your dictator can make people in Osaka avenge you? Where are you confident?”

Xie Ming’s words, like a knife, deeply pierced Qi Wu Zongxuan’s heart. He also knew in his heart that once he died, the Osaka area would directly enter a chaotic period of seizing power for profit.

No one cares about his death at all. Rather, it will make people clap and cheer.

“Just like when you heard of the death of the Holy Son, you looked like you.”

As if seeing through Qi Wu Zongxuan’s mind, Xie Ming’s voice like a devil echoed gently in this room.

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