Chapter 388

When impulse controls a person’s brain, he will do things that are completely impossible to do normally. Qi Wu Zongxuan, that’s it.

If it is only for self-exposure, it is only to make Qi Wu Zongxuan’s situation a little more dangerous. However, when the rulers of the two regions were meeting, the ruler of one side actually made a move to draw a gun, so there are many things that can be done in this matter.

Even if Xie Ming killed him on the spot, no one would say more. In other words, the life of Qi Wu Zongxuan is now in the hands of Xie Ming.

All he needs to do now is to calm down and think about the means to save his life.

As long as his life is still alive, he will still be the president of the Osaka region, and his ambitions can still be realized.

Thinking of this, Qi Wu Zongxuan took a deep breath, sat on the sofa, slowly took his hand out of Kabuto, and placed it on his knee.

“You made it, kid. Let’s talk about it, how can I save my life.”

“Huh~” Xie Ming retracted the demon sword into its scabbard: “You calm down quite quickly.”

“I am a fish and a knife. Although I don’t know what method you used, the result is that you prevented my assassination, but I didn’t prevent you.”

Qi Wu Zongxuan took a sip of tea and said lightly.

Seeing such a calm and calm look of him, the Son of Heaven couldn’t help showing an anger on his face: “Now, don’t you know how to repent?!”

“Hahahahaha, repent?” Qi Wu Zongxuan laughed and said, “What is worth repenting? This is politics, this is reality. I have to say that you are a lucky person and have entrusted a powerful helper.”

“If it weren’t for him, you would have no bones left. Even if you invited someone to protect your life, the situation would never be the same as it is now.”

“The winner, the loser, anyway, I lost. So, make a condition.”

“…Mr. Hutaro, leave it to you. I have nothing to say.” Shengtianzi said to Xie Ming softly with a trace of fatigue in his eyes.

Xie Ming nodded, then looked at Qi Wu Zongxuan: “An Rand, bastard, should you know where he is?”

“It should be somewhere in the United States. If you check it, you can find out.” Qi Wu Zongxuan replied very cooperatively.

“Then, my condition is to kill him. Then all his children will be sent to me.” Xie Ming said indifferently.

As soon as this remark came out, Qi Wu Zongxuan stopped his hand movements, and the holy emperor turned his head and looked at Xie Ming in astonishment.

“You, do you want to do something with the four wise men?”

“He violated the agreement between the four wise men, so even if he kills him, the other three won’t say much.”

Xie Ming said lightly: “You wouldn’t tell me, you would rather die than do this thing, right?”

“How is it possible.” Although Qi Wu Zongxuan’s expression was a bit ugly, he nodded: “But this matter will take a certain amount of time.”

“Give you half a month.” Xie Ming looked at Qi Wu Zongxuan indifferently: “Don’t play tricks with me. Otherwise, I will visit the Osaka area myself and take your head back.”

“In half a month, I want to see Ann Rand’s death and the children’s safe arrival, see.”

“…..I see.”

“Ok, then, is there anything else you would like to say to him?”

“No, I don’t have any.” Shengtianzi looked at Xie Ming: “It’s better to say, I have a lot to say with Mr. Hutaro.”

“…Then, Master Qi Wu Zongxuan, be careful all the way.” Xie Ming made a move to see off the guests.

Taking a deep look at Xie Ming, Qi Wu Zongxuan stood up and left the room. In his mind, Xie Ming has been included in the unprovoked list.

The two watched Qi Wu Zongxuan leave, and as the door closed, the room turned into silence.

“Well, since Qi Wu Zongxuan is ready to go home, this time the guard mission can be declared over.” Xie Ming stretched his body and said lazily.

Seeing Xie Ming’s behavior, Sheng Tianzi’s originally bad mood suddenly improved, and he said softly, “This time, thanks to Mr. Hutarou.”

“Take people’s money to help people eliminate calamities. Plus, the lovely Lord Sage Son who can help us, why not do it?”

“Cute…” Shengtianzi blushed, “Mr. Hutaro is talking and laughing again.”

Xie Ming shrugged, he said this deliberately, just to change the subject, so that the holy emperor’s mood improved. After all, just now, he and Qi Wu Zongxuan nakedly exposed one of the ugliest things in the world to the girl.

But this world is like this, if you want to live in this world, you must accept it.

“Then, good people do it to the end, I still have a gift to give you.” Xie Ming took out a USB flash drive from Yi Kabuto (portable space) and put it in the hands of the Son of Heaven.

“This is?”

“That group of waste guards, do you really want to keep them? Although they are relatives of various important members, as long as there is a reason, it is not difficult to expel them, right?”

Xie Ming smiled and said, “The reason is inside. As for whether you want to do it or not, it’s up to you.”

“…Thank you, Mr. Houtaro.”

Holding the U disk in both hands, the emperor said with a smile on his face.

“Nothing.” Xie Ming scratched his head: “Let’s go, send you back to the holy residence without incident, this matter will be successfully concluded.”

“Mr. Hutaro is really unwilling… unwilling to stay by my side and help me?”

Suddenly, the holy emperor mentioned the last time. Things rejected by Xie Ming.

“…If it is to help you personally, I would be happy.” Xie Ming said lightly: “But if it is that matter, my answer remains the same.”

“Is it…” Shengtianzi lowered his head sadly, and there was an inexplicable loss in his heart.


Xie Ming sighed deeply when he saw the Son of Heaven like this. Walked in front of her and touched her head lightly.

“Your ideas are beautiful, but they are unrealistic. After this incident, I believe you have understood.

“I will not say that you give up your own ideas. But you have to learn to combine your ideals with reality. For this, you must first understand this world and this society.”

“A qualified leader is not to rely on others, but to command and lead others. To become such a person, you must first learn to be independent.”

“Only when you are independent, can you truly do what you want to do. Instead of being coerced by others everywhere like now.”

“So, come on, girl.”

Xie Ming said softly: “Constantly worry, keep thinking, and then grow. When it’s really unbearable, come to me. I will listen to your troubles and your pain.”

“Doesn’t the so-called friends exist like this?”

Shengtianzi raised his head with a flushed face, looking at Xie Ming’s soft face, he couldn’t help but feel a little silly.

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