Chapter 390

In some dark laboratories, various specimens are placed. The computer screen has become one of the few light sources in this place.

And a woman with a disheveled hair, staring at the information displayed on the screen, made a strange smile from time to time. If this is to let in someone who doesn’t know, he might think that he has entered a haunted house.


The headlights in the room were suddenly turned on, causing Muroto Sumire who was attentively stunned, and then looked back.

Xie Ming carried the food, put it on the table and asked helplessly: “Doctor Muroto, can I turn on the light to read the information in the future, and don’t make strange laughs. What if the children break in and are scared?”

“What? Hutaro.”

Muroto Sumire stood up, stretched a big waist, and fully showed her wonderful figure.

To be honest, Muroto Sumire’s hardware equipment is very good, a little care, is a mature and beautiful Onee-san. But it is a pity that Muroto Sumire is a squat at home, and even a mad scientist.

One common feature of these people is that they don’t care much about other people’s opinions.

“It’s me, I’m really sorry.” Xie Ming vomited, and began to tidy up the things on the table.

When he came to the table, Muroto Sumire picked up his chopsticks and started eating, and said as he ate, “Then this time, did you bring me any good news?”

“First of all, my police IP has been upgraded to 200.”

Xie Ming sat opposite her and smiled.

“Yeah.” Muroto Sumire swallowed what was in his mouth, and flipped through the dishes in the bowl with his chopsticks: “In this case, more information can be viewed.”

“Is there anything in these materials that is helpful for research?”

“not yet.”

Muroto Sumire shrugged: “What I have seen so far are all related materials about the past few gastroenterological wars. But there is not a word about the gastroenteric virus.”

“It is possible that what the military wants to hide is not the relevant information about the gastroentervirus, but the background of the birth of the gastroentervirus.”

“In other words, it’s not a big deal to continue to improve the meaning of police IP, right.”

“Perhaps, I’m just guessing.” Muroto Sumire finished the remaining few bites of rice, and then returned to the computer.

“My blood, how is the research?”

Walking behind Muroto Sumire, holding a chair, and looking at the computer, Xie Ming asked curiously.

When he mentioned this, Muroto Sumire suddenly came to his mind: “Ah, your blood is so wonderful.”

“Obviously the toxin contained in it can swallow all the vitality, but it perfectly maintains a state of coexistence with you. With it there, I believe you don’t have to worry about getting infected with any virus in your life.”

“Then how effective is this toxin against the enterovirus?”

This is what Xie Ming cares most about. Can the poison in one’s blood become a breakthrough to solve the gastroenteritis virus?

“Yes, I have done some experiments before. But there are only two accurate conclusions.”

Muroto Sumire tapped his fingers on the table: “One thing is, the toxins in your body are too violent. I suspect that there is no violent poison in this world that can compete with it. Even if it is a gastroenteric virus, it enters your body. Later, it will be quickly wiped out by this toxin without leaving any residue.”

“In other words, your toxin is indeed the nemesis of the enterovirus.”

“The second point, this toxin, it seems that only your blood can carry it perfectly. So far, no second thing has been found that can carry it. And because the toxin is really too strong, even one drop of it will cause death. .”

Xie Ming replied thoughtfully: “That is to say, the poison in my body can indeed kill the enterovirus, but it will also kill the vitality of the virus Host at the same time.”

“That’s right.” Muroto Sumire’s fingers jumped quickly on the keyboard: “In other words, the main problem now is to find a carrier that can carry it in addition to your blood.”

“And how to control the toxicity of the poison so that it can perfectly remove the threat of the enterovirus in the host without harming the life of the host.”

“Controlling toxicity means diluting and weakening. Then, on this point, I can ask Medea to help. She is quite good at poison.”

Xie Ming looked at the information thoughtfully: “Do you need alchemy help?”

“Since you told me your knowledge of alchemy, you basically don’t need you for this matter.” Muroto Sumire replied unceremoniously.

“Um… well. When you need Medea, just tell her. Also, remember to take care of yourself every day, don’t Tenten’s sloppy life. Obviously doing it is related to viruses and bacteria. Experiment, but it’s not kept clean.”


Muroto Sumire, who focuses on the screen, said perfunctorily.

“Ok, then don’t bother you. Remember to tell me if you have anything.”

Xie Ming shrugged and left with the plate.

Listening to the footsteps of Xie Ming’s slowly leaving, Muroto Sumire’s face showed a smile: “Worry guy.”

Then I reinvested in my work, knowing that perhaps the key to changing the world lies in this small test tube of blood.


It seems that enough things have happened during this period, and the Tokyo area has entered a long-lost peace. But if we talk about changes, there are still some.

Because in the streets, people basically don’t see some begging, wandering children of the curse. Children from the entire Tokyo area are now almost all gathered in Gensokyo.

Some children who have been abused and disabled have all become healthy and normal children thanks to the cooperation of Xie Ming and Medea. Among them, Xie Ming and Medea have seen all kinds of things, let alone talk about them.

The hell is empty and the devil is on earth. These ten words, used to describe this world, are really correct.

Due to the increase in the number of people, Gensokyo has further expanded its scale, and more like-minded people have joined.

There are policemen, teachers, doctors, researchers, and many managers.

Gensokyo welcomes anyone with a kind heart, a correct understanding, and a conscience to join. These are the original words of Xie Ming.

At the same time, Xie Ming also brings back many children with Osaka dialect every week. These children, at first glance, came from the Osaka area ruled by Qi Wu Zongxuan. As for how they came here, Xie Ming said nothing.

And this group of children don’t even know what happened.

Powerful and mysterious, such an impression is established.

And Hina, also quickly integrated into this big family. Now she is not a starter, she doesn’t need to fight, and her daily life is like a dream.

But there was still a trace of sorrow in her eyes.

To untie the bell, the person who tied the bell must be tied. This matter still needs the person involved to solve it.

Until one day, Xie Ming received a call from Qi Wu Zongxuan.

“Ann Rand and his cursed sons have all been captured, when will you come?”

Xie Ming hung up the phone and said to Hina beside him.

“Hina, with brother, let’s take a trip where you can go.”

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