Chapter 391 The Death of Ann Rand

A secret prison in the Osaka area.

“Qi Wu Zongxuan, do you know what you are doing!?”

In the iron fence, a 60-year-old man with gray hair and a white coat glared at Qi Wu Zongxuan, as if he wanted to kill him with his eyes.

In another cage, five very weak children, about 10 years old, were held.

But the weakness of their bodies can’t stop them from releasing murderous aura, their scarlet eyes are staring at the man smoking the cigar outside the iron fence.

“A bunch of rubbish, it’s useless at all!” Seeing Qi Wu Zongxuan ignored him, the old man kicked the railing again and scolded the child next to him: “It’s so simple to be caught by someone, you are still considered to be the top 100 IP players. The starter?!”

“Especially you, IP rank 21, Rita Southbury, nicknamed Pluton! Also Pluton, I have a dog that is more useful than you!”

“I’m sorry, Master.”

The girl named Lita lay on the ground and bowed her head to apologize.


The old man stomped and scolded.

“Okay, Ann Rand.” Qi Wu Zongxuan finished smoking the cigar in his hand and said indifferently: “It’s all old acquaintances, so don’t play this kind of crappy drama with me.”


The face of the old man known as Ann Rand turned to calm: “So, this time it’s the real thing that will take my life? Take me, one of the four strongest brains in the world, the life of Ann Rand .”

“Can I ask, who is it? Is it Arthur? Or Albrecht? Don’t tell me that it’s Muroto’s crazy lady.”

In the eyes of Ann Rand, the only ones who can be called opponents are the other three wise men who have the same reputation as him.


Just as Qi Wuzong Xuan wanted to answer, he heard the movement from above and sighed.

“He’s here, just ask him if you have any questions. I am also forced to be helpless.”

“Pretending to be a hypocritical appearance, it is estimated that you sold me for your own life.” Ann Rand said lightly.

“Yes. I threatened Qi Wu Zongxuan and asked him to use all his means to capture you back.”

At this moment, in the eyes of Ann Rand, a man wearing a long black trench coat with two knives hanging from his waist slowly walked in. And he is holding a person he knows well.

“Hina Sprout!”

“Sister Hina!!”

Ann Rand and the five sisters in the cage on the other side shouted at the same time. However, one’s voice is extremely cold, and the other is happy and excited.

The girl called Rita also looked at Hina with a complicated face: “Sister-sama.”

“Ashalie, Irene, Faye, Louise, Rita!” Hina was also very excited when she saw the five people. But after seeing the old man in the white coat next to him, his expression instantly changed.


“Do you remember that your master is me, Hina Sprandt.”

Ann Rand said coldly: “Then why didn’t I execute my order? Didn’t I say that if the mission fails, I will commit suicide immediately?”

“Master, I…”

“Hina.” Xie Ming interrupted Hina and said softly: “He is not your master. Now, you are your own master. So, you don’t need to follow anyone’s orders.”

“Brother Hutaro…”

“Hutaro…So that’s it, you are the Uranus Temple Houtaro.”

Hearing the name, Ann Rand’s pupils shrank and murmured.

“Sister Hina is with the master of Gensokyo…”

“In other words…”

“My sister has joined Gensokyo!”

The four younger girls said in unison, and then looked at Hina’s eyes full of envy and blessing.

“My sister has joined Gensokyo…” Rita reluctantly stood up and smiled: “Congratulations, my sister.”


“You don’t need to be so envious.” Xie Ming said with a smile to the five sisters: “If you want, you can also join Gensokyo and live with Hina.”

“We, too, can join Gensokyo?”

The four sisters looked at each other, and finally looked at their eldest sister, Rita at the same time.

“What’s the reason? Mr. Uranus Temple.”

Rita asked indifferently: “Although I am very grateful that you let Hina go, why should you be so nice to us who you haven’t seen before?”

“The reason…” Xie Ming smiled: “Because I want to do this, so I did it. Is this reason okay?”

“Huh~?” Rita was sluggish for a moment, then turned to look at Hina, who was smiling stupidly beside Xie Ming: “Sister, is this person’s head broken?”


Hina hugged Xie Ming’s arm and smiled happily: “Brother Hutaro is the best brother in the world.”

Obviously, Hina already knew why Xie Ming specially brought her to such a place, that’s why she showed such an expression.

Seeing her elder sister behaved like this, Rita was obviously moved. No one knows Hina better than her.

Don’t look at Hina who is usually stupid, but she is the most discerning among the six sisters. Hina knew exactly who approached her with what kind of thoughts.

“Hina Sprandt!” Ann Rand couldn’t stand it anymore: “I order you to rescue us immediately, and then cooperate with Rita and others to kill Uranus Temple Houtaro!”

As soon as he said this, not only Hina showed a strange look at him, but even Qi Wu Zongxuan, who had been playing soy sauce on the side, felt a little helpless.

“Little devil, I’ve already handled the matter for you. You resolve it as soon as possible, and I will leave first.”

“Walk slowly, don’t give it away, you will never die.”

“Damn kid.”

Qi Wu Zongxuan cursed, and then left this place. Xie Ming ignored him, let go of Hina’s hand, and walked slowly in front of Ann Rand.

“Trash, you have all your EQ added to your IQ, right?”

Xie Ming looked at him and asked faintly.

“Damn kid, you are not qualified to talk to me. Let the people behind you come out.” Ann Rand stared at Xie Ming coldly.

“Hey, I really suspect that your kind of stuff is actually called the’Four Sages’.” Xie Ming rubbed his temples, a little helpless.

“Well, I just came here to ask you one thing. Seeing the children killed by your own hands on the operating table, have you ever felt guilty in your heart?”

“Brother Hutaro…”

“This man…”

“Guilt?” Ann Rand sneered: “That kind of parts are everywhere. You asked me if I accidentally broke the parts if I felt guilty? You can still… ”


A bullet penetrated his brain and embedded in the concrete wall behind him. Xie Ming coldly took the blue rose back and opened the door of the cell next door.

“……” The girls were stunned, looking at Xie Ming at the door.

Xie Ming smiled softly: “Now the trash that controls you is gone, you are free.”

Hearing what Xie Ming said, all the girls present felt that they were missing something.

what is it then…..

Ah, yes. This feeling is called relaxed.

Seeing the sisters hugging Hina and Xie Ming standing aside, Rita muttered to herself.

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