Chapter 392 Visitors

“Well, that trash Ann Rand is dead…”

In front of the hospital bed, Muroto Sumire heard the news, and said with some complicated movements on his hands.

After bringing the five sisters back, Xie Ming naturally found Muroto Sumire non-stop, and came to examine the five girls. Muroto Sumire naturally agreed to this small request.

So during the inspection, Xie Ming told her that Ann Rand died in his own hands.

“So, why are you telling me Hutaro?”

“Just let you know, after all, that old man and the doctor still have a little friendship. Besides, you can’t hide this matter at all. I believe it will be reported in the news soon.”

Xie Ming leaned against the wall and said lightly: “At that time, the doctor will definitely have some opinions and estrangements in your heart. Instead of that, it’s better to tell you quickly.”

“For some things, it’s better to open up.”

“…Puff~hahahaha, Hutaro, you really are… it’s really interesting.”

“Hey, I think I was talking about this very seriously just now, can you be more serious?” Xie Ming said helplessly as he looked at Muroto Sumire who couldn’t afford to laugh.

“Sorry, sorry…”

Muroto Sumire swept his loose hair back, wiped the corners of his eyes and laughed and burst into tears: “Well, although I have been intersecting with that old stubborn dog, I feel a bit complicated when I hear him die in your hands.”

“But it’s just that. That kind of rubbish, do you think I will have feelings of sympathy and pity for him?”

“That’s good.”

Xie Ming nodded, and a stone in his heart also fell to the ground. He greeted briefly and left the hospital.

Seeing Xie Ming who left, Muroto Sumire shook his head with a smile, and continued to check the physical condition of the five sisters.


Xie Ming’s speculation was correct. The next day, it was reported in the news that Ann Rand, one of the “Four Wise Men,” was shot and killed after being kidnapped in the Osaka area.

Regarding this incident, Osaka President Qi Wu Zongxuan expressed his heartache and vowed to find the murderer and seek justice for all mankind.

Seeing the angry Qi Wu Zongxuan on the TV screen, Xie Ming took a sip of tea from the teacup on the table, smiling and not talking.

Indeed, the death of Ann Rand is a loss to the whole world. But the whole world here does not include children. It is better to say that the death of Ann Rand is truly good news for the children.

At least, they don’t have to worry that they will be forcibly taken away inexplicably, and then forcibly transformed by inexplicable mad scientists.

In Xie Ming’s view, Ann Rand is actually a person of the same nature as the fashion of Zhan Chi World. They are all for their own research, people who can do nothing.

Want to ask Ann Rand really have such a big effect on the world? actually not. His research has always been only for himself. The effect on the world is just that he understands the truth about the death of the lips and the coldness of the teeth.

The world is gone, how can he use his research to establish his status and power?

Therefore, Xie Ming’s heart did not fluctuate in regard to the killing of Ann Rand with his own hands.

“Brother Hutaro.”

At this time, Xia Shi held the file and pushed the door into the living room.

“What’s wrong, Xia Shi?” Xie Ming asked, picking up the remote control and turning off the TV.

“A visitor is coming.”


Gensokyo, reception room.

When Xie Ming opened the door and entered, the three people, six pairs of eyes, all looked in Xie Ming’s direction.

“In addition to the two regulars, there is really a rare visitor here.”

Xie Ming narrowed his eyes and smiled.

The two regulars naturally refer to Rentaro and Kisara. And this rare visitor is an old man wearing a kimono and hakama with a straight back and exuding awe-inspiring spirit-Tiantong Juzhicheng

“Mr. Tendo, it’s been a long time since I saw you. I didn’t expect you to come here.”

Shutting the door easily, Xie Ming sat in the main seat and said lightly.

“I never thought that I would come to this monster’s lair.”

In the first sentence, Tiantong Juzhicheng instantly pulled the atmosphere of the room to freezing point. However, the other three didn’t seem to be particularly concerned about this.

Rather, the original atmosphere is not much better.

Lentaro’s complexion was complicated, and Mu Geng’s eyes rolled with pitch-black emotions, staring at the nominal grandfather. As for the gaze of these two people, Tiantong Juzhicheng didn’t care at all.

“Really? I think you like the monster’s lair.” Xie Ming said casually: “After all, if you don’t deal with monsters, how can you introduce monsters into your own home?”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Tiantong Juzhicheng didn’t react, but Mu Geng’s hatred rolling in his eyes became more intense. Rintaro was really uncomfortable in this environment.

This sinister confrontation has always been hidden behind the scenes. When Xie Ming founded Gensokyo, Tiantong Juzhicheng, an old fellow, stumbled on Xie Ming. But fortunately, Xie Ming prepared a two-handed plan, otherwise Gensokyo might not be able to be established yet.

“Well, I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you.”

Xie Ming waved his hand and asked boredly, “What are you doing here? If the matter is over, I will go back quickly. I still have lunch.”

“Unscrupulous, no one looks at him.” Tiantong Juzhicheng stared at Xie Ming firmly: “What have you instilled in Lord Shengtian?”

“Master Shengtianzi?”

Lentaro and Mugeng were taken aback, and at the same time they looked at Xie Ming.

Xie Ming also froze for a moment, then laughed, sarcastically: “What’s wrong? I feel like the bird that has been controlled in the Birdcage wants to break out of the cage, so worried?”

“Boy, don’t be too smug!”

Tiantong Juzhicheng glared at Xie Ming: “Don’t think I don’t know your purpose. I want to use the kindness of Lord Shengtian to complete your idea of ​​building a monster shelter.”

“What you said is a bit too much, Your Excellency Tendo.”

Xie Ming wasn’t angry at all: “Before the escort mission, didn’t I have already established this place? Speaking of which, your Excellency took a lot of effort.”

“Furthermore, the word unscrupulous is not my turn. Some people rely on their status to act as people who overstep their lives and even regard the safety of the country as nothing. Isn’t this more suitable for this term?”

Such innuendo words couldn’t break the face of Tiantong Juzhicheng at all. Tiantong Juzhicheng looked at Xie Ming coldly, and Xie Ming responded with indifferent eyes.

If the atmosphere just now was at freezing point, it can even be said to be at zero point now.

“The guards who have been with Master Shengtianzi for many years were expelled by Master Shengtianzi.”

Suddenly, Tiantong Juzhicheng said something wrong with a bull’s head.

“The escort, said to be escorts, is actually to give each important person a face, so that they can have a glimmer of hope to complete their ridiculous ambitions. If they are expelled, they are expelled, and there is no problem.”

“However, with this incident as the head, Master Sheng Tianzi began to actively participate in some affairs, and even some of the things I assisted, the adults were involved. This surprised me very much.”

“What surprised me even more was that for the embarrassment of the various important members of the guards, such a gentle adult actually rebutted it strongly and provided evidence that left them speechless.”

“In this way, do you still have to say that you didn’t instill your own opinions in the Lord Sage? Uranus Temple, Hutaro!”

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