Chapter 395

“Please have tea.”

Xia Shi put a cup of hot tea in front of the Son of Heaven and said softly.


Seeing such a well-behaved Xia Shi, the haze on Shengtianzi’s face seemed to disperse a little.

“You’re welcome.”

The corner of Xia Shi’s mouth twitched, showing a more reluctant smile, and exited the room.

“That kid, do you hate me…”

The Son of Heaven said sadly.

“Cough cough cough…” Xie Ming, who was drinking water, was choked, and looked at Shengtianzi silently: “How is it possible. Xia Shi’s expression changes very little from the beginning, and he is even more faceless in front of strangers. expression.”

“Being able to show a smile in front of you, I already like you very much.”

“Really? Great~”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Sheng Tianzi breathed a sigh of relief and showed a beautiful smile. Let the dull atmosphere seem a little lighter.

“Okay, let’s talk about business.” Xie Ming took a sip of tea and went straight to the topic: “What happened?”

“…Mr. Hutarou, six days later, the No. 32 monument will collapse.”

The holy emperor whispered, and said this news that was enough to make a sensation in the entire Tokyo area.

Xie Ming’s pupils shrank and asked blankly, “What’s the reason?”

“It’s Mr. Hutaro.” Seeing Xie Ming’s calm appearance, the holy emperor seemed to calm down: “The reason is one of the zodiac signs, a member of the gastrointestinal biological legion to which the Taurus belongs, Aldebaran. ”

The zodiac is used to refer to 11 primitive gut organisms that have reached stage V. And the current zodiac, only three have been conquered.

The one who was killed by the IP ranking number one, commanded countless gastrointestinal creatures, and could be called the invincible Taurus.

The Virgo with unknown ability was killed by the second IP ranking.

And the one who was slashed by Xie Ming, Tian Sasori.

Aldebaran is a member of the gastrointestinal organisms army led by Taurus, and it can be said to be a right-handed existence.

Being able to be named indicates that Bi Aldebaran is different from other primitive gut creatures and has special abilities. And Bi Suwu’s special ability is the caustic element corrosive liquid.

The reason why human beings can fight the gastrointestinal organisms is because the 錵 element can restrain the gastrointestinal organisms. The reason why human beings can survive is because of the huge stone stele made of 錵 element.

But the existence of Aldebaran is definitely the biggest nightmare of mankind. And this nightmare is about to fall in this Tokyo area.

“At the moment we discovered the destruction of the megalithic monument, we have already taken measures. However, it will take at least nine days for a new megalithic monument to be built.” Shengtianzi closed his eyes, his face was filled with unresolved sorrow.

“There are shelters underground in the Tokyo area. But the shelters can only hold 30% of the residents. And the food reserves are only two months.”

Now, before everyone in the Tokyo area, there are only two choices.

First, discard 70% and save 30%. But if no one comes to rescue the Tokyo area in these two months, even more cruel things will happen in the shelter.

When people are hungry, everything can be done. Even if it is, this matter of eating one’s own kind.

At that time, the refuge will become the second human hell.

The second is to do everything possible to survive the three-day blank period. In doing so, only the police and the children of the curse will be sacrificed.

Shengtianzi is the leader of a country, and these two options do not need to be considered at all.

“So you are here this time, do you want to invite me to fight against the gastrointestinal creatures with the police?”

“Yes.” Shengtianzi said softly: “The presence of Mr. Hutaro, I believe it will greatly reduce the casualties of the police, and it will be a boost for all of us.”

“So, Mr. Hutaro, can you help me?”


Xie Ming tapped the coffee table lightly with his fingers. He looked at the holy emperor and asked faintly, “Do you know the recent parade?”

“…I’m sorry about this.”

The Son of Heaven lowered his head and said guiltily. Obviously, she knew it.

“Actually, these outside remarks have no effect on me.” Xie Ming waved his hand: “It’s just this timing, which is very unfortunate. In this case, if the public knows this kind of scary thing again, guess what ,what happens?”

“what happens?”

“They will vent all their fears on the children. Gensokyo, as a refuge for children, will suffer an unclear number of terrorist attacks.”

“How… will…” Shengtianzi looked incredulous.

“Don’t believe it?” Xie Ming smiled: “Originally, according to my personality, I wouldn’t care about these things at all. My Gensokyo’s strength, even if the Tokyo area is destroyed, we can still live normally.”

“You know, the walls of our small town are all made of 錵 elements. In addition, we have six children who are among the top 100 in IP. The highest one is Pluton, which ranks 21st in IP. ”

“Plus me, holding this piece of land is not a problem at all. You say, what reason do I have to fight for that group of waste?”

“How can this be…” Shengtianzi stood up a little excited, his voice a little uncontrollable.

“Be safe and not restless.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “I also said it should be like this. But you are my friend, so I am willing to give my friend a chance.”

“Let’s have a little harmless gamble.”

“Bet… Bo?” Shengtianzi repeated these two words in a daze.

“Yes, gambling.” Xie Ming leaned on the sofa: “What we bet on is how people in Tokyo will react when they learn about it.”

“If they didn’t vent their fears on Gensokyo, then even if you win. I and the six IP top 100 children will participate in this war on their own and protect the Tokyo area. Because it is so, then this area is not so empty. Curable.”

“On the contrary, if it attacks Gensokyo, there are more than 20 people. Then, we will not give any help to this war. And I will do my friend’s duty to save you to Gensokyo.”

“How about? Are you willing to play such a small game with me?”

This is a deliberate strategy, Xie Ming and Shengtianzi are completely two kinds of people. The Son of Heaven believes in the kindness of the people in Tokyo and will tolerate them even if they do something wrong.

And Xie Ming deeply understands the darkness and ugliness of human hearts. He knew that once the imminent destruction of the stone monument was exposed, the Tokyo area would fall into a state of complete chaos.

At that time, those who hate the children will definitely vent all this fear. Catharsis on the holy son, catharsis on… Gensokyo.

Therefore, this gamble seems to be the victory or defeat between Shengtianzi and Xie Ming, but it actually entrusts the people’s chance to survive in their own hands.

But according to Xie Ming’s understanding of this group of ignorant and wasteful people, 100% of what he said will happen.

In other words, this is a must-win gamble. However, Shengtianzi had to gamble again. Because Gensokyo is already an indispensable force in the Tokyo area.

If you add 6 children in the top 100 IP, and Xie Ming’s personal shots, it will be easy to survive for three days.

A more important reason is that if the holy emperor does not gamble with Xie Ming, it means that the holy emperor cannot trust his own people. This is equivalent to her own violation of her own ideas.

Silver teeth bite, the holy emperor said slowly: “Okay, I bet.”

She wanted to, and believed again, her people.

“Then the gambling contract is established.”

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