Chapter 396

After sending away the Holy Emperor, Xie Ming lay on the sofa, staring at the ceiling with loose eyes, as if there was something there.

“Brother.” Xia Shi sat opposite Xie Ming and asked in a puzzled manner: “Is that gambling agreement serious?”

“You heard it.”

Xie Ming smiled: “Do you think I am a bit ruthless?”

“No. No matter what decision my brother makes, I will support it. And my brother, he’s not the kind of person who won’t save you.”

“…Who knows?” Xie Ming said ambiguously.

But who he is facing is a small think tank in Gensokyo. After only a few seconds of thinking, Xia Shi understood Xie Ming’s intention. But after thinking about it, it made Xia Shi feel very uncomfortable.

“Brother, why does he always play himself as a bad guy…”

There was a bit of distress in Xia Shi’s tone.


Xie Ming sat up and waved to Xia Shi.

Xia Shi came over obediently and sat next to Xie Ming. Xie Ming suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Xia Shi’s little cheek, and gently pulled it to both sides.

“Brother, it hurts.”

Although it didn’t hurt at all, Xia Shi still pretended to hurt. However, she was already a little paralyzed, so she couldn’t make a painful expression at all. It’s better to talk about that cold face, because Xie Ming’s pull has become very interesting.


The corners of Xie Ming’s mouth twitched, resisting a smile, touched Xia Shi’s head, and said softly, “Thank you, Xia Shi.”

As a substitute for the Lord God, this world is just a scene in the journey for him. Therefore, whether people in this world have a good or bad impression of him, it doesn’t really matter to Xie Ming.

For Xie Ming, the most important thing in this world is to enable children to live a happy life. As long as it can help the children’s future, why not be a bad person?

Xia Shi also understood that he couldn’t persuade the man in front of him at all. What she can do is to help him as much as possible, maintain, and continue to develop this pure land built by her brother.

Make this Gensokyo truly become a Gensokyo for children all over the world.


The situation of the megalithic stele cannot be kept from the people for how long. Only two days later, the state of the stele was broadcast live on the TV station.

There were large patches of white mold on the surface of the stele, and even cracks appeared on the body of the stele. And behind the stele is a hideous monster. I believe everyone already knows what this means.

The cruel reality has now been naked in front of all the people in Tokyo.

What was the first reaction of people when they learned that the huge stone monument was about to collapse and that a large number of gastroenterologists would flood into the Tokyo area and their lives would be endangered?

First, the brain is blank, followed by fear from the depths of the spinal cord all over the body, and finally anger derived from fear, which is the so-called dog jumping over the wall.

Numerous questions, overwhelmingly attacked the holy emperor who was on the cusp of the storm. From the TV, Xie Ming can see that although the holy emperor still maintains that indifferent, deep fatigue is revealed in his pupils.

However, she wants to be a symbol of peace, so she must not show her exhaustion. You can only use your own words and hard work to calm the panic of the people.

The fact that underground shelters in Tokyo can only accommodate 30% of residents has also been exposed. Moreover, all the residents who can go in for asylum are determined by lottery.

Originally, because of the lottery, the people had enough criticism. However, one incident that was revealed immediately afterwards caused the people to fall into madness.

The Son of Heaven, actually intends to include all the children of curses in the Tokyo area into the signature list.

When Xie Ming heard this, he sighed deeply.

“Stupid girl, in this way, won’t you be sure to lose?”

Turning his head, he said to Natsu and Hina next to him, “Natsu, starting today, Gensokyo has entered a closed mode, and no outsiders are allowed to enter. At the same time, contact all Gensokyo members who are still outside and ask them to return within 2 hours. .”

“Hina, you go find Sisters Rita, organize six patrols separately, and start a thorough guard against Gensokyo’s surroundings. If there are suspicious persons, arrest them directly.”


“Okay, brother.”

Xia Shi and Hina nodded, and trot away.

“…A symbol of peace.”

Speaking of these five words, Xie Ming couldn’t help but think of the muscular man with blond hair. He used his shoulders to carry the hope of the entire country. If he were here at this time, what would he do…

“Probably laughing, standing in front of the giant stone monument, saying loudly to everyone:’Don’t be afraid. Why do you want to ask? Because, I am here!’ This classic line, and then punch all the original intestines Let all the creatures fly.”

Thinking of Oermat’s figure, Xie Ming gave a wry smile.

Although his current strength is no less than Ormet. But you make Xie Ming laugh like Oermat, and bring people a sense of peace…..

“The style of painting is wrong…”

Imagining a scene where he did that, Xie Ming couldn’t help covering his face.

Shaking his head and throwing the weird thought behind his head, Xie Ming set his eyes on the TV again.

At this time, the TV footage has been placed on a grass not far from the stone monument. Hundreds of standard tents are set up here in a mess. And all kinds of exotic flowers are active on this grassland.

Punks, gangsters, perverts, murderers, robbers, it looks like a crime camp.

This is where the’auxiliary forces’ composed of civilian police are stationed.

The so-called’auxiliary force’ is a special policy for joining civilian police to the Self-Defense Force system under special circumstances. The police will find their teammates and form a small team to fight against the primitive gut creatures.

And each of these teams is commanded by a civilian police with the highest IP as the commander of the army.

In short, it is a civilian police corps that is separated from the management of the Self-Defense Force and assists the Self-Defense Force.

By the way, originally this legion commander should be assumed by Xie Ming, but due to the gambling agreement between Xie Ming and Shengtianzi, the duties of the legion commander were taken by a middle-aged uncle ranked 275 in IP.

Xie Ming, with keen eyes, even saw Rentaro and Yanzhu on TV. But this is also natural, after all, it is a major event related to the entire Tokyo area, and it is strange that Rintaro is not recruited.

Moreover, Xie Ming now has another worry. That is the third main task, which hasn’t appeared until now.

This means that this third main task will be extremely difficult.


After sighing again, Xie Ming collapsed on the sofa and muttered, “Still, it’s not strong enough.”

All tragedies in the world are due to the lack of abilities of those involved. Although Gensokyo seems to be stable now, it is already in danger. The collapse of the megalithic monument right now is not even a crisis.

Many huge crises are still hidden in the dark, waiting for opportunities.

Under such circumstances, it is more difficult than a desperate world to establish Gensokyo where children can grow up happily.

“Even so, I have to do it.”

Xie Ming stood up fiercely, without any confusion in his eyes.

“The enemy of the body, cut it by the body. The enemy of the heart, cut it by the heart!”

Withdrawing the demon knife, and gently stroking the blade with his fingers, Xie Ming said softly: “Who do you think I am?”

At this time, Xie Ming had completely cut off all the confusion, and his will became more determined. His swordsmanship realm is one step closer to the master of half a step.

At the same time, in the title column, the guardian heart seemed to slowly blur, transforming into other names. It’s just that this change has not yet been completely completed.

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