Chapter 397 Crazy, Stupid

“Expelling the children of the curse!!”

“Kill all the monsters!!!”

“Don’t forgive the gastrointestinal creatures!!!”

Only 4 hours have passed since the Son of Heaven announced that the son of curse was included in the signature sheet. Thousands of people have gathered outside the walls of Gensokyo.

The banners with big bloody characters roared that almost overturned the sky. There was hatred and madness on everyone’s face, and they looked abnormally hideous. As if in the wall in front of them, everyone has an antagonism against them.

In fact, these people think so too. Originally, there was only a 30% chance of survival, but the children of the curse that he had always hated came to draw together. In this way, this does not mean…

Does it mean that you are the same as those damn monsters? ! ! ! How could it be possible to let that group of monsters deprive oneself of the chance of survival! ? How can it be accepted! !

Human beings, for their own small chance of survival, will not hesitate to push the people next to him into hell. And when there is a special existence around oneself, everyone will unanimously push it into hell.

No one knows better than Xie Ming, who has been treated with strange eyes since he was a child. Only in the age of peace, people will hide themselves.

But now when it comes to one’s own life and death, the ugly nature of mankind has been fully expressed.

Xie Ming, along with many policemen in Gensokyo, stood on the wall and looked at this scene condescendingly. I have to say that the oppression that this gives people is quite heavy.

Most of the children have fear on their faces. They really don’t understand, have they made any mistakes? Why, why do uncles and aunts look at themselves with such eyes.

Yui has directly endured the negative feelings of people in SAO, so she deeply understands the nature of people. Because of this, she understood how valuable Xie Ming’s powerful heart facing great despair is.

As for Medea, even though he was called out of the state, he was still in a pure and kind-hearted state. But then she was betrayed by her husband Jason, and the memory of being feared by many people exists.

So facing such a scene, Medea’s face showed deep sadness. Why, why can’t everyone get along happily?

She can heal her physical injuries, but the darkness in her heart cannot be dispelled no matter what treasure she uses.

“Brother, what should we do?”

Hina and Xia Shi walked to Xie Ming’s side, and Hina asked softly.

“Yes…” Xie Ming glanced at the children around him who were almost crying and the adults whose faces were getting worse and worse, and drew the demon knife from the blood seal hanging on his waist.


An extremely sharp and slender knife light burst directly in front of the crowd, leaving deep knife marks on the ground.

Xie Ming’s sudden move made everyone quiet instantly. The residents of Gensokyo looked at Xie Ming, and the people under the city wall looked at him.

“I said, did you forget something?”

The cold words can be heard clearly in the silent environment. Xie Ming tapped his toes and jumped from the wall to the ground without splashing any dust.

“Being so unscrupulous in front of me, who gives you the courage?”

Tilting his head, Xie Ming moved forward slowly. At the same time, scarlet mist began to fill the surrounding area. The biting murderous aura caused the nearly ten thousand parade to shiver.

“Heaven, Sasori, can’t stop me with a knife. Qi Wu Zongxuan, dare not arrogant in front of me. You say, who gives you the courage?”

Every time Xie Ming took a step forward, the crowd in front of him took a step back. At this moment, their dizzy heads remembered that the man in front of them was not the child of the curse who was bullied.

“Why, do you think that together, your trash can be better than Sasori? Is it still comparable to Qi Wu Zongxuan?”

The naked contempt made this group of residents flushed with anger. He opened his mouth and wanted to curse, but when he saw Xie Ming’s cold pupils, he swallowed the words back into his stomach.

Seeing this group of people who dared not speak, Xie Ming sneered.

“Come on, don’t you guys have weapons? Kitchen knives, baseball bats, golf clubs, screwdrivers…..Yes, all the things in life that can endanger the lives of others are all taken. Unfortunately, I forgot my mind at home. .”

“Do you know? I can kill all of you just by what you have. At that time, those who flicked you over should laugh to death. Because of this, many people have been eliminated. what.”

I scanned everyone in front of me and found that their expressions had changed. Xie Ming knew that it was time.

“Why, are you still leaving? Am I going to invite you to have a cup of tea?”

Xie Ming slowly withdrew the demon sword, and as the blade was continuously withdrawn, the murderous aura radiated from his body became more and more fierce. The residents couldn’t help but have an illusion, as if the knife would cut off their heads in the next moment.


As if hearing the sound of a gun at the start, Xie Ming’s word completely turned everyone in the parade into a headless fly, crackling aside the things in their hands, and fleeing lifelessly.


On the wall, the residents of Gensokyo could not help but cheer when they saw this situation. The children also hugged each other, with smiles on their faces.

“elder brother!”


Retracting the demon sword in its scabbard, catching Hina and Yui who jumped down from the wall and pounced on him, Xie Ming petted their heads. He picked up one in one hand and jumped onto the city wall.

“Brother, what should I do next?” Xia Shi silently came to Xie Ming and asked softly, holding the file bag.

“keep alert.”

Xie Ming looked at the five sisters Lita behind Xia Shi, and said softly: “I still have to trouble you, Lita, Ashalie, Irene, Faye, Louis.”

“Brother don’t mind.”

Rita held the small umbrella and smiled slightly: “It is a very happy thing for us to be able to help my brother. So, please feel free to leave it to us.”

“That’s right.”

“Gensokyo will be protected by us!”

“Betting on my title of’Devil’.”

“My brother will reward us with delicious food afterwards.”

“Hahaha.” Xie Ming said with a light smile: “It’s a reassuring answer.”

IP rank 100, nickname: giant thorn dragon, Alyssa Springerstein.

IP rank 95, nickname: Meteorite Fall, Irene Spencer.

IP rank 88, nickname: Black Giant Smock, Philip Kronmiller.

IP rank 70, nickname: Devil, Louise Serazny.

And the final IP ranking 21, nicknames: Pluton, Rita Southbury.

With the existence of these five people, Gensokyo, even without Xie Ming, could become a terrible organization in the world. Without the help of the three substitutes, I believe that even Qi Wu Zongxuan would not be able to easily kill them all at once.

“In the future, you still need a lot of help.”

After touching the heads of the five sisters, Xie Ming said softly.

Feeling the warmth on their heads, the five sisters all smiled happily.

“Brother, Hina also…”

“elder brother…..”

Looking at Hina, who was holding her arm, and Xia Shi, who stopped talking after shouting and stared at her, Xie Ming couldn’t help shed a few drops of cold sweat.

“Ah~, brother is partial!”

At this time, Lily led a large number of children over again and shouted dissatisfied.

“Yes, brother is partial! We have to touch our heads too!!!”

“That’s it, we want too!!!”


Xie Ming’s face was already stiff at this time.

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