Chapter 398 Thousand Bombs

It is obviously summer, and the sun is clearly at its highest position, but it cannot bring warmth to the residents of Gensokyo.

If you want to ask the reason, there are piles of tightly packed ‘express’ in the open space in front of you. These ‘express’ have been piled up into several hills.

“Brother, these are the last.”

Rita said blankly.

“Hehe, it’s really generous.”

With a sneer, Xie Ming’s hand firmly held the handle of the knife, and the purple light in his pupils kept flickering.

“Nearly a thousand bombs…” Hina murmured: “If these are detonated together…”

“Then there will be no Gensokyo in the Tokyo area.”

Xia Shi’s little hand tightly grasped the file bag wrapped in front of his chest, and there was also a hint of cold light in his pupils. It can be seen that even Xia Shi was really angry because of this incident.

“You bastards!!!”

A policeman couldn’t help taking out a pistol and aimed at the crowd who had been tied up and thrown aside by the big five flowers. These people include ruffians, white-collar workers in civil service costumes, and factory workers. There are also figures that Xie Ming can recognize at a glance.


Xie Ming stopped the police’s impulsive behavior: “Killing them now is of no use.”

“But, sir!”

“Calm down.” Xie Ming once again emphasized these two words: “At any time, don’t be dazzled by emotions. To maintain your sense, this is also very useful for fighting against primitive gut creatures.”

“…I see.” The policeman retracted the gun, but the anger in his eyes remained.


After calming down, Xie Ming walked slowly to his acquaintance and kicked him over.

“Let’s say, where did you get such a large number of bombs? Protect Zhuo Ren.”

That’s right, with so many bombs, it is impossible for the people to get it. Even if you get it, there are great risks in transportation. This made Xie Ming had to guess that there was a black hand behind the matter.

Among the bombs, many bombs are actually made of shells. This kind of bomb can be said to be used specifically to deal with the regeneration of gastrointestinal organisms. But now, it was actually used to attack the children.

When the stone monument was about to collapse, there were so many bombs that could be used to attack Gensokyo, which simply couldn’t be done by protecting Takuto and the clowns.

So there must be a man behind the scenes who wants to take this opportunity to destroy Gensokyo. And there are only a handful of people in the entire Tokyo area who can produce such a master.

Coupled with this style of acting without worrying about the consequences, Xie Ming has already guessed who it is. The question to Baoxiu Zhuo Ren was just to determine his own thinking.

“You dirty policemen, dare to treat me like this!! Do you know who I am?!!!”

The corner of Baoxian Zhuoren’s mouth was bleeding, and his glasses didn’t know where he was flying, and his narrow eyes were full of resentment: “I’m going to kill you all!!! How dare you treat your future president like this!!!”


Xie Ming kicked again and directly caused Zhuo Ren’s body to flip a few times in the air, and several teeth were kicked out.

“Garbage, I’m asking the question now.” Stepping on the side face of the garbage in front of you with your foot, rolling it slowly, Xie Ming asked softly.


There was a painful scream in his mouth, but instead he took a mouthful of mud and sand. The blood and water were mixed with mud and grass blades. His appearance at this time really formed a strong contrast with his previous arrogance and disdain.

To be honest, Xie Ming didn’t bother to interrogate him when he saw him like this. With this two-hundred-five-hundred-and-five-hundred-and-five ways of action, I guess I didn’t think about anything, so I just pulled the guards who were also expelled from him with bombs.

As for the source of the bomb, who is the provider and what does it matter to him? As long as he can get revenge, he can be cool.

Since knowing that the Son of Heaven included the children of the curse in the signature list, Xie Ming knew that such a thing would happen. However, he expected the attack, but did not expect the scale of the attack to be so frenzied.

Although Gensokyo is a magic workshop made by Medea, it has certain defensive capabilities. But after all, it has not been completed. Once these nearly 1,000 bombs explode, 80% of Gensokyo’s residents will die.

This has completely touched Xie Ming’s reverse scale. Don’t look at his calm appearance now. In fact, Xie Ming has already entered the brink of explosion. The reason why he hasn’t exploded yet is because he is constantly using Spartan’s fury to control his emotions and controlling himself.

“You like bombs, don’t you? Very good, so let you stay with them.”

Xie Ming glanced at the scared assailant, and said faintly: “Put them on the truck with this pile of bombs and transport them to the vicinity of the No. 32 Monument. Rita, you know what I mean.”

“Yes, brother.”

Rita nodded and said softly.

“Yui Yi, hacked the biggest screen in the city. The rest, come with me.”

Xie Ming turned around and stepped forward.

“Let’s take a trip to the Holy Residence.”


Unlike the silence of Gensokyo, the holy house is extremely hot.

Reporters and staff holding microphones and cameras, as well as another parade of nearly a thousand people, surrounded Shengju to death.

“Master Shengtian, please withdraw the decision to add the cursed son to the lottery!”

“Aren’t you the president of the people!? Why don’t you accept the opinions of the people!?”

“I heard that you made this decision because you have a close relationship with the master of Gensokyo! Is this true?”

“Please answer our questions! Lord Shengtianzi!!!”

“Master Shengtianzi!!!”


Standing on the high platform, the holy emperor kept the usual holiness, answering all the questions calmly. Even if these issues are a bit unreasonable, and even insult their own personality.

She must understand these people. The goal is to become a ‘symbol of peace’ and she must accept the darkness in the hearts of the people.

But she was just a girl after all. Looking at the ugly faces underneath, listening to the unbearable curses and insults, deep sadness was revealed in the eyes of the Son of Heaven.

She always wanted Xie Ming to know that the residents of this country were not as unbearable as he said. However, the facts shattered her expectations time and time again, and shocked her ideals.

Suddenly, the surroundings of the holy residence became quiet. A chaotic sound of footsteps attracted everyone’s attention.

The crowd consciously stepped aside, allowing a group of people to walk straight to the innermost point.

“Hutaro… sir?”

Looking at the leading figure, the holy emperor murmured.


Xie Ming looked at the deep exhaustion and sadness deep in the pupil of the Holy Son, and closed his eyes. When I opened it again, it turned into a deep purple.

“Garbages. Don’t look around. That’s right, I mean you guys who only complain and only know how to impose their inner fear on helpless children and innocent girls.”

“Do you know? A bet between Seiyako and me before. The content is whether I and the policemen of Gensokyo will participate in the defense of the No. 32 Monument.”

“I bet with Shengtianzi, once this incident is exposed, your group of garbage will inevitably point the finger at our Gensokyo, and even attack us. However, Shengtianzi said that you are all kind residents and will not do this. Yes.”

“But, it’s a pity that you have trampled on the expectations of you in the heart of the Holy Son again.”

Hearing this, Shengtianzi’s heart was already full of bitterness. She knew that things had already developed in the worst way.

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