Chapter 401

Gensokyo, Central Hall-Hakuli.

This is a place for the residents of Gensokyo to meet and chat. So there is a huge spacious space, and a super large screen.

But the place originally used for laughter was silent. Because everyone is staring at the picture on the screen.

It was the screen of the third battle of Kanto displayed on the screen after a series of unscientific operations made by Medea.

The black sky, the black rain, the sound of artillery, explosions, the roar of animals.

Among them, the most obvious is the huge monster that launched this war-Bi Suwu.

Aldebaran is a stage IV primitive gut organism, with dozens or hundreds of biological factors mixed in the body. Like the neck and head of a snail, the mouth can see the ingredients of a crocodile, but it also has bright yellow, human-like teeth.

The body looks like the shell of a tortoise, but it is not a substance, but a piece of diamond-shaped flesh. The four crabs were wrapped in black hard shells, supporting their huge body.

Every time the python-like tail flicks, a small sandstorm will surely be set off.

Numerous primitive gut creatures of various shapes, like a king, are guarded neatly around Bisuwu.

With the artillery fire of the Self-Defense Force, every time a row of primitive gut creatures blows up, a second row of primitive gut creatures will inevitably stand up to the position and move forward in an orderly manner.

Suddenly, an arrow of light shot out from the original gut creature army. After splitting in the air, it turned into countless rain of light and spilled on the camp of the Self-Defense Forces.

Tanks overturned by explosions, chariots pierced. Soldiers who were burning, being swallowed, and being injected with gastroenteric virus and turned into gastroenteric organisms. All of this is reflected on the screen through the eyes of the ambassador.

Gradually, the explosion sound has disappeared. In the voice, only the roar of the primitive gut creature remained.

“how so…..”

A woman in the hall, covering her mouth, seemed unbelievable. Everyone’s expressions are very ugly.

The Tokyo Self-Defense Force, which had nearly 7,000 people, was wiped out.

The number of gastrointestinal organisms did not decrease much. Under the leadership of Bi Suwu, the second line of defense-the civilian police force was violently impacted.

Since Gensokyo has not joined, the number of civilian police forces will only be 400 at most. They were divided into small teams and fought head-on with an army of primitive gut creatures five times as many as their own.

For a time, there was actually a bit of a fit.

The most important reason is the struggle of the starters and the children. With the same scarlet eyes, one is grotesque and ugly, and the other is petite and cute, but every time the children punch, kick, or swing a knife, a gastrointestinal creature must die.

This is why the child of the curse is called the hope of mankind. Because human beings can only live by relying on children to fight.

Xie Ming is not against children fighting, he himself also opened a combat instruction class in Gensokyo’s school, specifically instructing children how to fight, kill the enemy, and protect themselves.

But what he hates most is the ugliness and stupidity that humans trample on their own hopes with their own hands! If mankind has given up hope, who will come to save mankind?

Even if it is a god, it will not save human beings who are willing to fall.

What he wants to see is not this ugly. What he wanted to save was not this stupidity.

Ugly is not terrible, and stupidity is not terrible. The most frightening thing is that human beings have not sensed their own stupidity, even sensed their own ugliness and ignorance, but gladly accept it.

Then, Xie Ming can affirm that he will never extend a helping hand to rescue such a person. However, in the Tokyo area now, such people account for more than 90%.

Looking at the big screen calmly, Xie Ming’s thoughts have gone far away.


A scream and long scream caused him to refocus his attention on the screen.

With this cry, all the gastrointestinal creatures seemed to have received the order, and they all guarded around Bi Aldebaran, and the gastrointestinal creature army retreated.

The first battle between the human side and the original bowel creature side ended with the complete destruction of the Self-Defense Forces and the retreat of the original bowel creature army.

The remaining number of policemen is less than 300.


It is obviously summer, but every home in Gensokyo has a stove. Walking outside, you can even exhale white breath.

Because of the collapse of the megalithic monument, countless 錵 element dust formed a thick rain cloud in the sky, which not only plunged the Tokyo area into low temperature, but also had a certain influence all over the world.

Such a day will continue for three more days.

Xie Ming spread the information on the desk and slowly drank tea.

The data observed by Medea’s ambassador and the data obtained from Yui were sorted out and summarized. The key to the solution of this third battle of Kanto lies in the two primitive gut creatures.

Aldebaran, and Pleiades.

Bi Suwu’s intelligence has added a little bit. It is the regeneration level of Aldebaran, which can be judged as stage IV.

Some people may wonder, isn’t Bi Aldebaran Stage IV? The two are not the same. One is the upgraded grade of gastrointestinal organisms, and the other is the regeneration grade.

Like the Sasori seat that Xie Ming killed before, its regeneration level is not even as good as Aldebaran, only stage III.

Regarding the regeneration level, people divide it like this. Those that can be killed with ordinary iron weapons are stage I. Those who can resist the usual armed weapons are stage II. To deal with stage II, you need to burn with flames or beheaded to kill.

In stage III, spontaneous discontinuity can be achieved. Even if you cut off its limbs, the cells will echo and connect with each other. In stage IV, there is not even the scum that must be eliminated. Otherwise, its physical body will regenerate.

The final stage V is the regeneration at the molecular level. Current technology, without the means to kill this creature, can only inhibit its regeneration.

This is what Xie Ming learned after he came to this world. In other words, as soon as he arrived at that meeting, he was very lucky to encounter very rare regenerative grade II and III gastrointestinal creatures.

Then there is the new named creature, the Pleiadian primitive gut creature. Everything about this gastrointestinal creature is unknown, only one point is understood. It is the murderer who shoots the arrow of light. And the body of the arrow of light is the high-pressure mercury ejected by it.

If you use a chess analogy, Bi Aldebaran is the emperor who controls the army of primitive gut creatures, then Pleiades is equivalent to the most powerful attacker-the queen.

If you want to win, you must defeat these two monsters. In other words, if these two monsters are defeated, then this Kanto battle can be declared victory.

“elder brother….”

“Xia Shi, what’s the matter?” Xie Ming asked softly after taking a sip of tea.

“Someone is visiting Gensokyo…”

“A lot of people…”

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