Chapter 402 responsibility? Human morality? screw you!

Holding a black umbrella, Xie Ming led many Gensokyo policemen who had heard the news out of the gate.

Waiting outside the door is a group of neatly arranged civilian police forces with wounds on their bodies.

Rintaro, Enzhu, and Mugen are all in the front row of this unit. But at the forefront is a middle-aged man with a bald head and beard, with awe-inspiring temperament, and equipped with an exoskeleton similar to a samurai costume.

Next to him, there is a small and demure black long straight girl. The light blue armor and katana added a sharp sense to her temperament.

“The IP ranks 275, the facilitator is my chief, and the starter Mibu Asaka.”

Xie Ming faintly said the names of the two.

But this head of mine is Zheng, who has lost a leg at this time, and is standing with a samurai sword. But there was not the slightest frustration on his face, and he remained serious.

“It’s a great honor for your Excellency Uranus Temple to recognize me.”

Although that’s what I said, my head’s upright tone didn’t have the slightest positive emotion, but was full of strong irony. The policemen behind him also sneered.



Xie Ming stopped the angry policemen behind him, and asked calmly, “The purpose of my church leader’s arrival is this only?”

“Of course not.” My head is staring at Xie Ming: “Please also Uranus Temple, please lead the police of Gensokyo to join the police force and fight together.”


Xie Ming glanced at my head upright, and said faintly, “No.”

The simple two words completely angered the policemen of the police force, and almost everyone’s face was full of anger. Rentaro, Yeonju, and Mugatsu had expected such an expression on their faces a long time ago.

“Your Excellency Uranus Temple!” My dean’s upright voice couldn’t help but add anger: “Now in order to protect the Tokyo area, we need the strength of each of us!! Do you want to watch the destruction of the Tokyo area?!!!”

“Yes what’s the matter?”


The scene was silent for a moment. People like Yui, Xia Shi and Hina who understand Xie Ming’s character have already covered their faces. Even the Gensokyo residents who supported Xie Ming couldn’t help but complain.

“You won’t speak tactfully!?”

The members of the civilian police force were immediately filled with anger after their brains fell into a momentary downtime.

“You bastard!! Are you kidding us!!?”

“Damn it, go to hell!!!”

“What shit Gensokyo!!! It’s just a coward’s shell!!!”

Hearing the verbal abuse from the other party, although Gensokyo’s people were a bit speechless to their boss, it was impossible to just listen and start to fight back.

“What about you guys!?”

“A bunch of rubbish, dingy, come to find reinforcements. Isn’t it a bad attitude?!”

“That’s it! What’s your attitude, please? Give me a seat, ah, a seat!!!”

(PS: Tuxia, one of the highest salutes in Japan. It is usually used to express the deepest apology or the most sincere request for the luggage of noble people.)

You know, most of the police are not good, and some even scold others without repetition. Of course, some dumb-mouthed people can’t help but want to draw their guns.


“Stop it.”

One side is angry, and the other side is calm words. Although both sides calmed down, the gap between the two sides can be seen immediately.

My head Zheng seems to recognize this, his face is a bit ugly, but he still barely keeps calm, but his eyes are full of indifference when he looks at Xie Ming.

“Your Excellency Uranus Temple, as a policeman, guarding the people is the primary responsibility. As a person, you must have compassion. You are a strong man, and you have to use your own strength to protect other people, not ?”


Xie Ming nodded: “Isn’t everything behind me protected by me? From the hands of the people you want to protect.”

People from the civilian police force couldn’t say anything at once. Obviously, the live broadcast led by Xie Ming blew up, and they all saw it.

To be honest, watching the live broadcast, the only thought in their hearts was to relieve their anger!

That’s right, relieve your breath! Very relieved! !

Obviously, he was fighting his own lives to protect the residents, but what did he get? Only the promotion and reward of IP.

Residents still hate the police and themselves. I would never be grateful to myself because I saved them, and regard myself as a lifesaver.

The police, regard the police as a bastard robbing business.

The Self-Defense Force believes that the civilian police are unnecessary. Think they have taken away the military expenses of the Self-Defense Forces.

The residents even regarded the police as the god of plague, loathing and repelling them.

Even many policemen were thrown stones and eggs while walking on the road.

So when they saw Xie Ming humiliating the residents severely, they felt unusually relieved! It seemed that the stale air that had been suppressed in his chest had been expelled, and he was very comfortable.

One reason for the destruction of the Self-Defense Forces is that they did not cooperate with the civilian police forces. If it is cooperation, it will definitely be another situation.

And when the police did their best to fight, even my head in charge lost a leg and finally repelled the gastrointestinal army, what was the feedback?

The cynicism of the residents, as well as endless abuse.

When my cousin saw Xie Ming’s words, he drove his own morale into a slump, and said quickly.

“We are also angry about what the residents have done to Gensokyo. But the culprit has been executed by Lord Uranus Temple, so there is no need to care about it, right?”

“Even if the residents are not worth saving, this land is worth it! This is us, the land where the children you have been saving to grow up, and the children’s home! Do you want to watch it fall under the feet of the gastrointestinal creatures? ?”

The 54-year-old middle-aged man, my head teacher Zheng Zheng, knows nothing better about the faces of the residents in Tokyo area. Therefore, he did what he liked and moved the topic to the son of curse that Xie Ming valued most.


Hearing this word, Xie Ming’s always plain face showed a clear expression for the first time.

It was undisguised, a deep mockery.

“The children’s home will never be in Tokyo. It’s Gensokyo, behind me!”

This sentence, Xie Ming said with a clear conscience, and said that the tears of Hina, Xia Shi and other children standing behind him were rolling in their eyes. The starters in the civilian police force were full of gratitude.

The starters were also selected from the outer area. They also have their own companions and sisters in the outer area.

Now because of Xie Ming, the companions and sisters have had such a happy life. How can they not be grateful to Xie Ming? Had it not been for the deep bond between themselves and their partners, they would have already joined Gensokyo.

“My head, you have been asking questions just now, let me ask you a question too.” Xie Ming walked forward slowly and said as he walked.

“If one day someone planted a bomb around your home to send your family to the sky. But you successfully stopped it. But there will be another group of people who hold the righteousness of the country, the responsibility of the strong, and what morality. Human nature requires you to protect these people who want to kill your family. What will you do?”


“I will answer like that.”

Xie Ming walked to the middle, stopped, his pupils turned purple.

“Go to the Bitch of NMD!”

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