Chapter 403

“well said!!”

“The boss is mighty!!!”

“It turns out that the boss will also explode swearing hahahahahaha!!!”

The policemen of Gensokyo suddenly became a group. In this black rain environment, it seemed out of place.

On the contrary, the civilian police force was silent. Put yourself in it and think about it, who will save a group of people who had to kill your whole family before? After changing them, I even want to kill them soon!

What country, what righteousness, what morality. People are going to kill your whole family, and you still reason with them?

What a joke! ?

Because they understood, they couldn’t find any reason to refute Xie Ming.

“My head of the church, the bet between me and Shengtianzi has been explained very clearly in that live broadcast. Everyone is an adult, and they must be responsible for what they say and do.”

Xie Ming waved his hand: “So, I don’t bother to discuss these with you in this weather. Please go back.”

“Damn it!!”

Even the cunning and old cousin was upright, he couldn’t help gritting his teeth. You can’t tell the other party rationally, and you can’t beat the other party if you insist. What’s the matter?

Mibu Asaka on the side saw her partner showing such an annoyed look, and she fell into a deep struggle.

Logically, she should have taken action long ago to help my cousin come to clear the obstacles in front of me. But the other party is really acting for all children. You can’t forget your roots.

So she tried to hold the sword tightly several times, but she couldn’t help letting go and fell into a battle between heaven and man.

She is not the only one who is struggling, almost everyone has such a struggle. This is true for Yanzhu, and even more for Ki, but Rintaro has already figured out the answer.



Everyone was attracted by this shout. Xie Ming couldn’t help turning around and looking at Rentaro who strode forward.

“What’s the matter, Rentaro. Is there anything else for you?”

“Ah! Something!”

Lentaro’s eyes fixed on Xie Ming: “I want to drag you to the battlefield!”

“Oh~” A hint of surprise flashed through Xie Ming’s pupils: “You mean, you want to use force to make me succumb, right?”

“That’s right!” Rintaro put on a fighting pose: “The good and evil questions you asked me before, I still don’t understand. But, those are not important!”

“Everyone has two faces, good and evil. Perhaps, Tokyo residents now only show the evil one. However, it is absolutely wrong to deny the goodness of others just because of this!”

“It is precisely because the current world is incomparably dark, and people have shown the ugliest side, so we have to persevere and become the trivial hope in this dark world, and become the ridiculous justice in the eyes of others! ”

“So, I will still do my best to save! No matter how many times betrayed by reality, I will still bet my life for the good of mankind!!”

Everyone was touched by Rentaro’s words at this time. Yes, it is precisely because of being in the dark that the heart wants to yearn for the light.

Everyone is a part of this generation. Perhaps most people in this generation are dark and ugly, but as long as there is one person with justice and light in mind, then hope will not be cut off.

Pass this hope from generation to generation, pass on this kind of fire to others, illuminate and dispel the darkness in others’ hearts. This is an incredibly correct path, and it is also a path that will scar oneself and even the people around him.

Those who follow this path are admirable and lamentable, but they are definitely not enviable.

At least, Xie Ming will never go down this path.

Xie Ming fought so far, everything is just for protection. Guard your companions, guard your lover, guard everything you cherish.

But Rintaro’s path will make him lose his companions, his lover, and everything he cherishes. He will give up all he has for the justice in his heart.

“Then…” Xie Ming closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there was no emotion: “Let me see your enlightenment. Satomi, Lentaro.”

“Right on my mind!!”

Rentaro’s right hand and leg began to burn, revealing his true appearance. The black metal prosthesis, the left eye contracted and rotated, and a geometric figure appeared.

“That is!!”

“Mechanical soldiers…”

Hina and Rita, who are also mechanical soldiers, suddenly shrank their pupils.

“The 787th Mechanized Special Unit of the Eastern Front of the Former Ground Self-Defense Force, “New Human Creation Project”————Rentaro Satomi, join in!!”

“Tiantong-style fighting technique type two and four…”


In mid-air, Rintaro popped two metal bullet shells with his right foot, lifted it high, and then smashed it down with a thunderous force.

“Hidden Zen·Xia Hua MiZi!!”

The powerful thrust generated by the two cartridges made Rentaro’s move resemble a meteorite falling, making an ear-piercing sound.

“Killing intent fluctuates, 50%…”

Xie Ming’s body was wrapped in a thick bloody mist, and the purple light in his pupils flickered. In the face of such a powerful attack, he just turned sideways.


Like a bomb exploded, Rintaro’s right foot hit the ground heavily, leaving a huge hole. Xie Ming’s figure was firmly captured by the fast-rotating artificial eye on the left.

“Tendo-style fighting technique one type three times…”

With an extremely natural movement, he lowered his body and twisted his body. A bullet shell popped out again from the elbow of his right fist, and Rintaro rushed towards Xie Ming like an off-string arrow.

“Roller’s Deer Fugui!!”

“Spartan fighting technique, collapse blow.”

When the indifferent voice reached Ren Taro’s ears, it also brought him an extremely oppressive feeling. The analysis of the prosthetic eye has been conveyed to his brain. After receiving Xie Ming’s punch, his right arm will be directly shattered! !

But the fist has already been punched out. At this time, closing the fist and dodge will only hurt more…..


“Boom boom boom boom!!!”

Right fist and right foot each ejected two bullet shells. If Rintaro’s fist was like a tiger coming out of the mountain just now, after the addition of four bullets, it has turned into a roaring dragon.

In contrast, Xie Ming’s punches were still so plain. It’s just that there is already a layer of emerald green hand armor on his fist. Most of the bloody mist on his body was also wrapped around his right fist.

Under everyone’s gaze, the two fists slammed together.


With the waves of anger whizzing, Rintaro couldn’t control his body, backing one after another. And Xie Ming didn’t move a step. It’s just that the hand armor wrapped around the fist has shattered.

“Is your enlightenment only this level? Rentaro.”

Shaking his hand, Xie Ming looked at his opponent with a very ugly expression and said indifferently.

“how could it be possible!!!”

Roaring angrily, Rentaro’s right foot ejected three bullet shells and rushed to Xie Ming again.

“Tiantong-style fighting technique one type eight…”

“Fireworks fan!!!”

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