Chapter 404

The fist was like the tip of a spear, and Rintaro’s entire right arm was wrapped in crimson flames, and it hit Xie Ming’s head directly.

The trick of ‘Fireworks Fan’ is a straight punch with all my strength. Under the action of the cartridge, this move, no matter its speed or power, can’t be dodged by ordinary people.

In Xie Ming’s estimate, at least 150 agility points are required to avoid this trick.

I have to say that Rintaro deserves to be the protagonist of this world. Under his full-scale explosion, his strength directly entered the second-tier peak. If another substitute comes over, it is likely to have been defeated.

It is a pity that he met Xie Ming.

In the face of Rintaro’s strenuous blow, Xie Ming really wanted to give him the Shield Return, but it was better to think about it. For one thing, he and he didn’t have any deep hatred, and the return of this shield might directly make him lose the ability to fight.

The principle of the shield return is to convert the force exerted by the enemy into vibration and return it to the opponent. In addition, Xie Ming’s current shield return has reached Lv.2, comprehending the maneuvering force. Under the double action of vibration force and gyration force, Rintaro would be seriously injured directly.

Secondly, Shield Back can be regarded as one of Xie Ming’s hidden cards. Sometimes it can be used at a critical time, and it will have a miraculous effect. Although Rintaro is now equivalent to a second-tier peak combat power, it is a pity that Rintaro is not enough for Xie Ming to open his trump card.

Xie Ming also said about this battle, letting Rintaro show himself his consciousness. And until now, the village Zheng on Xie Ming’s waist has not been out of the sheath once. This point is clear to all discerning people, including Rintaro himself.

When his fist was about to touch him, Xie Ming’s toes tapped the ground, his left hand propped on Rintaro’s right arm, and his body turned 360 degrees in the air.

“It’s now!!”

Rintaro’s artificial eye quickly rotated, the super-hardened right foot shell opened, and three bullet shells were ejected directly, and the thruster ejected blue flames.

“Tiantong-style fighting technique II type eleventh…”

The powerful thrust caused Rintaro’s body to flip in the air like Xie Ming, and his right foot attacked Xie Ming’s exposed back with the power to kick the concrete wall.

“Hidden Zen·Cry Ting! UNLIMITED BURST!!!”

The Tendo-style combat techniques used by Rintaro can basically be enhanced with cartridges. With the powerful propulsion force, the attack power is further improved, and the largest enhancement level can even kill the gastrointestinal creatures in stage IV with one punch and one kick.

The biggest enhancement level is to shoot three bullets from the right foot or right hand magazine at one time. Muroto Sumire who was transformed into him called it: BURST.

Feeling the gust of wind whistling in his ears and the danger behind him, Xie Ming’s eyes narrowed slightly.

With the waist as the axis, the body twisted, and one hand had grabbed the right foot kicked by Rintaro at some point. The arms under his clothes burst into blue veins, and Xie Ming let out a low voice.

The powerful kicks did not cause any harm to Xie Ming. Instead, he landed on the ground ahead of time by kicking them. His right hand just grabbed Rintaro’s right leg and hit the ground with his body.



The pain caused by the strong impact made Rintaro let out a cry of pain. The body was directly embedded in the soft ground wet by the rain, and it seemed that he could not get up for the time being.

“How could it be…” The eyes of people with a little fighting experience were filled with unbelievable expressions.

No one, perhaps even the founder of Tendo-style combat art, never thought that someone would crack this trick like that, whether it was timing or power, it was an excellent barb kick.

The so-called layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

It is precisely because they understand that they know. How inhuman and exaggerating Xie Ming’s response was just now. The martial arts skill of leveraging the strength to fight is vividly reflected in this fall.


“See you here!”

Seeing Rintaro who was smashed to the ground, Enjo and Ki couldn’t help but let out a worried cry.

“Don’t worry, there is no killer.”

Glancing at the two of them, Xie Ming said lightly: “It’s just for the time being, I shouldn’t be able to move anymore.”

That’s right, Rintaro no longer has the power to fight. On his prosthesis, 3 rounds of 10 rounds of ammunition on his wrist have been fired, and 13 rounds of 15 rounds of ammunition on his leg have been fired. My whole body was in pain, and every time I tried to struggle to stand up, my body would groan like a protest.

Even if he stood up again, even if the amount of ammunition in the prosthetic leg was still sufficient, Rentaro still had no chance of winning. Even the most powerful three-click (BURST) can’t cause any damage to Xie Ming. What’s the use of even more ammunition?

Looking down at Rintaro, Xie Ming said calmly: “Without power, the so-called determination is completely worthless. Without power, you cannot hold on to the so-called justice.”

“Rentaro, it’s a pity that you don’t have the ability to make me succumb. The farce is over.”


Everyone in the civilian police force bowed their heads in silence. Rentaro, lying on his back, was full of unwillingness and weakness on his face. The word farce deeply stung his self-esteem.

I tried my best, but it was like a farce in the eyes of others. He couldn’t move, but his opponent was unscathed. The difference in strength is too big…

“What the hell… you are willing to do it…”

Xie Ming’s pace of leaving.

“How on earth… you are willing to make a move!! Hutaro!!!”

Rintaro hammered the ground, struggled to stand up, and roared.

“Until now… don’t you understand? Rentaro.”

In Xie Ming’s tone, there was a hint of disappointment unconsciously.

“What’s the meaning?”

“A world sinking into darkness is destined to perish. Therefore, it has no salvation value.” Xie Ming said without turning his head back.


“So, please show hope. Right? Mr. Hutaro.”

This voice, this name, everyone present couldn’t help but stare. Even Xie Ming seemed to be stuck, and did not speak for a while.

As long as the people living in the Tokyo area, whether they are the children of the curse, or residents, whether they are the initiators or promoters, they will never forget this voice, this look.

It was her, even if she encountered numerous criticisms and ridicules, and received countless ridicules and abuses, she still insisted on her duties.

“Holy…. Lord Holy Son!!!!?”

Rintaro’s face was full of astonishment, my dean’s face was full of astonishment, and Mugen’s face was full of astonishment. Hina, Xia Shi, Yeonju, all the children’s faces bloomed after a moment of confusion, and they shouted with excitement.

“Master Shengtianzi!!!”


The silver thread of the Son of Heaven was wet by the black rain, and it was a bit scattered. The clothes were also drenched in rain, which is the opposite of the dignity seen on TV. What remains unchanged is her holy temperament and…the beautiful smile.

“Mr. Houtaro, I have brought hope for the Tokyo area.”

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