Chapter 405: Apologize, Request

“I brought it, from the Tokyo area…hope.”

Following the words of the Son of Heaven, many people gradually appeared behind her. There are males, females, old and young. Different ages, different looks, but only their eyes, the emotions contained in their eyes, are the same.

Contains anticipation, contains yearning for tomorrow, contains hope. There is no discrimination against the cursed son, no rejection of the police, and some are just grateful.

“Mr. Hutaro, you are really a twister.”

Suddenly, such a sentence popped out of Shengtianzi’s mouth.


Hearing the description of the Son of Heaven, the civilian police force and even most people in Gensokyo opened their mouths wide. He, awkward? ! No, no, no, how come he has nothing to do with the word awkward?

Only Xia Shi, Hina, Yui and others, covered their mouths and laughed.

Xie Ming is not awkward? No, they haven’t seen anyone more awkward than Xie Ming. However, this awkwardness hides deeply. It is not someone who is close to him. He will not think about it at all, but will only feel that he is cold and ruthless.

The Son of Heaven also understood this after countless thoughts and countless recollections of Xie Ming’s actions.

Every time, when Sheng Tianzi or other people wanted Xie Ming to help the residents of Tokyo area, Xie Ming always said such a sentence.

“They, what reason do I have to save?”

Yes, when I recall all the things I went through with Xie Ming, there will always be such a sentence. From beginning to end, Xie Ming never said that he would never save the residents of the Tokyo area.

He just wanted a reason. Want a reason, or want to see the residents, is it worth saving. What is the value of being saved for them.

If it is a person who has fallen into the darkness, in order to survive, he has lost his conscience, and has lost all his humanity and morality, who will save him? Even God will only send him to hell.

But what if the opposite is true?

In this dark world, perhaps 99% of the people have fallen into the darkness, but there will always be those 1% who have light and hope in their hearts, treat the children of the curse as equals, and yearn for peace. Aren’t these people who Xie Ming said they are worth saving?

Don’t forget, Xie Ming’s original intention was to protect, and Xie Ming’s original intention of fighting was to protect. In SAO, even if everyone did not understand and was named the ghost of vengeance, he resolutely pursued and killed the murder guild for more than half a year.

He did it for the gratitude of others? No, just because he thought most of the players in SAO were worthy of being saved, so he did it, nothing more.

Therefore, wanting Xie Ming to take action to save the Tokyo area is actually a very simple matter.

Show that the Tokyo area is worthy of being saved, the value. Let him see that there is still hope in the Tokyo area.

In this way, it is enough.

Rentaro is the kind of ultimate good person who knows that there is no hope in the Tokyo area, but he has to transform himself into the last light to save everyone, that is, the so-called Virgin. When he found the darkness in Mu Geng’s heart, he was even willing to give up his feelings and become more hostile to Mu.

What a righteous partner.

If this is another person to toss like this, it is definitely a dead end. But it is a pity that Rintaro is the leading actor in this world, so no matter how hard he toss, he is unlikely to die.

But Xie Ming is completely different. If he never found the value of saving the Tokyo area from the beginning to the end, then he would never mind letting it be destroyed like this. At most, he knocked out a few acquaintances and turned them into Gensokyo, letting them shine for the cause of Gensokyo.

The Son of Heaven was distressed, thinking for a long time, and even thought that Xie Ming was such a cold-blooded person, and wanted to give up asking Xie Ming to take action. But every time, she would think of the night when she threw herself into Xie Ming’s arms and cried.

Whenever I think of this matter, Sheng Tianzi’s heart will be filled with warmth. This is the warmth and tenderness that I have never felt since my parents passed away. With such a gentle person, how can he be a cold-blooded person?

Xie Ming, definitely won’t be such a person. The Son of Heaven is convinced of this in his heart.

It was precisely because the Son of Heaven did not waver to trust Xie Ming that she realized the meaning contained in Xie Ming’s words. So she brought the residents here today.

“Mr. Hutaro, you have always said that you have no reason to save the residents of the Tokyo area because they have no value in saving.”

Shengtianzi gently stroked the scattered hair on his forehead with his hand, and then said softly.

“Indeed, if it is a country where all residents are obsessed with darkness, full of madness and hysteria, then there is no value in saving. Because even if it is saved, the country will be destroyed because of other things.”

“For the things that some residents have done to Gensokyo and the children. I am deeply disappointed and sad, but I will not completely lose confidence in them because of this. This is not only because I belong to this country. Leader, but because I know that there is hope in this country.”

“The people behind me are all people who came from that era, the dark era that was harmed by primitive gut creatures. They are also the “predatory generation”, but they are ashamed of those who did such a frenzied thing. .”

“So, I am not the leader of the Tokyo area today, nor is I a holy emperor. As an ordinary girl, I apologize to Hutaro-san and everyone in Gensokyo for what I have done for others with everyone. .”

The Son of Heaven, bowed deeply.

“Really, I’m very sorry.”

“Really, I’m very sorry!!!”

Following the actions of the Son of Heaven, nearly a thousand people behind her also bowed. Everyone was deeply moved by this scene.


Something seems to be changing in Xie Ming’s heart.

“And one more thing.”

The Son of Heaven straightened up and raised his head: “We want to live. We don’t want to give up the hope of survival. We want to convey our hope to more people through our actions.”

“So please save us.”

The Holy Son once again bent down.

“Please save us!!!”


The residents of Gensokyo were shaking. The people of the civilian police auxiliary troops were shaking. Xie Ming’s hand holding the handle of the knife on his waist also trembled.

Ah, that’s right. This is what I want to see. People, no matter when, don’t give up hope and light. Some things in my heart seem to have broken open and transformed.

In my mind, the reminder sound of the main god sounded. But at this time Xie Ming didn’t have time to deal with it. What is the most important thing for him now?

it goes without saying.

“Ah, your wish, I have received it.”

Xie Ming showed the happiest smile ever since he came to this world.

“Your destiny, I will rewrite it!!”

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