Chapter 408

Seeing his dagger getting closer and closer to Xie Ming, the person under the black cloak flashed a trace of fierceness and pleasure.

His dagger was covered with a genotype virus that had spent a lot of money to buy materials and configure in the main god space. The virus formula is the reward he got in the advanced mission world.

Once stabbed by this dagger and the virus enters the body, then this person will start to collapse from the genes, and in a short period of tens of seconds, the seven orifices will bleed to death, and the death is extremely miserable. This is one of the two important cards he has played among the second-tier players.

The second hole card is his concealment method. It is not so much a concealment method as it is a legendary equipment.

The Secret of the Shadow

Category: Cloak

Level: Tier 2

Limitation: agility of 150 or more

Effect: Agility +40, weak point attack damage increased by 200%, critical strike rate increased by 30%, attack speed increased by 100%.

Skills: Latent (active): After opening, the substitute enters the latent state. None of the imaging observation methods below the second order can detect, and the state disappears when attacking. Duration of 1 minute, cooling for 48 hours.

As a Limin double-plus-pointed assassin surrogate, his agility has reached 170 points. Except for this somewhat high limitation, the skill effect of this piece of equipment is really too BUG.

What is an imaging observation method? It is all means to observe the state of reality in the form of images. What does it mean to be unable to be observed?

Cameras, cameras, heat-sensing machines, and the naked eye… Among the second-order generations who generally have no other means of checking the enemy, they can be called invincible.

The reason why this piece of equipment has not entered the ranks of the artifact is because its skill limit is Tier 2. Once the enemy has reconnaissance equipment or means beyond Tier 2, then this built-in skill will be tasteless.

But if there is that money, who would buy Tier 3 reconnaissance equipment? Wouldn’t it be better to buy weapons and equipment that can quickly improve your combat effectiveness, or restore items that can protect your life at critical times?

It is precisely because the substitutes generally have this idea, so many powerful second-tier substitutes are all compromised in his hands.

What about being strong? Isn’t it about to die in my hands? Hahahahaha! I don’t know if you can get anything good if you kill him. With such a strong strength, the equipment on his body is absolutely top-quality.

Really, I’m going to make a fortune! ! !

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but want to laugh wildly.

“Do you really think I didn’t find you?”

However, a faint word came into his ears. The ecstatic mood that made him disappear instantly, accompanied by a biting chill that can be felt from head to toe.

Immediately afterwards, was the tremendous force on the wrist.



The wrist was broken and the pitch-black dagger fell to the ground. The sudden severe pain couldn’t help but make him growl and kneel on the ground with his knees bent.

“I don’t know what method you used to prevent my Purple Demon Eye from observing you. The dagger, which has been a long time ago, made me feel a little threat. But unfortunately, you failed.”

Turning around, Xie Ming reached out and grabbed the man’s head and lifted it slowly.


Enduring the intense pain, the man growled.

“Why!!! Why can you detect my attack!!!?”

“Because my swordsmanship is at the Grandmaster level. A passive skill that comes with the Grandmaster level, you should know it.”


Once again, the man laughed. However, this time the laughter was full of despair.

“The second-tier grandmaster…mind eyes…how can you be in a mission world with monsters like you…”

“Perhaps, your good luck is over.”

Without a trace of emotion, Xie Ming said calmly: “Then, die.”

The weapon around the waist was unsheathed and returned to its place. The man’s head is also separated from the body.

What is the death of the surrogate? Today, Xie Ming saw it for the first time.

Like the inhabitants of the mission world, the corpse fell silently to the ground. The difference was that in front of him, a scarlet treasure chest appeared.

The only people who can see this treasure chest are those related to the main god space, or… those who have the opportunity to join the main god space.

At least, at this moment when Xie Ming got the treasure chest, he was seen by one person.

It is detected that the surrogate has obtained the bloody treasure chest, and the surrogate has three chances to draw, and can obtain the exchange points, equipment, props, and materials of the death surrogate. Do you want to draw now?


Xie Ming thought for a moment, and threw the treasure chest into the portable space. He feels inexplicably that when he draws the treasure chest at this time, he may get some weird things. and….

Lottery is more fun when everyone comes together, isn’t it?

“Ahem… In this world, the European spirit is quite sufficient… As expected, there are only those few people.”

Some strange thoughts kept popping up in his head, and Xie Ming turned and left.

At this point, the third Kanto battle was completely over.

Ended in the hands of one person.


Two days later, transport helicopters continued to fly over Gensokyo. Hanging under the helicopter is a reinforced hanging net woven with hemp rope, blocks of square giant stones of the element.

The reconstruction of Stone Tablet No. 32 has begun.

After all, this is the most important thing in a region. One second earlier can give residents of Tokyo a second of peace of mind.

The chaotic scene of the urban area has also restored the former bustling and bustling scene. It seems that the riots of the past few days have not happened. But how is it possible?

Those who fell into madness, wreaked havoc and released their own ugly hearts, have completely turned into street rats at this time. No one will sympathize with them, they will only spurn and report.

Businessmen who wanted to make a fortune taking advantage of the country’s turmoil were all banned from their business qualifications, and all their properties were confiscated, and they were all invested in urban reconstruction.

At the same time, all the damage from the third Kanto battle was presented to the residents in the form of data. Among them, the most severely degraded is the Self-Defense Forces.

An army cannot be arrogant. The supreme command of an army must never be arrogant. Being arrogant means joking about the lives of soldiers under his hands.

This time, anyone with a discerning eye can see that if it cooperates with the civilian police auxiliary forces, the Self-Defense Force will definitely not suffer such huge damage. However, the Self-Defense Forces did not.

So who will bear the responsibility? Who can afford it?

The fact is that the Son of Heaven exempted the Ministry of Defense from the responsibility. Of course, superficial effort still needs to be done, otherwise it will not give the people an explanation.

This suggestion was given by Xie Ming to the Son of Heaven.

In the current situation where the military strength of the Self-Defense Force has suffered a huge blow, there must be no more wavering. Take this opportunity to polish the inexplicable arrogance of the Ministry of Defense, and secondly take this opportunity to sell them.

Although there are more people in the Tendo family in the Ministry of Defense. However, there are many capable people who are not from the Tendo family.

In order to fight Tiantong, these people are necessary.

You know, the turmoil is not over yet.

Watching the celebration ceremony on TV, Xie Ming’s smile was very cold.

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